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Back at last! – JFF packaging and presentation of our football product!

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  • Back at last! – JFF packaging and presentation of our football product!

    Back at last! – JFF packaging and presentation of our football product!

    I was mightily pleased with this packaging and presentation.

    Comparisons: - i - launch production vs ii - 2nd production

    i) Players unkempt. (N)

    ii) Players well groomed (tup)(Clap)

    i) Confused video showing - replays were crazy :w00t: and stressful on the eyes (N)

    ii) Replays done with/in real-time movements of the participants and when not done in that manner excellent slow-mo(tion) was used. (tup)(Clap)

    i) Voice-over/commentators - perhaps as a result of the poor editing - poor! (N)

    ii) Voice-over/commentators - clear and interesting (tup)(Clap)

    Perhaps, a little too much speaking during the first match(?) ...maybe, the commentators were trying to fill in for the frequent interruptions?

    i) Camera work in the launch appeared - swinging around of camera's...could be it was not the case...as it might have been poor editing that gave the disjointed appearance. Regardless of the cause - AWFUL! (N)

    ii) Camera work good. (I am basing it on all phases of matches being crisp and clear). ...cannot remember one occasion seeing the camera on rapid panning of play? (N)(Clap)

    Conclusions: My initial comments on faith in and belief that we could have done tremendously better packaging of the product was shown to be spot on as this second production was 'miles' better than that of the launch.

    As more experience is gained, I am convinced we shall see use of more cameras.

    I do not know if a companion or if companions engineers on an engineer's board were used...so a switching to and synchronizing of commentators focus on specific aspects of events occurring could/would have been done. For example - extreme close-ups of players and or other 'focal points' could be increased as the commentators made their reference(s)? That is needed and that I think will come as time goes on.

    It is fact that outside of the World Cup, the EPL gives us the very best presentation of a football broadcast video production. It must be that we study those productions and aim at raising our presentations to similar standards. Hey...we are Jamaicans and being at the TOP OF THE WORLD is all we understand. Sure there will be nay-sayers claiming we cannot do it...but, if the presentation-packaging of the opening of the World Cricket World Cup presentation is anything to go by then...and that was our launch presentation...then...why not TOP OF THE WORLD we go with this packaging - product?

    **I hope there are none of us here confusing the packaging and presentation of our product with quality of the actual product? As I said, in an earlier post as I lauded Boxhill, his JFF and SportsMax, the exposure we are gaining will 'act as spur'/be catalyst to encouraging improvement of the football put on display...and indeed, have a trickle down effect in raising the standards of play throughout the island.

    Extremely proud of this latter presentation. (Clap)(Clap)(Clap)

    Caution: The roundups that the launch attempted...needs review before being put on the air. The 'the product' MUST be seen as EXCELLENT in the backroom/previewing session before aired! A similar presentation as was that nonsense launch product must never recur.

    JFF (It is always the creator of the product who the consumer praises and or blames - in this instance the product is our football) - must take bows for this 2nd packaging and presentation. Excellent start! (Clap)(Clap)(Clap) ...as we journey along I am wont to say, FORWARD! (tup)
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    RE: Back at last! – JFF packaging and presentation of our football product!

    Maybe your "work" was not in vain!


