Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Honestly HL i did not see many positives...we need to be pressing these teams...they have too much time on the ball to pick us apart...but we lay back and are playing some kind of zone football...and end up chasing the ball the entire game...
Attend the upcoming US game and send me the invoice for both.
The team, needs you.
Apart from the loss, what are the positives you saw?
With all due respect HL my good friend....16 is considered the magic number to directly qualify for World Cup. Probably safe to assume that 13-14 will be what it takes for the 4th play off spot. Exactly which games do you see the Boyz getting the next 11-12 points from? They are for all intent and purposes eliminated from qualifying. Only thing left now is the cow balling. We barely qualified out of the an extremely weak group in the semi-final round and we couldn't make it to the gold cup finishing dead last in a group that boasted powerhouses such as French Guiana and Martinque. I think that pretty much summed up our chances in this round. We were the worst team heading into this round of qualifying and the results are simply baring that out. Sometimes we just need to be realistic.
with all due respect TK, it would be nice if you just take leave big people business alone. You do better with DC United. LOL.
Give we something a little more positive.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
with all due respect TK, it would be nice if you just take leave big people business alone. You do better with DC United. LOL.
Give we something a little more positive.
LOL....if I do better with DC United then the Boyz should win the world cup next year. Aye sah....can't even think of DC without having suicidal thoughts. lol. Ok I'll try my best to be positive. I liked what I saw out of Alvas Powell. Heard his name often but have never seen him play. I think he'll be a true blue professional sooner rather than later. Speaking of DC he could slide in at right back for us today but I wouldn't wish something so horrible on the guy as to join us. Also props to Bruce for Daniel Gordon. Thought he was our best player. I've never seen us so deep at center back in my life. Marriappa (sp?), Nosworthy, Gordon and Taylor....such depth. I'm sure I'm missing more. Jermaine Hue's dead balls are something serious. We need to have him take every single one. I know in-swinging corners are preferred but I'll take Hue's out-swingers to Austin's in-swingers anyday. I think that's as positive as I can get. No actually I think I can map out a reasonable path to the last qualifying spot. Bare with me Sass:
Ja vs. US - 3 points
Hon vs. JA - 0 points
Pan vs. JA - 3 points (this needs to be our one road result of the round)
JA vs. Cost - 3 points
US vs. JA - 0 points
JA vs. Hon - 3 points (hoping a combo of being at home and HON already qualifying for the WC will work for us here)
So that would give us 12 points out of our last 18 possible. Add the two we already have and that's a total of 14. Good enough for fourth. It's doable for this group if we can get our act together. After that we'll be more than ready for NZ in a home and away which should be a very even series. So there is an honest path to get there. But it has to start on Friday.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
The Best UPS store in Atlanta and its Suburbs
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Thank you very much. LOL
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
As long as WE have been watching this sport, you and I have seen some funny and unusual results.
Indeed 2.5 teams will be eliminated. An unbiased gambler would bet on Jamaica (based on past footballing record) to be among the teams to be eliminated.
Are you saying i should not let HOPE get the better of EXPERIENCE?
The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough
As long as WE have been watching this sport, you and I have seen some funny and unusual results.
Indeed 2.5 teams will be eliminated. An unbiased gambler would bet on Jamaica (based on past footballing record) to be among the teams to be eliminated.
Are you saying i should not let HOPE get the better of EXPERIENCE?
That is exactly what I am saying. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Just getting to the hex is an accomplishment for our program at this point. It's our unfortunate reality. That's why I don't get worked up about Jamaican football anymore on the international level. I like to follow and cheer on the individual players during the club season. It's nice to see what Jamaican footballers are capable of when placed in a professional environment. Can't waste anymore blood sugar on the JFF.
Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015