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Support Overseas Players - Schäfer. He does not get it!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Lionpaw View Post
    How is he spot on? Karl mi expect better from a big man who supposed to have sense. How can he use Germany as a benchmark when all those players he mentioned have been in Germany for years and came up in the German system. Isn't that totally different from a player coming to Jamaica perhaps for the first time to represent the country? Come on Karl have sense.
    If you put it that way and leave out the fact that unlike Germany more Jamaicans live outside of the country than in...then there is some credence to what you are alluding.

    ...but how can you leave out our particular unique situation of having more citizens living outside of the island than inside it?

    ...then there is the little matter of relative football organization.

    Lionpaw: You have jumped too far ahead.
    You have in your mind a Jamaica with equal development system - cradle to national senior team - where like the present Germany our local on the island developed talent in majority of cases surpass that of our citizens outside of the island. We are not there...yet!!!

    The little matter of building the system that shall get us there is not even yet conceived by our football leaders.

    Tek hit he-sey, boss.
    Di bredda rite!
    We are were we are!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #47



      • #48
        That's my view. What is yours? Why would someone agree with statements that were not true?

        A reasonable discussion? Huh?!

        Paul, Karl chose to agree to many things that could not have been further from the truth.

        At least two of the four players named were born in Germany. All were brought up in Germany pretty much, honing their skills there.

        I cannot believe that Schafer does not know this. Seems he was deliberately misleading in order to make a point.

        If his point was we should welcome players no matter where they are from - fine. He could have just come out and say so. But he jolly well knows that our situation is much different. You and I know what makes it different. No need to go thru that again.

        It is hardly a stretch for me to conclude his response had a race slant because as a people we do suffer from such a mentality. You hear it all the time. "Anything too black can't good." "Di driver skill eh! If a did one black man dah pickney deh dead!"

        We see it on the football field all the time. Players will tell you that the few farin coaches who have worked in Jamaica have hardly brought anything different to the table but they get more respect. Why?

        Schafer was so wrong on so many levels that anyone who agrees with him to the point where they thought he was spot on, must have some issues. I think it's a mental slavery problem, what are your views?


