Originally posted by HL
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I am speaking of that "talent" that is capable of development to good quality professional footballer, when compared to "talent" found in other nations relative to size and population. Of that talent we are bless with an abundance.
As it pertains to excess in today's world there is no nation with an excess of talent.
Abundance? Yes!
Excess? No!
As far as nations go, talent is there to be developed and to be used, either internally or externally, to the benefit of the nation that produced the talent.
Look at Brazil?
It produces on a yearly basis footballers to have it field national teams that promote and earn for its coffers...and enough to ply trade in other lands to add intrinsic value to country and its product "football"...and additional value in terms of the earnings of those players (...and use to which put to aid Brazil - Repatriated as investment in family, friends and acquaintances and investment in private sector ventures and prop to Government of Brazil in many ways - e.g. directly and indirectly).
It would be madness to conclude we were producing footballers in excess if we produced footballers in the same numbers as Brazil or even more. Abundance? Yes!

Excess? ...what, excess?

Absolutely and emphatically, No!

HL: The above "Look at Brazil" is merely asking you to think on abundance and excess.
Agreed...indeed a response is not needed.