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8-0 is an absolutely unacceptable performance!!

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  • 8-0 is an absolutely unacceptable performance!!

    Such a massive loss means that the team was in total disarray, no clear plan, execution was poor and adjustments non existent.

    This French side as I said before was going to attack Jamaica that was clear, they beat Norway by 4 and struggled in drawing with Paraguay and were obviously looking to end on a high and the quality of the players on the squad is clearly very good.

    To get 3-0 in the first half is one thing unacceptable but to get five in the second means we got much worse, we took a giant step backwards after two small steps back and one sideways shuffle against Egypt.

    When are we ever going to learn that you cannot attack a superior opponent and not expose yourself badly when they get the ball. At least two of the goals that I saw were really poor and inadequate keeping, but at the end of the day everyone needs to eat john crow xxxx on this one, players, coach, management, losing is one thing, losing this big is a massive embarrassment and shows a total lack of pride, lack of resolve and plain calypso type mentality which is the exact opposite of what we should be aiming for. The bleacher website headlines called Jamaica minnows, I was not happy at that, but after this match we are even tinier than that we are minnow eggs, probably even smaller.

    I said this in the England game many years ago, let's not play these traditional top ten teams unless we are ready to leave it all on the field, we did not see any of that today. Switzerland though top ten is not a real top ten team just go through the lineup and you will see that, look at this French team and you realize that it is filled with excellent players, we brought our f game today and they brought their b+ game.

    So where do we go from here, we must build the foundation on defense a defensive formation with speed and skill on the counterattack, we cannot get anywhere thinking we can play this open, fluid, attacking game as I hear many talking about over and over, we must field our best team and a well worked team in encounters against the really big teams like this French team.

    Let's see what the Carib cup holds, can we actually field a team that can play to instruction, can we get coaching and management and team leadership on the same page unlike the last Carib cup which bawled out poor communication and leadership with every game. Let's see, the thing we are weakest at we must aim to be strongest at organization and execution to plan, enough with this calypso style execution, this was worse than a windies cricket performance.

  • #2
    We all understand your disappointment...

    ...but it just underlines that we current have potential but not a TEAM.

    We can be good...but currently we are naïve and do not know how to play the game. The comfort is our potential shows we have huge upside. The reservation is, we have always had potential and failed to live up to that potential.

    Reality check...on
    - 'where we are on the totem pole of World Football'...

    - the level of our top players skills set, tactical knowledge, etc...

    - for our fans who a few short days past were raving about our performances as 'worthy', a waking up to (asking of questions) questioning personal knowledge of the game. ...and a why did we think those score-lines against Egypt, Switzerland...suggested to too many of our fanz that our TEAM was within 'touching distance' when it was obvious the TEAM was 5 or more goals below the level of those TEAMs? ..showing great potential but currently awful?

    Was level of understanding of the game so 'far adrift' from reality?

    The context is, local football - coaches/teachers...the local football education system!

    Anyway you look at it these second tier players being called are there because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system.

    ...and those players from our local leagues play as they do because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system
    Last edited by Karl; June 8, 2014, 09:38 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      France either way is waaay above my team,the contrast between my team and Paraguay is more telling.
      It was actually a wonderful game,in fact had it not been for this game, we would be optimistic looking forward.
      The cracks in our defense was obvious if we looked beyond mere scoreline,but forget our defense,we repeatedly lost the ball anywhere outside our half,primarily on the right.We probably would not get out of our half if it was France will...
      Now for the good things we can take from this game.
      Our coach already has gray hair and we have to appreciate the strategy no name on the jersey(ruining players career),and finally,we now know the task at hand.


      • #4
        Karl, I would probably have been ok with a better second half, but there is nothing to take from that game. We had French ballers running free with nary a man in sight, we had French players consistently beating our guys to the ball, that comes down to just basic man on man fundamentals.

        They came to play, to put on a show, witness the thousands of French flags on hand, we did not come with nor did we execute to a plan.

        Our talent level and skill level is not near what these guys have, we must understand that, we seem to have an issue with that, our talent pool is not skilled and technical ball players our talent is raw athleticism and a competitive and physical style of play. We are not, probably never going to beat these kinds of teams by playing how these guys play, we must use what we have, the house must be built on hard defense, battling midfield and fast skillful one on one attackers. Where our challenge is, is to improve our passing game so defenders and defensive mids can quickly initiate the counter attack thus maximizing the advantages that we already have.


