You hear what coaches say about 3/4's of the players on that list? Uncoachable...head tuff...if those players are representative of Jamaican football we need to scrap the program
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Made what? One player on that list "made it" and that was Bibi...the rest are journeymen in lower leagues who spend most of their time in the dog house...
They have made careers and have what they wouldn't have playing in the NPL. How many players in England are not jorneymen? It is the nature of football.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
It is sad that the manager who bought him got fired and changed everything.
Seems to happen everywhere we send our ballas. Why is is that coaches get fired after buying our players?!?! Happened with Keammar Daley and at least two other ballas in recent times.
Are they being fired because of the awful acquisition of the Jamaican balla?
Tell that to Berbatov, Caroll, Jenas, Scott Parker, Scott Sinclair, Darren Bent and the others who millions are paid for and is good enough to play in the EPL but at some stage couldn't cut it under other managers in the same EPL.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Tell that to Berbatov, Caroll, Jenas, Scott Parker, Scott Sinclair, Darren Bent and the others who millions are paid for and is good enough to play in the EPL but at some stage couldn't cut it under other managers in the same EPL.
Okay who are the Jamaican Berbatovs, Carolls, Scott Sinclairs...there are none...that's the point...they get multiple chances but do the same foolishness at every club they go to...
couldn't be because of buying our ballas. Coaches don't last long at lessor league teams. Most only last half of a season if the club is not moving. The coaches may also be fired after our players left. They maybe buying wholesale bad rather than bad Jamaican players.
Pulis never get fired because he bought Fuller. Fuller extended his life at Stoke City, so too did Nandi coach at Rushden and Diamond.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
At least Jamaicans can go to clubs and prove themselves. They may not be Carroll or Berbitov but they are playing as pro for their money just like any other pro.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Go to this page and check out the staff and see how long the mangers last in any English league.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Here are a few things for you to consider:
I) The competition for places in professional football is tremendous!
a) Relatively few professional football clubs when put alongside the number of players of good quality.
b) The sheer mass of good quality players within each country seeking professional club opportunities.
c) Relatively small number of places within each club for players.
2. The players you list command the high transfer sums because they are proven top players.
3. The very fact that at previous clubs they were not considered good enough to command a role in the clubs' starting X1 puts the exclamation point on the #1 above.
For those players to have remained at the club from which they were discarded, they would have had to step up on the quality of their play. At those clubs they were not good enough. it was for Dane, not good enough. A club has taken him in based on an assessment that 'he is good enough'. Guess what, he will be now treated just as he was at his previous clubs, and just as the players you named...subject to constant review of quality and assessment on "good enough or no".
The big difference is the players you named each has played in top league on quality teams. They have a track-record. Powerful resume. Dane is not in their shoes.
Whether we like it or no, it is fact that past record plays a part on whether or not the new team will be patient or prone to making quick decision on 'cutting the player loose".
Dane has to "put up" quickly or he could well find himself "rudderless". He can do it if he improves on - his strength, his touch, his passing, minimize the numbers on being off-side, his going for high balls, his heading of the ball - and his willingness to attack the ball (He has a tremendous weakness giving away balls -- ceding ball to opponents (playing against his team/de facto giving away the ball) by not meeting balls he could get to before an opponent...i.e. too often not racing to balls - loose balls and under hit passes.
He has pace to burn & powerful right-foot shot...and is team-oriented on outlook!
He can change for the better...any man can.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Here are a few things for you to consider:
I) The competition for places in professional football is tremendous!
a) Relatively few professional football clubs when put alongside the number of players of good quality.
b) The sheer mass of good quality players within each country seeking professional club opportunities.
c) Relatively small number of places within each club for players.
2. The players you list command the high transfer sums because they are proven top players.
3. The very fact that at previous clubs they were not considered good enough to command a role in the clubs' starting X1 puts the exclamation point on the #1 above.
For those players to have remained at the club from which they were discarded, they would have had to step up on the quality of their play. At those clubs they were not good enough. it was for Dane, not good enough. A club has taken him in based on an assessment that 'he is good enough'. Guess what, he will be now treated just as he was at his previous clubs, and just as the players you named...subject to constant review of quality and assessment on "good enough or no".
The big difference is the players you named each has played in top league on quality teams. They have a track-record. Powerful resume. Dane is not in their shoes.
Whether we like it or no, it is fact that past record plays a part on whether or not the new team will be patient or prone to making quick decision on 'cutting the player loose".
Dane has to "put up" quickly or he could well find himself "rudderless". He can do it if he improves on - his strength, his touch, his passing, minimize the numbers on being off-side, his going for high balls, his heading of the ball - and his willingness to attack the ball (He has a tremendous weakness giving away balls -- ceding ball to opponents (playing against his team/de facto giving away the ball) by not meeting balls he could get to before an opponent...i.e. too often not racing to balls - loose balls and under hit passes.
He has pace to burn & powerful right-foot shot...and is team-oriented on outlook!
He can change for the better...any man can.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Here are a few things for you to consider:
I) The competition for places in professional football is tremendous!
a) Relatively few professional football clubs when put alongside the number of players of good quality.
b) The sheer mass of good quality players within each country seeking professional club opportunities.
c) Relatively small number of places within each club for players.
2. The players you list command the high transfer sums because they are proven top players.
3. The very fact that at previous clubs they were not considered good enough to command a role in the clubs' starting X1 puts the exclamation point on #1 above.
For those players to have remained at the club from which they were discarded, they would have had to step up on the quality of their play. At those clubs they were not good enough. it was for Dane, not good enough.
A club has taken Dane in based on an assessment that 'he is good enough'. Guess what, he will be now treated just as he was at his previous clubs, and just as the players you named i.e. subject to constant review of quality and assessment on "good enough or no".
The big difference between Dane and the the players you named is each of those players has played in top league on quality teams. They have a track-record. Powerful resume. Dane is not in their shoes.
Whether we like it or no, it is fact that past record plays a part on whether or not the new team will be patient or prone to making quick decision on 'cutting the player loose".
Dane has to "put up" quickly or he could well find himself "rudderless". He can do it if he improves on - his strength, his touch, his passing, minimize the numbers on being off-side, his going for high balls, his heading of the ball - and his willingness to attack the ball (He has a tremendous weakness giving away balls -- ceding ball to opponents (playing against his team/de facto giving away the ball) by not meeting balls he could get to before an opponent...i.e. too often not racing to balls - loose balls and under hit passes.
He has pace to burn & powerful right-foot shot...and is team-oriented on outlook!
He can change for the better...any man can.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."