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Saas..thanks alot, I read through the academy book...

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  • Saas..thanks alot, I read through the academy book...

    ...but I have a question...how do you develop "ball mastery" in your young kids? How does your academy go about it?

    I think this is the area that the rest of the world is better at than America because the game is played spontaneously elsewhere but not here in USA. HOWEVER, over the past 6 weeks, I have put my daughter through a regimen that has her touching the ball 1500 times 3 to 4 times a week.

    She is 13 and a good defender, but not very good with dribbling. She has never been coached by anyone that has focused on developing touch; everyone has always said, don't worry..."the game will teach her". I bought this line of thinking because no one ever taught me, I learned with juice box. Well...after 4 years of hearing that tripe...papa bear stepped in and started training her myself. (For those interested, I put the regimen below).

    Suffice to say the improvement has been HUGE!! Before summer started, her best juggling record was 20, now it is 91. She played pickup the other day against a youth here from S. Florida who is trying out next week for Valencia youth team in Spain, while him bruck everybody on the field, he tried about 5 times to beat her and she only let him by once - he is 18 and much quicker than her. Big difference in her game but a long way to go.

    For me, the bottom line is that I think Ball Mastery can be taught but I don't see anything from US soccer so far as a technical skills curriculum. Let me know if I am missing something...and thanks again.


    So what I did was put her on a schedule where she did some very simple ball work:

    1. Side-to-side (100 standing, 100 fwd, 100 bkwd)
    2. Toe taps (100 standing, 100 fwd, 100 bkwd) -
    3. Dance step [hard to explain this one] (200),
    4. Juggling (200)... 200 touches in total, not just in one stretch
    5. Dribbling (200)...through cones with each foot (inside/outside)
    6. Chest/Head/Foot control...I throw the ball to her chest or head, she controls it to have it bounce on the ground in front of her and hits it back to my hands with a) instep b) side of foot. Alternates feet with each throw.
    7. Moves - she closes off with practicing 3 moves: 1) maradona 2) step overs & scissors and 3) cruyff. Sometimes we do others, like step one way, go the next etc. We also have been practicing heading, crossing, shooting as well, but not as much as I'd like. All in all, she ends up with getting 1500 touches minimum, 3 to 4 times a week and the effort is showing like its paying off in a very short period of time.

    What I didn't mention is that each week, she has to show me a new creation of hers - it can be anything, a drill, a move, a pass, a shot...anything. We also play pickup together 2x a week in the off season where she plays with players ranging from 11 to 60. This will go away when her season starts, but three of the kids that play with us regularly are in the national training camp and one of them is trying out for TNT women, so it is not bad company.
    "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

    X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...

  • #2
    Ball mastery is a combination of the self taught and formal training. I like what the club is doing with my kids, having them dribble with the left foot and in between legs. They also have a drill that every stride is a dribble. Now couple that with some dance steps, step over, stop and turn, shielding and some body moves and you nice.

    Most of us Jamaicans got the informal style learning from TV and local legends but we lack the formal things which make moves like the Cryff simplier.

    I send the book to you because I found it informative and I like what I see so far with my boys PDA training sessions so far.

    I will update you on how the training going and progression. I will still teach my kids a few things but let me see what they are doing first.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
      Ball mastery is a combination of the self taught and formal training. I like what the club is doing with my kids, having them dribble with the left foot and in between legs. They also have a drill that every stride is a dribble. Now couple that with some dance steps, step over, stop and turn, shielding and some body moves and you nice.

      Most of us Jamaicans got the informal style learning from TV and local legends but we lack the formal things which make moves like the Cryff simplier.

      I send the book to you because I found it informative and I like what I see so far with my boys PDA training sessions so far.

      I will update you on how the training going and progression. I will still teach my kids a few things but let me see what they are doing first.
      I am eager to hear what they do at the academy. I agree that ball mastery is a mix of the formal and self taught, that's why I have my daughter bring something new every week. So far, I have not seen many clubs around here where they are teaching the kids a FORMAL approach to touch. Thanks again bredrin.
      "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

      X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


      • #4

        The simple 'straight line forward movement with the ball at the feet and with a touch on the ball on at least every other stride' is a must.

        Strongest foot - over and over and over...
        Weaker foot - often...
        Both feet - with alternate foot touches...often...

        Until it all becomes conditioned reflex!!!

        There must be 'quick feet' work in every training session.
        There must be *passing (=technical work on kicking the ball) in every session.

        *Includes passing (shooting) into a goal!!!
        That teaching of passing into goal must be also reinforcing proper kicking/passing technique. - Example: Side foot passing on outfield is identical to side foot passing into goal. ...so is technique for long passing using the instep (the so called 'laces') identical to that used on outfield.

        Look at low powerful pass using the instep ('laces'): Support foot close to and just slightly behind where ball rests on ground with body over ball...eyes focused on ball...on passing/kicking toes pointed downwards...center of gravity at moment of contact over ball. Start with gentle passes...then as the young child becomes comfortable request increased force on passing activity.

        Can be reinforced at home - passing onto side of building, etc. That repetition against building has the ball coming back to passer and thus enables continuous repetitive rhythmic practice. Aim: Conditioned reflex of passing technique.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          The simple 'straight line forward movement with the ball at the feet and with a touch on the ball on at least every other stride' is a must.

          Strongest foot - over and over and over...
          Weaker foot - often...
          Both feet - with alternate foot touches...often...