        • #5
          Yeah, what do we know about Paraguay, they are no better than jamaica fundamentally but they are committed to hard grinding defense style, competitive, battling, organized and they bring it Everytime.


          • #6
            Hurts our football brand, seen worldwide as jokers, less opportunities for friendlies with top tier teams.
            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


            • #7
              Stoni... face facts

              Expecting a motley bunch of itinerant snow ballas to create a consistent, committed & cohesive team is quite foolish

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                Such a massive loss means that the team was in total disarray, no clear plan, execution was poor and adjustments non existent.

                This French side as I said before was going to attack Jamaica that was clear, they beat Norway by 4 and struggled in drawing with Paraguay and were obviously looking to end on a high and the quality of the players on the squad is clearly very good.

                To get 3-0 in the first half is one thing unacceptable but to get five in the second means we got much worse, we took a giant step backwards after two small steps back and one sideways shuffle against Egypt.

                When are we ever going to learn that you cannot attack a superior opponent and not expose yourself badly when they get the ball. At least two of the goals that I saw were really poor and inadequate keeping, but at the end of the day everyone needs to eat john crow xxxx on this one, players, coach, management, losing is one thing, losing this big is a massive embarrassment and shows a total lack of pride, lack of resolve and plain calypso type mentality which is the exact opposite of what we should be aiming for. The bleacher website headlines called Jamaica minnows, I was not happy at that, but after this match we are even tinier than that we are minnow eggs, probably even smaller.

                I said this in the England game many years ago, let's not play these traditional top ten teams unless we are ready to leave it all on the field, we did not see any of that today. Switzerland though top ten is not a real top ten team just go through the lineup and you will see that, look at this French team and you realize that it is filled with excellent players, we brought our f game today and they brought their b+ game.

                So where do we go from here, we must build the foundation on defense a defensive formation with speed and skill on the counterattack, we cannot get anywhere thinking we can play this open, fluid, attacking game as I hear many talking about over and over, we must field our best team and a well worked team in encounters against the really big teams like this French team.

                Let's see what the Carib cup holds, can we actually field a team that can play to instruction, can we get coaching and management and team leadership on the same page unlike the last Carib cup which bawled out poor communication and leadership with every game. Let's see, the thing we are weakest at we must aim to be strongest at organization and execution to plan, enough with this calypso style execution, this was worse than a windies cricket performance.
                Stonie, first of all, I did not see the match, so I can't comment on the specific performance. What I do believe however, is that the idea of Jamaica expecting a big performance away to a powerhouse like France was a fool's illusion to begin with. However, I agree that on the surface 8-0 is below any level of acceptability. That said, we can only look forward, so I ask, were there any positives? Second, what would we have done differently were this a Jamaica home match (where our record is decidedly better)?
                "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

                X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                  Karl, I would probably have been ok with a better second half, but there is nothing to take from that game.
                  Understand...but sometimes it takes this type eye-opener to wake up and realize where we are and to then understand what we need to do - how to think and execute plays - to raise our standards.

                  We had French ballers running free with nary a man in sight, we had French players consistently beating our guys to the ball, that comes down to just basic man on man fundamentals.
                  They were just thinking and acting faster than we were used to. They understand the game. We do not!

                  They came to play, to put on a show, witness the thousands of French flags on hand, we did not come with nor did we execute to a plan.
                  We currently are in a fog. We see the players around and the French TEAM acting=doing things and cannot see or understand we should ape that quick continuous movement and immediate passing of the ball. We see their runs in reaction to position of the ball and man on the ball...and fail to do same when our man is in a similar position on the field and with the ball in 'identical position'.

                  We do not train ourselves to firstly, understand the why and wherefore of those movements and continuous passing...
                  ...so secondly...following on not understanding the concepts,
                  how then can we execute?

                  Hell the reason our local footballers play as they do...is the teachers/coaches 'see but do not understand'. They are ignorant to the concepts of time and space/passing and movement...continuous passing and movement and doing so in 'fast time beat'. They do not realize that "Football is a game of SUDDEN". The aim is to continuously keep the opponent off-balance and the key to so doing is via movement and passing...and the swifter done the greater %age chance of the opponent being late to the play.

