HL...and I guess Lazie is also watching so, - You too Lazie
Do you see any difference in talent between these guys - some of the World's best. Certainly their countries best. - and our local bred U21s?
...and just to be fair and give my opinion up front - Only on tactics - knowledge of how the game is played within TEAM structure and objectives/objects - are these superior to our local players. Just underscores TALENT ABOUNDS! ...but 'quality school/teaching' making the lack of maximizing on same of our locals lagging behind.=Our local talented? Great! Our local TEAM play? Tremendously AWFUL!
...and on joke note - These guys (all teams) are lousy singers! Cannot hold a note!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
On the contrary Karl, it is good that 'we' are spared the embarrassment of participating.....
Don't know if you can recall (far enough) to the last FIFA WC U-20 qualifications...where Jamaica took part.
Of course we would be embarrassed but that would be because our talented players have had poor teachers/coaches. We would be as good technically and in many cases have superior speed across ground, quick feet and 'good bruking ability (one on-one beating ability) but we would be awful as TEAM and give away the ball at just about every occasion. We would be hammered or luckily not.
These U-21s are not as talented as our youngsters where physical ability, pace and quick feet is concerned. The difference is they have been taught the game.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."