have ever seen.
Cleaverly? Cleaverly! ...is clever! He is good...very, very good. At times the very best midfielder in the EPL! Amazing...where did he come from?
...and it is all locked up at Sawnsea 1 - 1 BoyU. This Swansea TEAM plays ball!!!
Another team our ReggaeBoyz could visit for training! ...not to forget our ISSA and NPL coaches!
Cleaverly? Cleaverly! ...is clever! He is good...very, very good. At times the very best midfielder in the EPL! Amazing...where did he come from?
...and it is all locked up at Sawnsea 1 - 1 BoyU. This Swansea TEAM plays ball!!!

Another team our ReggaeBoyz could visit for training! ...not to forget our ISSA and NPL coaches!