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  • Fear!

    Both Liverpool and ManCity has been showing some of that before today's game.

    btw - Interesting to see Luis Suarez changing...OK! ...modifying his game in his attempt to drive his TEAM across the finish line. The guy going into these final 3 or 4 games became more of a passer. Even passing up what for him would be reasonable position to attempt scoring to set up other players.

    ...secondly, this was a bad day for him to be sick and not hi usual FULL 100. His work-rate although great for some other excellent players was way below his usual extremely high rate. He was also...particularly late in the game...slower to react and slower in 'pace across ground'.

    Tough Liverpool day!

    --- Now to seeing tomorrow if ManCity can overcome FEAR!
    Let us hope Villa turns in physical effort on par with today's Crystal Palace. Would love to see another thrilling game.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."