How your academies should be financed, was not the question. The question asked was on program - development and operation - within your academy and necessary staffing.
Luckily there has been precedent set in this need to reinvent the wheel
Le duh...just like Jermaine Huey preferred to play for Harbour View than in Scandinavia...Benbow preferred to play for St Georges...mussi Caldon Merchant Bank yuh a talk *snicker*
1. unless we are going to have specoialist football schools ... OH THEY ARE CALLED ACADEMIES!
2. let us say you are right, how does/did that help Benbow?
Yuh gettin ole...
...too often now yuh figet di thread of argument.
Questions were posed: What is to be learned or could be learned or what inferences could be drawn on Benbow's failure to strike a deal with the club?
However, let me respond to your question: For Benbow, his parents/guardians, his football teachers/coaches and his school this is a learning situation. They need to sit and review his situation. ...and respond as to the findings and as the findings of that review demand.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Our high schools are ill equipped To mould young footballing talent. Ecause that is not their primary focus and should not be so!
Benbow is a standout high school footballer BUT he is not up to the standard .... While he is in class other 18 y o are in a professional environment ... Chalk to cheese! How can he compete with them unless he is über talented and developed?
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
Our high schools are ill equipped To mould young academic talent. Ecause that is not their primary focus and should not be so!
How many kids work at football?
how many kids work mathematics?
Now you tell me that mathematics is an academic subject and that is the primary focus... What do those results show when compared with world professional standards?
Guess your answer is, they cannot be compared.
Boss, I have no doubt that the answer lies in the type 'education environment' our young talents find themselves.
Chalk to cheese! How can he compete with them unless he is über talented and developed?
My point exactly!!!
You need to improve the 'education environment'....not abandon it!
Using your 'line of thought' we should dump our schools as their is tremendous failure at developing our talented youngsters. That I hold would be damn foolish act.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
the educytion environment is primarily focused on academics and sports are extra-curricular becaue all work and no play etc... with the "buying" of players we have created a hybrid which works for d-cup nad Manning Cup but is inadequate in a professional environment.
using my logic extra curricular football ought to continue as it is good for school morale and has been going on for many many years and is steeped in tradition.
we need to MOVE from that model in order to take our football forward as it is wholly inadequate to allow us to compete at that level internationally. perhaps within the CFU but not on a wider scale, the evidence is there. we have failed more often than we have succeded.
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
An 18 year old 5th former? Suggests he is far from where he needs to be with his academics.
The union academy is supposed to be u14s, u16s and u18s and they are supposed to attend the school. He older than the other academy candidates they are considering, yet probably far behind where he should be with his schoolwork.
Yuh seit!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
The youth that went to Valencia and then released after a few years is more troubling,they knew Benbow's age, and the less than two weeks is waaay too short of a time....
Something is not being revealed,and my guess is Bell isn't telling.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.