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WCup 2014 - PREDICTIONS (...thinking JA) - Intro & Group A

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  • WCup 2014 - PREDICTIONS (...thinking JA) - Intro & Group A

    I cannot think on the World Cup without having flashbacks to our narrow squeak into the 1998 Edition and the promise shown by our then players. Reflecting on the tremendous talent displayed year over year by successive waves of our young causes agonizing introspection on why the talent has not moved in a direction towards fulfilling its potential.

    In 1998 we arrived at the World Cup to compete in a group with Croatia, Argentina and Japan. Croatia had a wealth of football pedigree. It was a new country carved out of Yugoslavia. Argentina had already won two World Cups – Mario Kempes’ 1978 Argentina and Deigo Maradona’s 1982 Argentina. Japan’s team, like our TEAM Reggae Boyz, were newbies. …but how valiantly our Boyz fought and how determinedly they tried to play ‘real football’? It was in its attempts at execution, a magnificent display.

    The way our TEAM Reggae Boyz played did not suggest that we would have rapidly spiraled downward. …and downward we have gone. Discussions on why this downward trend in the face of Jamaica’s continuous churning out of an abundance of talent is for another day. Today and for the next several weeks we shall be consumed with World Cup 2014 – Brazil!

    Let me restate that it has been my past act to, after 1998 and with the exception of 2010, always make prediction of TEAMs advancing from the preliminary group stage and to, once the group winners and runners-up were known, previous to each succeeding match make a prediction on TEAM that I believe would emerge as winner. The final prediction is on who I think would raise the FIFA World Cup trophy.

    Based on watching many of the qualifying matches and more recently numerous practice matches/pre-tournament 'International Friendlies' my first prediction shall be: I would be surprised if the World Cup trophy winner is not one of Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Belgium or the Ivory Coast.

    I have eliminated from that group Spain and The Dutch.

    Spain is now a well-known entity. The big TEAMs have experts who have been following and scientifically dissecting Spain’s play and have been researching and creating methods that allow Spain’s players maximum running around in ‘non-threatening areas’.

    Spain has been the World's dominant TEAM since 2008. The players have aged with the TEAM and it shall be extremely difficult for these players to game over game continue to meet the physical demands of the non-stop 'buzz-saw' frantic scurrying around that their type of play demands. Wonderful inventive ‘busy-bee’ running around, highly technical players, great tactical strategy that produces highest of percentage dominance on ball possession and demands full team attack and full team defense. Such a style of play is physically draining. A superbly fit youngman’s and young TEAM’s game. A type of playing that does best with players able to maintain high energy levels for each full game. Just cannot see Spain’s players being able to keep going in this competition where the matches come thick and fast and in a country where humidity can be stifling and oppressive.

    To me the Dutch’s curse and blessing is Arjen Robben. Blessed with good pace, fast feet, creative ‘juices’ he can pull apart any defense and on his day destroy any opponent’s plans…however, when one thinks TEAM, he always plays in a manner that suggests he has a brain-lock…a fixity of purpose that locks out just about any other part of TEAM play. His way is, give me the ball and stand and observe. Stop him and you stop the Dutch. TEAM was never made to be played that way. Hey, if it is all about one player or a few players then it is no longer TEAM.

    Group predictions
    Group A




    Brazil is at home. The climate is welcome. The players are ready. The coach has been here (The World Cup and won it all) and performed twice superbly. He has won with Brazil and presented a superb Portugal.

    To win the group – BRAZIL

    The other three participants have technical players of just about equal ability, however the Croatians should prove stronger physically and be the most disciplined of the three.

    To advance as runners-up – Croatia

    Aside: Mexico could lose all 3 games and that would not be good for our CONCACAF.

    NB: Remembering 1998, Croatia will be closely watched to observe the TEAM's progress as we weep at our Reggae Boyz regression.
    Last edited by Karl; June 10, 2014, 06:28 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Group B


    Netherlands (The Dutch)



    There is not much to be said. In comments on Group A I was constrained to list reasons why Spain and The Dutch have been listed as just outside the TEAMs from which the World Cup winner should come.

    Spain and The Dutch are powerful teams. Strong in defense and relentless on attack...but my reasons for not including them in my pre-tournament list of teams most likely to lift the trophy does not bear repeating.