                  They cannot understand why the ball should be kept moving from TEAMmate to TEAMmate even when there is no pressure from opponent (player) as it moves opponent's TEAM around reacting to such passing and therefore reacting. As the word reacting suggests it means always being 'late'...to the play. It is a concept that our 'tek hit tuh im'/dribble and dribble and dribble at each and every occasion=dwell on the ball 'fights' against...an anti-football imbedded conditioned reflex trait....a dumb act/a wrong/incorrect concept that our teachers/coaches teach building a conditioned reflex action.

                  Our talent level and skill level is not near what these guys have, we must understand that, we seem to have an issue with that.
                  We are not as far behind there. ...but you are right on point in that our players ...(and local coaches)...do not recognize the gap between our skill level and our opponents. ...and equally our players (...and coaches)...do not recognize speed of thought and following action required to get up to speed.

                  ...our talent pool is not skilled and technical ball players our talent is raw athleticism and a competitive and physical style of play.
                  We have the skills in terms of passing ability and ability to move continuously. Where we are most deficient the taught 'football intelligence'
                  ...we lack "football intelligence".

                  We are not, probably never going to beat these kinds of teams by playing how these guys play, we must use what we have, the house must be built on hard defense, battling midfield and fast skillful one on one attackers. Where our challenge is, is to improve our passing game so defenders and defensive mids can quickly initiate the counter attack thus maximizing the advantages that we already have.
                  We will never be able to play these types 1st class opponents as equals until our teachers/coaches start challenging themselves to knowing the 'subject matter'.

                  Our players as in the classroom on academic subjects, need to be challenged. Concepts must be understood. There must be, for the first time at last, proficiency on the 'subject matter'.

                  Aside: The current USA TEAM is better than our current squad by at least 5 goals!!! ...and that although a hard thing to swallow is the reality!!!

                  btw - Currently we shall continue to play awful football and whip most of our Caribbean second formers!!! A comfort to fools for years. Will it continue to be so for more years?
                  Last edited by Karl; June 9, 2014, 11:00 AM.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Paul Marin View Post
                      Stonie, first of all, I did not see the match, so I can't comment on the specific performance. What I do believe however, is that the idea of Jamaica expecting a big performance away to a powerhouse like France was a fool's illusion to begin with. However, I agree that on the surface 8-0 is below any level of acceptability. That said, we can only look forward, so I ask, were there any positives? Second, what would we have done differently were this a Jamaica home match (where our record is decidedly better)?
                      You know Paul, I am a sucker for punishment where My Reggae Boyz is concerned. Every succeeding match after viewing the previous 'stupid'=awful attempts at football deep in my heart I expect a bunch of intelligent well aware players to step on the field.

                      ...as I have said over the years -we are fast (enough) across ground; not one, not one person is silly/stupid/slow. Only those who had a blow to the head...etc. so I expect our players to have watched many games (even more than I do. Hey it is each players 'work', 'profession'... and hit the field smarter than in the previous match. ...damn not being born stupid I expect them to be 'dragging' their teachers/coaches along...dismissing the teacher/coaches nonsense lessons and doing 'self-taught courses'....aping the swift movement and passing/passing and movement of the World's TOP TEAMS! It makes sense to work towards TOP OF THE WORLD play and money...right?

                      Sorry to say, I have since the 1998 Senior Reggae Boyz, seen the raw talent...tremendous potential in our players - youth, through senior...male and female...and watch, even as *we have been to FIFA Age-Group Championships, poorly taught players and wretched TEAMs!!! No apologies, the talent is there - TALENT ABOUNDS - but the few players who advance to professional leagues outside of our country have done so not because of their coaches/teachers but in spite of the marring received from those coaches/teachers.

                      *Those Youth TEAMs at the FIFA Age-Group Championships have played as if they were never taught the game. Simply...we have been awful.

                      If you have doubts take a look at our 'best' performance a 1 - 1 game...I think it was against France.

                      The context is, local football - coaches/teachers...the local football education system!

                      Anyway you look at it these second tier players being called are there because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system.

                      ...and those players from our local leagues play as they do because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system
                      Last edited by Karl; June 8, 2014, 09:39 PM.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                        Such a massive loss means that the team was in total disarray, no clear plan, execution was poor and adjustments non existent.

                        This French side as I said before was going to attack Jamaica that was clear, they beat Norway by 4 and struggled in drawing with Paraguay and were obviously looking to end on a high and the quality of the players on the squad is clearly very good.

