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A few in every crowd...

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  • A few in every crowd...

    Both sets of fans have to put up with a minority of idiots...there are a few in every crowd...even on this board...okay...back off...unu skin too thin!! But seriously - poor showing by both sets if this is true.


    Liverpool and Manchester United fans end watershed day by relapsing into cruel chants

    Liverpool’s fans had almost all filed out and the cameras were off when the fragile peace with their rivals from Manchester United broke down.

    Remembering: United and Liverpool sported the number '96' on the back of their training tops for the match Photo: PA

    8:40AM BST 24 Sep 2012

    Who started it will be the subject of endless argument – it always is – but witnesses say they saw two Liverpool supporters performing Munich aeroplane gestures in front of the Manchester United end and heard the away contingent respond with chants of: “Always the victims, never your fault.” Thus the entente cordiale that held for most of a “watershed” day in United’s 2-1 victory was ended by a relapse into infantilism and cruelty.

    Days after the publication of a report that exonerated Liverpool fans for the deaths of 96 men, women and children at Hillsborough in 1989, both clubs made a huge and heartfelt effort to stop the vindictive chants about that dreadful day in Sheffield and the Munich air disaster of 1958.

    To say they failed would be unjust. The moral invoice must go to those Liverpool fans who ran to the United end with their arms spread wide like aeroplane wings and the United supporters who lapsed into the old tribal loathing just as many were saying progress had been made towards helping the dead on both sides rest in peace.

    This recidivism was unexpected. When the Anfield stadium announcer confirmed the findings of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, almost every United fan applauded. The day before, one had laid a ­message at the Hillsborough shrine beside the Shankly Gates: “There but for the grace of God go we – Rest in Peace. The Silent Majority at MUFC.”

    The first sign of trouble was United fans chanting: “Where’s your famous Munich song?” after 13 minutes.

    [This is the group that Slurgie had the most fear of embarassing him and Manu.]
    Liverpool’s followers made no reference to the deaths of 23 players, staff and journalists at Munich. United’s disciples had also sung through “You’ll Never Walk Alone” shortly before the kick-off, but only with football-based support for their own club, rather than animosity based on the Hillsborough tragedy.

    3 Sep 2012
    VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51iIv...layer_embedded

    The taunting at the end when the ground was otherwise empty will cause more deep offence, especially on Merseyside. A long-standing provocation, aimed at the supposed “victim culture” in these parts, the “always the victims” chant revived an idea that was systematically dismantled by the Hillsborough report. The tragedy was caused not by drunken, ticket-less fans stampeding into the Leppings Lane end but systemic failures by Sheffield Wednesday, the police and emergency services.

    In other words it defied the central conclusion of the report, and denied the innocence of the dead all over again. It also stuck two fingers up to Sir Alex Ferguson, who had written to United’s fans asking them to respect the occasion, and to Sir Bobby Charlton, who presented a bouquet to Liverpool's Ian Rush and waved to the Kop from the pitch in a gesture of solidarity.

    It also flew in the face of those United fans who had contacted Steve Rotheram, the Labour MP whose constituency covers Anfield, to condemn the same chant in last weekend’s United v Wigan match. As ever, the perpetrators on the United side will blame the Liverpool fans who ran over to their end, and the Liverpool side will say they were reacting to provocations from the visitors.

    The best thing we could say from here is that most of those present had no desire to prolong the disgusting animosity that forces families of the deceased to sit in stadiums and hear the dead mocked. The answer is not to surrender to the malevolence of those who violated this awkward coming together, but to see them as isolated sociopaths who are not representative of the national game. Yet if they can resort to this kind of loathing on a day such as this, there is clearly going to be no escape from their noise.

    Liverpool and United made strenuous efforts to make this day of remembrance and respect. It was the best chance in a generation to stop people using tragedies and funerals to goad the other side. On the ­morning itself the mood was sombre and reflective. The offices of the Hillsborough campaign thronged as usual with supporters eager to buy memorabilia to bolster the cause. Next door you could buy a babygro inscribed with: “You’ll Never Crawl Alone.” Fresh holy water, teddy bears, candles, photographs, letters and scarves were placed around the shrine. The actress Sue Johnston made her way through the throng to lay a small bouquet of cream flowers. A few yards to the left, United fans strode towards the away turnstiles with heads bowed, only raising their faces when they reached the sanctuary of the United section. Both Patrice Evra and Luis Suárez were in the starting line-ups: another test of civility, given Suárez’s eight-game ban for using a racial epithet against the United full-back. Would they shake hands? In the event the two clasped palms in an unexpected show of solidarity. But when the game started, Evra was booed by Liverpool fans. The red half of Manchester is especially sensitive to the heckling of one of their players for the crime of being spoken to illegally by Suárez.

