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Reggae Boyz showed great potential...

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  • Reggae Boyz showed great potential...

    Means not good enough...but could have been.

    Garath McCleary worked hard but I think he cost us this match. So often he and his teammates did the heavy lifting and he destroyed it by taking shots when no way on God's Earth should he have. A simple pass to one of his TEAMmates...in the first half on occasions to King.

    Good goal by Tuffy.
    ...however, in the short time he was on the field he showed us all the reasons he is not a thinking man. In another match he could have picked up 2 yellows...and that before he had scored.

    ...but Tuffy is man and under the right coach surely he would forego the fouls and stick to playing with his teammates and scoring.

    ...again, very good goal by him. Movement and finishing was top class.

    The defense and our midfield was excellent ...save the silly defender not meeting our goalkeeper's pass to him and the following silly error by the goalkeeper not saving at his near post.

    ...our forwards - King unfit and although we could see him working sensibly save for his offsides...his physical condition limited his effectiveness. By his standards and by world standards he was poor.

    So was Shelton. He just refuses to play with his TEAMmates. I do not know what any coach can do with him...save slap him across his face a few times when he should pass the ball or meet the ball or help out...that would be an awful lot of slaps.

    ...but perhaps he would then become fed-up and start sharing the ball, etc. to reduce or eliminate the slaps?

    McCleary (midfielder) should also get slaps for not making that final pass and wasting the ball with the taking of those hopeful shots... What is with that?

    So ratings for our forwards, even taking into account Tuffy's excellent goal -

    In the scheme of our preparation or more accurately lack thereof we reaped what we sowed - Failure to plan and thus we FAILED!

    Last edited by Karl; September 10, 2013, 10:16 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    I thought McAnuff tend to hold the ball too much and lose it too often.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      we missed Ricketts tonight -:
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          we missed Ricketts tonight -:
          To me he was ok until that one stupid play. We have been our worst enemies at key points during these world cup qualifiers.


          • #6
            It is difficult to see how that one would have gone by him.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              I prefer Mcallum still. he might not be as good a shot stopper as ricketts, though he is pretty close, but more importantly, he distributes the ball well unlike ricketts who likes to give back possession to the opposition. we looked more organized with mcallum throwing out the ball to start the play instead of seeing ricketts kicking it out of touch. would prefer if ricketts don't play next match


              • #8
                You blame the defender???!!!!

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                  You blame the defender???!!!!
                  Here is instruction from my 1969 class -
                  One of the things we try to do in a football game is deny the opponent the ball. Therefore each player is obliged to do all in his power to achieve that goal.

                  Will you succeed on every occasion you try to deny the opponent the ball?
                  The answer is, No!

                  ...but we do understand that each member of the TEAM must work hardest to deny the opponent the ball? Do we understand that?

                  OK! ...seeing we are all agreed on that.

                  What must you do in a situation where a ball is passed to you very slowly?

                  You say your teammate should have passed with greater weight or more accurately or he should have done both. .

                  I agree! ...however, do you think that absolves you from doing your part? Do you think you should not have tried your hardest to deny the opponent the ball?

                  The entire class erupts - Of course not!
                  ...that helps denying the ball to the opponent and helps our TEAM, my TEAM!!!


                  Yes, Gamma the defender did not do his part. The goalkeeper sent him a lousy pass. ...and that was wrong.

                  Our defender saw the weight of the ball/the speed with which the ball was on its way to him...just as did the attacker. The attacker who did his hardest to deny his opponent the ball...and succeeded...only was successful because our defender did not try his hardest to deny him the ball.

                  Hell the attacker ran 'miles' further and by our defender to the ball.

                  What the hell was our defender waiting for? ...the attacker to say to him, "you first"?

                  Our defender played **** poor!!!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    The defender was going one way (away from the ball) and the attacker going towards the ball, the. All was so lousy that the attacker had the advantage.

                    If that bad pass was not made in such a sensitive area we would not be having this discussion. Worse the goalie was beaten at his near post. Maybe in 1969 that would have been ok, who knows?

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      They say as you get older, your long-term memory gets better. Impressive Karl! I bet you cannot recall what they served for dinner a week ago at Shady Pines? Scratch that, make that two days ago?
                      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Karl View Post
                        Means not good enough...but could have been.

                        Garath McCleary worked hard but I think he cost us this match. So often he and his teammates did the heavy lifting and he destroyed it by taking shots when no way on God's Earth should he have. A simple pass to one of his TEAMmates...in the first half on occasions to King.

                        Good goal by Tuffy.
                        ...however, in the short time he was on the field he showed us all the reasons he is not a thinking man. In another match he could have picked up 2 yellows...and that before he had scored.

                        ...but Tuffy is man and under the right coach surely he would forego the fouls and stick to playing with his teammates and scoring.

                        ...again, very good goal by him. Movement and finishing was top class.

                        The defense and our midfield was excellent ...save the silly defender not meeting our goalkeeper's pass to him and the following silly error by the goalkeeper not saving at his near post.

                        ...our forwards - King unfit and although we could see him working sensibly save for his offsides...his physical condition limited his effectiveness. By his standards and by world standards he was poor.

                        So was Shelton. He just refuses to play with his TEAMmates. I do not know what any coach can do with him...save slap him across his face a few times when he should pass the ball or meet the ball or help out...that would be an awful lot of slaps.

                        ...but perhaps he would then become fed-up and start sharing the ball, etc. to reduce or eliminate the slaps?

                        McCleary (midfielder) should also get slaps for not making that final pass and wasting the ball with the taking of those hopeful shots... What is with that?

                        So ratings for our forwards, even taking into account Tuffy's excellent goal -

                        In the scheme of our preparation or more accurately lack thereof we reaped what we sowed - Failure to plan and thus we FAILED!

                        Much to build on, the organisation and defensive shape over the last 2 games were very good we finally look rock solid at the back. We are short in midfield though, we are using wingers to play central midfield which is a hinderance and this 3-5-2 shape is crying out for Demar Phillips, he has been a massive lost he would have given us a better balance on the left and a more attacking threat. Everyone worked hard and gave it everything it was a shame we couldn't pick up the 3 points.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                          The defender was going one way (away from the ball) and the attacker going towards the ball, the. All was so lousy that the attacker had the advantage.
                          Can I invite you to look at the video once again?

                          If that bad pass was not made in such a sensitive area we would not be having this discussion.
                          You are correct. The pass started the sequence of events.

                          Worse the goalie was beaten at his near post. Maybe in 1969 that would have been ok, who knows?
                          Nope in 1969 that would not have been acceptable...and I did learn, it was not acceptable even before that.

                          No siree ,Bob - goalie being beaten at near post is likened to having committed a 'crime'.
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            so the goalie committed 2 errors the last of which is what actually caused the ball to go into the net, the defender commited one error 1, if i buy your argument ... but yet it is the defender's fault?

                            something is flawed with that logic!

                            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                              so the goalie committed 2 errors the last of which is what actually caused the ball to go into the net, the defender commited one error 1, if i buy your argument ... but yet it is the defender's fault?

                              something is flawed with that logic!
                              Why do you so often twist facts in our discussions?
                              In a post I made giving game to both goalie and defender you responded by asking me if I found the defender at fault.

                              I answered, yes.

                              How do you arrive at your above?

                              btw - Here is the video. It starts showing both our defender and the Costa Rican attacker running towards the ball.


                              It does not show the goalie throwing out the pass but we know it was a result of his pass that ball is seen rolling towards the players.
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