                        To get 3-0 in the first half is one thing unacceptable but to get five in the second means we got much worse, we took a giant step backwards after two small steps back and one sideways shuffle against Egypt.

                        When are we ever going to learn that you cannot attack a superior opponent and not expose yourself badly when they get the ball. At least two of the goals that I saw were really poor and inadequate keeping, but at the end of the day everyone needs to eat john crow xxxx on this one, players, coach, management, losing is one thing, losing this big is a massive embarrassment and shows a total lack of pride, lack of resolve and plain calypso type mentality which is the exact opposite of what we should be aiming for. The bleacher website headlines called Jamaica minnows, I was not happy at that, but after this match we are even tinier than that we are minnow eggs, probably even smaller.

                        I said this in the England game many years ago, let's not play these traditional top ten teams unless we are ready to leave it all on the field, we did not see any of that today. Switzerland though top ten is not a real top ten team just go through the lineup and you will see that, look at this French team and you realize that it is filled with excellent players, we brought our f game today and they brought their b+ game.

                        So where do we go from here, we must build the foundation on defense a defensive formation with speed and skill on the counterattack, we cannot get anywhere thinking we can play this open, fluid, attacking game as I hear many talking about over and over, we must field our best team and a well worked team in encounters against the really big teams like this French team.

                        Let's see what the Carib cup holds, can we actually field a team that can play to instruction, can we get coaching and management and team leadership on the same page unlike the last Carib cup which bawled out poor communication and leadership with every game. Let's see, the thing we are weakest at we must aim to be strongest at organization and execution to plan, enough with this calypso style execution, this was worse than a windies cricket performance.
                        Heh Heh!

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          That 1-1 draw with France at the U17 level was with local footballers.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            Mocking us before whipping us!


                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Karl View Post
                              You know Paul, I am a sucker for punishment where My Reggae Boyz is concerned. Every succeeding match after viewing the previous 'stupid'=awful attempts at football deep in my heart I expect a bunch of intelligent well aware players to step on the field.

                              ...as I have said over the years -we are fast (enough) across ground; not one, not one person is silly/stupid/slow. Only those who had a blow to the head...etc. so I expect our players to have watched many games (even more than I do. Hey it is each players 'work', 'profession'... and hit the field smarter than in the previous match. ...damn not being born stupid I expect them to be 'dragging' their teachers/coaches along...dismissing the teacher/coaches nonsense lessons and doing 'self-taught courses'....aping the swift movement and passing/passing and movement of the World's TOP TEAMS! It makes sense to work towards TOP OF THE WORLD play and money...right?

                              Sorry to say, I have since the 1998 Senior Reggae Boyz, seen the raw talent...tremendous potential in our players - youth, through senior...male and female...and watch, even as *we have been to FIFA Age-Group Championships, poorly taught players and wretched TEAMs!!! No apologies, the talent is there - TALENT ABOUNDS - but the few players who advance to professional leagues outside of our country have done so not because of their coaches/teachers but in spite of the marring received from those coaches/teachers.

                              *Those Youth TEAMs at the FIFA Age-Group Championships have played as if they were never taught the game. Simply...we have been awful.

                              If you have doubts take a look at our 'best' performance a 1 - 1 game...I think it was against France.

                              The context is, local football - coaches/teachers...the local football education system!

                              Anyway you look at it these second tier players being called are there because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system.

                              ...and those players from our local leagues play as they do because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system
                              "and those players from our local leagues play as they do because of lack of good teaching within our local football education system"...

                              I disagree. I think they "play as they do"..."because of lack of good teaching within our local EDUCATION system", not "local FOOTBALL EDUCATION system". Our inability to learn football (and everything else) stems from our deplorable school system. Fix that, and our football, economy, social order etc. etc. etc. will follow. And it is a fix, because at one time, it was not broken - at least, it was far better than it is now.

                              I tell people up here in America that when I went to JC in 1972, we had a horseback riding club, a shooting team, cadets, scouts etc. etc. Teachers would come from England to Jamaica to teach - Americans look at me in disbelief. But as you know, that was then, now it's a joke. That is the system that produced great cricketers (our sport of choice back then) like Rowe, Foster, Holding, etc. And let's not forget the generation of gentlemen cricketers before them (Headley etc.). Anyway, you are old enough to get my point. Independence was the worst thing to have happened to us, we were simply not ready to manage our own affairs. That is the painful truth.
                              "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

                              X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...