    The spirit in the half-hour before kick-off was impeccable. A “Justice” mosaic in the stands provided a reminder that the Hillsborough fight is not over.
    The disclosure of the truth after 23 years merely shifted it into another phase. Now comes the struggle to punish those responsible for the failings and the cover-up. There is no lowering of that desire for justice. When the Kop chanted “Stand up for the 96” the whole ground obliged, minus the United end. Feelings are running even higher now that the campaign has been vindicated.

    Both teams took to the field wearing tracksuit tops bearing the number 96. The final gesture was the release of 96 red balloons by both captains. A predictable feisty encounter brought a red card for Liverpool’s Jonjo Shelvey, a bad injury for Daniel Agger and goals for Steven Gerrard, Rafael and Robin van Persie, from the penalty spot. United’s fans responded to the booing of Evra by chanting at Suárez : “Luis Suárez, you know what you are.” Paul Scholes was booked for a tackle soon after coming on as substitute, so there was much in the way of normality.

    Gerrard, who lost a 10-year-old cousin at Hillsborough, was inspired. He seemed determined to add a win over United to the much larger triumph of vindication from the Hillsborough report. But despite outplaying United for long periods, Liverpool were unable to escape the poor sequence of results that has driven them towards the base of the Premier league table. The lapses in taste were too numerous to ignore – especially at the end. Yet both clubs at least displayed their social awareness, their dignity and compassion. It was just a pity some supporters could not join them on that high ground. Gerrard had said of the cruel chanting: “It’s gotta stop. I’m hoping human decency breaks out.”

    The signs are that it never will stop.
    "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

    X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...

  • #2
    Very glad you brought this up Marin.

    We in this part of the world do not understand football to the levels described in your post. It is much more than a game for those folks. Their children are brought up indoctrinated into this type of bigotry.

    Over the years--i have been to a few games in the UK. Not only are the fans segregated...but a pre-determined exit route-- guarded by mounted police is in place for the fans of the visiting team to exit the city....

    I heard the chants in yesterdays game. It was sick:

    Much as England is a developed country, their thought pattern (when it comes to football [and other issues]) are hostile and under-developed.

    I am happy I enjoy (and understand) football the way i do (in our part of the world).
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



    • #3
      Originally posted by HL View Post
      Very glad you brought this up Marin.

      We in this part of the world do not understand football to the levels described in your post. It is much more than a game for those folks. Their children are brought up indoctrinated into this type of bigotry.

      Over the years--i have been to a few games in the UK. Not only are the fans segregated...but a pre-determined exit route-- guarded by mounted police is in place for the fans of the visiting team to exit the city....

      I heard the chants in yesterdays game. It was sick:

      Much as England is a developed country, their thought pattern (when it comes to football [and other issues]) are hostile and under-developed.

      I am happy I enjoy (and understand) football the way i do (in our part of the world).
      There is no question that it is tribal. The problem with the clubs like Liverpool is that the fans are suffering a long spell of substandard performance and many are having a problem adjusting to the reality of the modern game and our place in it.

      Back in the olden days (pre-prem), any promoted team could go on to challenge for honours. Derby County took one season to do it back in the seventies and Forest went one better and did it immediately after being promoted. That is no longer the case. It was a far more level playing field then when TV money was distributed equitably across all divisions allowing every team a chance to let their football do the talking. Now...it is money only...with enough of it, you can buy a title as City has shown.

      Storied teams of old like Liverpool, Leeds, Everton, Derby, Nottingham Forest, Aston Villa have not made the transition with stadiums that are too small, owners who are too poor, players who are too selfish and managers who are too stupid and/or wasteful (remember Leeds manager David O'Leary confessing that their business model was predicated on qualifying every year for the UCL?).

      The modern fan doesn't fully understand the business of football and the great dichotomy that the Prem has brought to the game - on the one hand, better football and on the other, entrenched perennial top performers who have (save Arsenal alone) all bought their place at the top.

      To compete in this new world, Liverpool has to get a new stadium, emulate Arsenal's model and go from there. We won't see the pinnacle until the books all are balanced and revenues climb. Until then, fans have to realise that entrenched tribalism needs to be applied with more civility and total rejection of the subhuman aspects of the crowd mentality, such as the behaviour demonstrated by the large minority of scumslop that were making those chants on Sunday (and the two who triggered it if true with the airplane signs).

      Until then, we just have to be patient. and then, is bear-lick fi unu!!!
      "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

      X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...