          Until it all becomes conditioned reflex!!!

          Agreed. I think we do this.

          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          There must be 'quick feet' work in every training session.
          We don't do this in every session, but she is supposed to try this every day and that is a side to side movement over 3 two inch high cones spaced about 1 foot apart. She has to do as many as she can in 20 second intervals. Her record so far is 22.

          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          There must be *passing (=technical work on kicking the ball) in every session.

          *Includes passing (shooting) into a goal!!!
          That teaching of passing into goal must be also reinforcing proper kicking/passing technique. - Example: Side foot passing on outfield is identical to side foot passing into goal. ...so is technique for long passing using the instep (the so called 'laces') identical to that used on outfield.
          We don't do passing in every session due to time. She is already an excellent passer so I don't work too much on it. Once she catches up on the footwork, we will have a more balanced training.
          "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

          X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


          • #6
            Remember every touch ends with a pass (hopefully to a TEAM-mate or into opponent's goal!!!). ...ooooh yes, the aim must be to have the ball go where the player wishes it to go!!!

            Anyway...am sure you are into this making of your daughter into the player you were not. Wish I had pushed my son Karl...he was supremely talented. Made our (Jamaica's) All-Prep and played on our national Stadium field against an All-Primary. He also used to travel down to Florida to play on a youth team coached by my brother. A goal he scored was used at local Florida club's for viewing.

            Followed my father's way of letting the kids have at games and life as they would...not pushing them but allowing them to find their way. Now I understand he was following his father's way. guess his father was following his father...??? The thinking is it makes for the creation of an independent being...a self-assured...go-getter. There is (more) to that method...but now...?????

            Sometimes I wish I had a little more 'set of discussions' with the 'old man' when we were both younger...and so I sometimes wish I had with each of my kids...but save for one, we are all still here and available for talks!!!

            Sometimes the forum provides an outlet...
            The one-way street!
            Where has all the time gone?
            ...we are all like airplanes on the tarmac lined up for take-off...
            The time just races by...

            Was yesterday I was 18!
            Now I am...on the tarmac...in Shady Pines

            Take care of your daughter. Manage the time well.

            Aaah hell? No (real) books on parenting (real parenting)... We each see that which came before...absorb from our environment/surroundings...and do the best we can/could... ...and as all parents do, with hearts in mouths hope they (the kids) each 'do well'.

            My family believes in allowing them to fly... and fly they all have... but...???
            Now there are the grand kids, nieces and nephews...and the heart in the mouth and the... goes on...
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              Remember every touch ends with a pass (hopefully to a TEAM-mate or into opponent's goal!!!). ...ooooh yes, the aim must be to have the ball go where the player wishes it to go!!!

              Anyway...am sure you are into this making of your daughter into the player you were not. Wish I had pushed my son Karl...he was supremely talented. Made our (Jamaica's) All-Prep and played on our national Stadium field against an All-Primary. He also used to travel down to Florida to play on a youth team coached by my brother. A goal he scored was used at local Florida club's for viewing.

              Followed my father's way of letting the kids have at games and life as they would...not pushing them but allowing them to find their way. Now I understand he was following his father's way. guess his father was following his father...??? The thinking is it makes for the creation of an independent being...a self-assured...go-getter. There is (more) to that method...but now...?????

              Sometimes I wish I had a little more 'set of discussions' with the 'old man' when we were both younger...and so I sometimes wish I had with each of my kids...but save for one, we are all still here and available for talks!!!

              Sometimes the forum provides an outlet...
              The one-way street!
              Where has all the time gone?
              ...we are all like airplanes on the tarmac lined up for take-off...
              The time just races by...

              Was yesterday I was 18!
              Now I am...on the tarmac...in Shady Pines

              Take care of your daughter. Manage the time well.

              Aaah hell? No (real) books on parenting (real parenting)... We each see that which came before...absorb from our environment/surroundings...and do the best we can/could... ...and as all parents do, with hearts in mouths hope they (the kids) each 'do well'.

              My family believes in allowing them to fly... and fly they all have... but...???
              Now there are the grand kids, nieces and nephews...and the heart in the mouth and the... goes on...
              Karl - if I could make my daughter the player I WAS I would be ecstatic!! LOL!! The truth is that we play different positions, I was an attacking midfielder and striker, she is a defender - and a very very good one. However, in today's game, she has to also learn to attack and for the past few years, she's been too easy to pass the ball and let others do the attacking - even though her speed and tenacity COULD make her a much better attacker than many - if not most - of her peers.

              As for the reflections on family, I appreciate your perspective. I have been spending as much time as I can with my kids - every day I have some kind of evening activity with either my daughter or my little son. My older boy is in his own world - not interested in anything other than lacrosse and video games. Even so, I have been chipping away at him. I certainly appreciate where you are coming from as I too wish my parents had pushed a little harder on certain things, but in truth, they never denied us anything they could afford, nor anything we showed an interest in. If I can duplicate half of what they did for me for my kids, I will be happy.

              Now pick up the phone and talk some sense into X and mek him stop cry down Brendan Rodgers!

              Bless up!
              "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

              X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


              • #8
                Respek, boss! More power to you and your kids.
                Well...X comes under that same - leave them to find their way...support as asked & necessary.

                X is fine!!!
                Proud a im...all the kids. Good kids and certainly finding their way!!!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

