"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
or democracy an land of justice an di ongle justice some get ah injustice. Wi nuh question di bull buck an duppy conqueror, wi jus kin teeth pan it an seh greatest ting.
If you can write "There MAY be hunger in the US but malnutrition I would sorta disagree", it shows how out of touch you are with reality.
Do you think they have food banks, school feeding programs, feeding centers, etc. just for the heck of it???
You NEED to venture out in the REAL world & while you're at it do some VOLUNTEERING.
Oh!!! if you can't feed your body, I don't think you're getting the nutrients you need to properly develop......What is that called???
In otherwords: Why does Jamaica have an ABUNDANCE of football talent, BUT has a lingering problem with always losing.
Teaching...good teaching is non-existent.
Teachers need subject knowledge to be able to encourage...assist students development. Unfortunately for us our football teachers are themselves ignorant.
The lack of subject knowledge and therefore ability to impart necessary knowledge results in the abundance of talent at their disposal being left underdeveloped and indeed, undeveloped.
Really not hard to understand. What is amazing is how the only demonstrated top quality footballer of our recent past, Ricardo "Bibi" Gardner, beat his early 'marring' to become the player he was!
It is amazing that so many of our poorly taught players have overcome the barriers set up by their local teachers to become professionals in professional leagues across the Globe. Talent overcame misleading instructions and misdirected love of the game by incompetent teachers. ...our souls should weep for the many denied upward social mobility by those well-thinking but misguided persons who were...and those still in the football classrooms...are teachers in name only.
Talent abounds...but is being actively...though inadvertently...crushed!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Teaching...good teaching is non-existent.
Teachers need subject knowledge to be able to encourage...assist students development. Unfortunately for us our football teachers are themselves ignorant.
The lack of subject knowledge and therefore ability to impart necessary knowledge results in the abundance of talent at their disposal being left underdeveloped and indeed, undeveloped.
Really not hard to understand. What is amazing is how the only demonstrated top quality footballer of our recent past, Ricardo "Bibi" Gardner, beat his early 'marring' to become the player he was!
It is amazing that so many of our poorly taught players have overcome the barriers set up by their local teachers to become professionals in professional leagues across the Globe. Talent overcame misleading instructions and misdirected love of the game by incompetent teachers. ...our souls should weep for the many denied upward social mobility by those well-thinking but misguided persons who were...and those still in the football classrooms...are teachers in name only.
Talent abounds...but is being actively...though inadvertently...crushed!
This "Snow Balla" vs. "Local Talent" argument between you all profoundly demonstrates the larger problems we face as a nation. It is obvious we lack the ability to take time to analyze, understand and compromise in the interest of reaching a common vision and mutually agreed upon execution framework.
In my opinion - raw talent in Jamaica does abound, but as Karl correctly points out, the teaching is not there. I think we can all agree that we should not take steps to aggressively develop that talent. Secondly, it is foolhardy for us to consider the "snow ballas" as "foreigners". They are Jamaicans. End of story. Who among you would have any of us label your child a foreigner were he - through no doing of his own - be transplanted to another country being of Jamaican heritage? Silly.
So the way forward in my opinion is to recognize that we need to leverage our people no matter where they reside and figure out what our goals are for the next 30 years and start working diligently towards putting together what we need to have in order to achieve them. This would have to factor in both local development and exploitation of foreign based talent. But that will never happen if we fail to realize that we have to work together and stop the arguments. Yes, talent abounds, but snow ballas are not foreigners. Fi mi tuppance.
X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...