    To win the group - SPAIN

    To advance as runners-up - The Dutch

    Chile shall present great competition but should just fail to dent the chances of SPAIN and The Dutch advancing.

    The Australians should be all about high energy. Unfortunately, they should be 4th.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      My ball said Mexico won't come out but will get points. Careful with the second place, go see X, yuh need ah crystal ball

      Belgium and Ivory Coast? Yuh reall need a crystal ball. Karl Italy knows how to play this sort of tourney. Did you see how Senegal imploded in 02? There is a science to playing this WC. Done talk.


      • #4
        Belgium and Ivory Coast?
        So what is your thought on Belgium and Ivory Coast King Jawge? It is said that these two teams are seeing their two golden generations take the stage at this time, although Ivory Coast is slipping away because of age. Drogba, Yaya Toura, Salmon Kalou and company are not as young as they used to be. On the other hand, Hazard, Courtoise, Kompany, Lukaku, Januzaj and the galaxy of young Belgian stars are expected to give good account of themselves. It is left to be seen however.

        I am certainly looking forward to Tuesday to see the Belgians play Algeria. We will then have a better idea what they are made of.
        "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


        • #5
          Oh yuh have mi as King now (and they crowned him with thorns around his head) Well mi ball say Belgium will leave their group but then after that is when the WC really starts; the wolves will be out there. This is like Hunger games to rhatid


          • #6
            Group C



            Cote dl'voire (Ivory Coast)


            This is a group where I have vested emotional capital. Please follow me; has there ever been a TEAM from the African continent loaded with such talent?
            see: - http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/teams/t...54/groups.html

            I cannot see the Ivory Coast not winning this group, however the fast Colombians could reverse the placing.

            Japan is an excellent TEAM. Superb movement and passing has been the hallmark of this TEAM from we took note in the 1998 World Cup. Our Reggae Boyz defeated them assisted somewhat by their flagrancy in front of goal. The current TEAM is pleasing on the eye but there is still the frequent spurning of opportunities. There is a saying that a broken clock is right at least twice each day...if Japan has two good days in front of goal she could advance from this group. The out-field play shall be at times breath-taking but if Japan plays true to form the finishing shall be disappointing.

            Greece shall be unassumingly (boringly) competent without creating any semblance of upsetting the applecart.

            To win the group - Ivory Coast

            To advance as runners-up - Colombia

            NB: Remembering 1998, Japan will be closely watched to observe the TEAM's progress as we weep at our Reggae Boyz regression.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Group D


              Costa Rica



              The three teams - Uruguay, England and Italy - in contention for advancing are each in with a realistic chance of so doing.

              If I were certain of the fitness of Luis Suarez...one player (?)...I would be double sure of Uruguay's progress. If I could see in the mind of 'the mad' Roy Hudson I would perhaps be persuaded that England would also make it. For all the foregoing...the Italians will present the usual excellent defense and have potent strikers including the unpredictable...mercurial 23 year old Mario Barwuah Balotelli.

              England to break my heart and fail to advance.

              I have not seem much of Costa Rica recently. I saw one match during the flurry of recent 'International Friendlies' and they looked horrible. I select the Costa Ricans to be 4th in this group.

              To win the group – Italy

              To advance as runners-up – Uruguay
              Last edited by Karl; June 10, 2014, 10:08 PM.
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                World Cup time, so I give you your full credentiuals.

                I think Belgium and Russia should go through from Group H.
                "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                • #9
                  Group E





                  Switzerland is coming off a recent match against my currently horrible Reggae Boyz and did not impress. The Swiss appeared ponderous. The players also appeared to be lacking technically and tactically. In addition they were woeful in front of goal. Not a good TEAM.

                  Ecuador is arguably the weakest of the South American qualifiers...but the TEAM is laden with players good technically, hard runners and they play good TEAM football.

                  France is coming off a whipping of my Reggae Boyz. France is a TEAM oriented aggregation full of energy. Swift passing and continuous movement is a hallmark of play. A very good TEAM.

                  Just recently saw Honduras and this is a TEAM out of this league. The energy level should be high and it shall be interesting to see if the players can 'turn over' Switzerland.

                  To win the group - France

                  To advance as runners-up - Ecuador

                  Keen tussle between Switzerland and Honduras for the minor positions.
                  Last edited by Karl; June 11, 2014, 02:55 PM.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    Group F





                    Argentina is bursting with top quality players. In that regard it fits well within the group of teams termed favorites in the introduction. However there is the added 12th man, playing in South American. The TEAM should have a host of its citizens in the stands. Games in this first round could feel like home country games.

