They are passing faster...moving faster...showing quicker feet... It shows TALENT ABOUNDS!
Still not quick enough, still not good technically...but clearly the inherent potential is there in most of the players for vast improvement. What then has them playing the way they are?
Answer: The teachers/coaches!!!
Now it can also be said that the improved playing style must have been influenced by the coach (coaching staff)...if so, then in points to, in the coaching staff TALENT ABOUNDS! What then has had the coaching staff having Portmore playing they it currently plays?
Answer: The teachers of the teachers/coaches of Portmore!!!
What would it take to have Portmore (and our other TEAMs...schools, corner leagues, Parishes, RSPL/NPL...National TEAMs) break out of the way current players and embrace 1st World type play?
Answer: A willingness to recognize that the way we play - 'the product': players and TEAMs - if just not "it'.
The Portmore players have no composure on the ball...when the ball is played to them they get all tight and uncomfortable and do foolishness with the ball...
That is a Yes...and a NO!
Granted they were playing a makeshift team i.e. a team with many reserves...but anyone who did not see marked improvement in the Portmore players efforts is so biased - (We all are...have our biases) - that attempts at rational outlook has flown their coop.
Yes the players lack composure but the league from which they are drawn has that running throughout.
I think we should accept the facts yet look on the positive side. For many of the Portmore players 'the ship has sailed' but it hurts to think on the 'what if(s). The players clear showed that the potential for development into good players was there.
I am looking forward to the next match to see if the players can continue the type massive improvement (quick learn) shown within the two matches played.
Cho Bricktop man...put in a word on the positives along with the critical input. Sure you are correct on your observations but remember Portmore is waay down the local RSPL you wonder on where good teaching/coaching could take us?
TALENT ABOUNDS! the way come eeen Lazie?
Remember a few short months...or is now years...past you were skeptical about TALENT ABOUNDS? What is current position?
we have the physical tools...and nothing football technical first touch...nada...i see them taking up to three touches to get a ball under control...
we have the physical tools...and nothing football technical first touch...nada...i see them taking up to three touches to get a ball under control...
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Watched most of the game & thought that Portmore would have taken a more aggressive/attacking approach since 1. Portland is still in preseason & building match fitness and chemistry, and 2. Portland fielded a "second 11" team......They got a well deserved draw & hope to see the San Jose game.
NOTE: Kahri Stephenson training with San Jose, hoping to secure a contract.