...is Liverpool now considered "Jamaica's Team"? Jes' axin'...
I remember when I was a little bwoy, how everyone in JA was a Leeds fan, now me haffi look long and hard fi find them...maybe Karl used to be one. Then...after Barnsy join Liverpool, everybody talking Liverpool, but back then, with only the privileged having satellite TV, only a few really got to see him play. Then Slurgie bring him tiefin' side and man like Jangle popup (from the back of a LFC closet). Then when Big Sam signed Bibi, nuff man support Bolton before relegation..and now we see people a jump on an off of the City wagon (X, HL (Fulham man), Bricktop). So with JA blood Sterling and Sturridge a tear it up for the MIGHTY REDS, me ah wonda if fi wi wagon ago big enuf fi hol' all di ya'd man dat want fi jump een fi di ride.