                    There shall be great attention given to Lionel Messi the Barcelona magician....but do not forget Real Madrid's Ángel di María. He is very fast. He is tireless. He is extremely tricky. A maker of goals and a scorer of goals.
                    I think he may even prove to be more important to his TEAM than Messi. Certainly he shall fetch and carry for Messi...in other words if Messi sparkles it shall be as a result of di Maria with help from others keeping the midfield purring.

                    Nigeria on paper has a good squad...but this TEAM has always played down to the level of its opponents. A dangerous way to approach games. However, it is too good not to at least finish as runners-up. Looking forward to what could be a titanic struggle with Argentina if that game becomes a must win for either team.

                    Bosnia-Herzevogina and Iran to take the bottom two spots.
                    Iran to show what may be in its future as it plays some slick passing and moving as is the wont of Middle Eastern and Asian TEAMs.

                    To win the group - Agentina

                    To be runners-up - Nigeria
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Group G - The Group Of Death





                      The first impression of the line-up is,
                      That is the order in which they shall finish!
                      Nothing could be that easy.

                      Germany shall win the group. TEAM! TEAM! TEAM! That is the German forte! ...plus they are strong, fast, technical proficient and mentally strong.

                      Portugal - Has too often been fragile...weak mentally. Good players but...

                      Ghana - Strong players who shall give strong effort from the first whistle to the last. The problem they have always had is, at crucial phases of the game a player goes for personal glory at the expense of simple TEAM play that would bring a goal. ...and it matters not if that goal is desperately needed. The question...the only question is, will Ghana bring TEAM discipline and willingness to ignore personal ambition and subjugate same to the pursuit of TEAM glory. If that playing TEAM...1st, 2nd, 3rd...to infinity comes through even the vaulted Germans could be in danger of not winning the group.

                      USA! USA! USA! The TEAM USA could surprise. This TEAM with less individual quality when compared to many and certainly when compared to The Dutch has the exact same problem that Arjen Robben's TEAM has. Substitute Clint Dempsey for Arjen Robben when seeking the individual who ignores TEAM-mates and makes it all about self. This TEAM USA has 10 fair players who think TEAM 24-hours per day. They live and die for TEAM USA. Dempsey is the fault-line...the man with greatest technical skill on the TEAM and man who wastes same as he frequently goes on an ego trip. If he can control himself and play for TEAM...ALWAYS, then it becomes his TEAM USA! ...and an upset would be on the cards.

                      To win the group - Germany]

                      Dog-fight for runners-up spot that goes to (fingers crossed hoping Dempsey is all about TEAM) - USA!

                      No easy games in this group.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Group H




                        Korea Republic

                        I invite you to return to my first post listing Belgium as dark horse to lift the trophy. A young TEAM with abundance of talent. No egos...just TEAM! Fast minds, fast feet, fast across ground, strong TEAM playing group. Wins the group. ...with the solid, TEAM-playing Russia as runners-up. These two are the pick of the group with comfortable margins.

                        Algeria another Middle Eastern country should show well and provide some slick passing and movement.

                        Korea Republic?
                        We just saw this team in action and I cannot believe they are that bad. Still even if they show they are somewhat better that the last showing it shall not be good enough to make a dent in this group. End of this round of group play? Home! Hooome! Hooome!

                        To win the group - Belgium

                        To advance as runners-up - Russia
                        Last edited by Karl; June 10, 2014, 10:14 PM.
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #13
                          World Cup - TEAMs profile

                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            Yuh nah do too bad only mi ah give yuh. Yes mi crystal say Germany and US ah go through, To be honest it's only two teams the US is not comfortable to play and it's Brasil and Germany. The US has been accumulating data, analyzing and adjusting from all these WCs. It's only a matter of time now before the US takes it. I think Germany is the one to worry seeing that Brasil always beat themselves most of times (this a fact only Brasil has the ability to win three titles in a row if they want to). The Germans are more likely to be at a semi final or final hence one must be prepared to defeat them. For some reason Italy doesn't worry the US.


                            • #15
                              Yeah but careful my crystal never really come clear pon 2nd. Mi ah go tek it out again next week

