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The main fault of our schoolboy TEAMs and our age-group

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  • The main fault of our schoolboy TEAMs and our age-group

    national TEAMs...reside in the teaching of anti-TEAM football.

    Once more let me spell it out -

    They lack the TEAM always supporting individual and collective concept of play - i.e. on and off the ball series of continuous acts. That simple always moving and passing/passing and moving.

    On attack always finding self when off the ball in - space i.e. making of self good passing option. The game is always in continuous dynamic state...it means the players must always be continuously moving in new positions relative to ball and movement of opposition players and your own players.

    Somehow on attack our so called coaches fail to grasp the concept of those passing options being 'right across the field'. That is options must be in attacking forward position...parallel positions...and behind the ball relative to player on the ball. In other words that concept of 360 degrees options (passing options) is not understood...not grasped by the teacher/coaches. ...and leads to the pupils/players not even thinking on same.

    ...and on defense it is a simple aim of closing down the opponent on the ball and eliminating all passing options. The aim is to win the ball immediately it is lost.

    You know what that lack of tactical awareness begets?

    A disjointed TEAM...a TEAM (sh!@#$%^*&^%$#@!!!) that is a misnomer...a COLLECTION OF PLAYERS on field with tremendous holes for the opposition to exploit when the ball is lost!!!

    ...to the opposition provides ease for closing passing lanes and high probability of winning the ball once lost!

    In simple terms, not understanding the concept in which continuous moving and passing/passing and moving is to be carried out (both on offense and defense)...OUR TEAMs ASSIST (play for) the OPPONENTS! - SURELY PLAYING FOR THE OPPONENTS SHOULD NOT BE THE AIM?

    Specific to the last U-17s play...at the CONCACAF qualifiers in Montego Bay that I watched our boys, save 1 or 2 players, technically were on par or superior to our opponents...but qualifying was a horrible exercise and extremely painful to watch. I left Montego Bay hopeful that the coaches would make TEAM. That never happened.

    I watched our U-17s in Mexico...and watched and watched the DVDs over and over. Our boys at that tournament were in many cases superior technically the players on each of the TEAMs they faced...but our Boyz were never TEAM!!!

    It was no surprise that they failed repeatedly as TEAM!

    Aside: I wonder where those opponents (players) are now?
    Where are our BOYZ?
    Last edited by Karl; April 4, 2013, 03:59 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    I think the gap in quality is more striking at the senior level than at the junior....
    The history of achievements will attest to that besides, the seniors haven't made the regional impact the juniors have.
    This is quite remarkable seeing our senior team gets the lion's share regarding funding, what would have happened if we invested as much in the juniors?
    Clubs are interested in getting players at a young age,we make it to the WC and do well, that will likely not be as fortuitous for the seniors as it would be for the juniors. Also,a good U17 team may eventually lead to a good senior team.
    I do not know where they are now but one thing I can guarantee you, they are still by themselves.
    A redirection of funds is logical.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rockman View Post
      I think the gap in quality is more striking at the senior level than at the junior....

      The history of achievements will attest to that besides, the seniors haven't made the regional impact the juniors have.
      You are bang on, boss!

      The comparable juniors have not the experience of the senior professionals and thus the relatively 'small' gap.

      This is quite remarkable seeing our senior team gets the lion's share regarding funding, what would have happened if we invested as much in the juniors?

      Clubs are interested in getting players at a young age, we make it to the WC and do well, that will likely not be as fortuitous for the seniors as it would be for the juniors. Also,a good U17 team may eventually lead to a good senior team.

      I do not know where they are now but one thing I can guarantee you, they are still by themselves.

      A redirection of funds is logical.
      The entire thing would however be for naught if the plans to maximize on such effort is not in place. As Paul recently said elsewhere: Where are the plans?
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

