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  • Nosworthy?

    Sorry about your injury, sir.
    May you recover rapidly. You gave yeoman's service. Here's wishing you a speedy return to the Reggae Boyz.

    It is noted that while you were on the field in these Hex we never gave up a goal!!!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Nosworthy could be out for four months

    Whitmore urges others to step up

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    INJURED central defender Nyron Nosworthy will be able to return to the Reggae Boyz fold in about four months if his surgery is successful.

    The 31-year-old Watford central defender suffered a lower right leg injury in the first half of Jamaica's World Cup qualifier against Panama on Friday night at the National Stadium, in a game marked by very rough play. In the 1-1 draw, Nosworthy had to be replaced.

    NOSWORTHY... sustained injury in match against Panama on Friday night

    Medical examinations subsequently revealed that he had suffered an Achilles tendon injury which will require surgery.

    Nosworthy, capped 10 times for the Reggae Boyz, will have the surgery done in England and flew home from Jamaica yesterday to have the procedure done. Once the surgery is done, according to the medical report, the Achilles tendon will take six weeks to heal and another eight to 10 weeks of rehabilitation for him to return to full fitness.

    His place in the squad to face Costa Rica tomorrow was taken by Harbour View defender Montrose Phinn.

    "The Federation made all the arrangements for Nyron's comfortable return to the UK and his club. We have sent a full medical report from our team to the club whose medical team will examine in consultation with their specialists.

    "Our management team is in constant contact with his club and will continue to monitor his progress," Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) general secretary Raymond Grant was quoted as saying in a JFF release.

    Nosworthy had formed a solid central defensive partnership with his former clubmate Adrian Mariappa with their almost telepathic understanding which played an important role in Jamaica's historic draw with Mexico on February 6 as they blunted the threat of Manchester United star Javier 'Chicharito' Hernandez.

    Coach Theodore Whitmore acknowledged the value of Nosworthy to the unit, but said there was enough strength in the squad to get the job done against Costa Rica.

    "What Nosworthy brought to the team was obvious. He was a really valuable member of the squad as his partnership with Mariappa was important to our defensive strength, but we have a strong squad.

    "We have players who can step up and do the job. Jermaine Taylor was a starter in central defence before both players came in and only a suspension due to cards made him ineligible to play in our first qualifier against Guatemala, and Mariappa and Nosworthy made the positions their own," Whitmore said.

    Whitmore suggested with the misfortune could come the opportunity to show the depth of the squad.

    "In the same way that Nosworthy and Mariappa made use of their opportunities, Taylor or whoever comes can make the position his own and improve the competition in the squad. This would be a very healthy situation for us," Whitmore said.

    Besides Nosworthy, forward Jermaine Beckford also suffered an injury in Friday's game but is fit enough to play. The Huddersfield Town striker suffered a "closed fracture of the fourth metacarpal of the left hand" but has been cleared to train and play in a splint.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport...#ixzz2OZ0DeLXM
    Last edited by Karl; March 25, 2013, 01:27 PM.


    • #3
      We are thin at the back


      • #4
        Not really, whereas Alvas was disappointing for the U19 team, he has been stellar for the Boyz.
        I think he dots his I's and crosses his t's when playing alongside his senior teammates.
        Losing Nosworthy certainly makes the team worse but not insomuch that we are necessarily a team that is weak in defense.
        Defense is the least of our worries.


        • #5
          I feel bad for him

          especially at this stage of his career.

          Point taken on Powell but let us see if problems of midfield and inability to score goals, even after the upgrade, continues.


          • #6
            Rockman you can't be disappointing at the lower level and better at the senior level, that s a blip on the radar screen a false reading. If he cannot dominate and show his best against u19, he is not going to stand up in the long term with the real ballers, Carib cup is one thing, hex is another as you can see all big baller have a tough time in the hex, hex is not for the faint hearted and truth be told it is not for those (think coaches and management) who don't plan and know every scenario and contingency before the game, the idea of adjusting on the fly is prep school stuff. What was it that Sun Tzu said, know yourself and know your enemy before engaging in battle, thus nothing can surprise you and you can quickly counter any wrinkles, we did not adjust the entire game and ceded midfield to panama for the entire game. What did the panama coach say, he was expecting more pressing and a higher press which means midfield clogging, what did we do, we played the 4-4-2 with two defensive mids, two flank mids ceding the midfield to panama, if we clogged the mid more with 4-5-1 held our defensive shape chances are we would have won that game.


            • #7
              Stoni, you live in a world dominated by numbers and black and white. The rest of the world lives in technicolor. Football is not played in absolutes. Yes it is possible for young Powell to play like crap in the lower levels and excel at the higher levels. There could be a mutitude of reasons for this.
              Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


              • #8
                Alvas' problem regarding being fielded for the U19 may be a question of entitlement, he does things at that level he would not dare do at the senior level.
                If Alvas is the real deal(I suspect he is,more importantly ,I hae no evidence he isn't))then fielding him removes the unknown factor that has been unkind to us so far.
                Besides, Costa Rico is going to match our intensity throughout the whole game,at best it will be end to end actions until the final whistle. Alvas is physically conditioned for that, and has worked well when paired with any of the regular starting defenders.


                • #9
                  [quote=Rockman;414728]Alvas' problem regarding being fielded for the U19 may be a question of entitlement, he does things at that level he would not dare do at the senior level.
                  If Alvas is the real deal(I suspect he is,more importantly ,I hae no evidence he isn't))then fielding him removes the unknown factor that has been unkind to us so far.
                  Besides, Costa Rico is going to match our intensity throughout the whole game,at best it will be end to end actions until the final whistle. Alvas is physically conditioned for that, and has worked well when paired with any of the regular starting defenders.[/quote]

                  Rockman yuh soubn lacka yuh ha-tend haul a di trainin session dem?
                  Are you on the rock?
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    No boss,but the same measure of scrutiny would be applicable to picking any player as a starter.
                    A player that excels in a game should be considered for starting the next(reward and good judgement),if we use that then Alvas should start.
                    I have seen Alvas holding his own playing at the senior level, in fact that is all I have seen.

