Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Better believe it Karl. I was in a discussion yesterday with a town man on the same topic. He greed that school boy soccer is killing Ja's development.We also agreed that at 17-19 a kid should be in a pro youth team for the game.If you are 17 and not in a pro setting then you are way behind the elites and chancs are you will not play top flight football.
The proof is in the pudding: In Brazil 17 year olds (that show promise) are introduced o D1 football. Ja's national team (even with UB40) is yet to beat a D1 team in Brasil. They can defeat or tie with the D2s of Brasil.
Prof.Simoes is correct in his thinking towards high school football in Ja.
is the fact that it was a "town man" relevant? if so, how? i wonder if this "town" man say to his friends ... "yesterday i was talking to a country man"?
subtle ways of perpetuating a divide ... even when it is of no relevance
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
Thought about it and included it. These are the subtleties in the language a computer wouldn't understand. By saying town man it sends a message that he is close to what's going on (seeing that Ja is highly centralized and most is in KGN unlike the states) Matter of fact he told me that the first time he heard of Tegat he brushed him off as "cho ah country ballla dat" He said on seeing Tegat in an INT'L game at the office, changed him. He said "one touch" that's all it took.
Yes I'm sure he may say I spoke with a country man; this in turn causes the listener to identify who the speaker wants to talk about (based on Ja's demographics) It's an old colonial vice in time hopefully the younger ones will move away from it (because it's what you say it is: a division. It's fading as now it's being used as a marker)
He identified some faults with ja's youth football. He says from prep school kids with potential is told he's a star. This kid is not coached/taught the game he is only recruited by primary then high school then clubs to win games. This way you see them showing up with poor habits on the national team. He knows some of Ja's balla and told me some stuff (see why I said town man). Ja does not take the sport seriously.
He told me of a coaching seminar how a coach from the US federation came and told them that the US was on a project to make a name in soccer within ten years (this was 90s) Lo and behold in 202 they made quarter finals. This impressed him as the US made deadlines and met them. It was a good conversation.