StoniG: You are making some assertions which you cannot back up with facts.
What is the basis of such a statement? I mean we have produced some good players who have gone on to play in other leagues outside of Jamaica. But making a generalization about players in one league vs another, I am not sure how you are doing it. Have you watched much V-League games and RSPL games to be able to make that comparison? Oh, I guess your article posted on this site. . .
The model is not much different from other clubs around the world where sponsorship money run things. If you look to MLS teams or even the EPL, you will see sponsorship money at work. The thing I am aware of is that they are making certain rules that no one owner can own more than one club in the league. I think you had the situation where a Bank could be majority owner of two clubs in the league (Mosiah, correct me here if I am wrong), but now that is to change. The sustainability of the league is anyone's guess. The league has been running since 1980, so it predated the MLS. Obviously their model suits them and is not just based on per capita income for sustainability.
I am not aware of this, apart from the ownership agreement I mentioned in the earlier statement. Mosiah, are you aware of this splitting apart deal StoniG is talking about?
v league base quality of players is lower than Rspl base players

v league ave more money now, but it is unsustainable, the league itself relies on a main sponsor and while 10 k attendance average is great, the per capita income of the country does not really speak well to the sustainability of a pro league in the long run.
Right now that league is under threat of splitting into two which will probably tear it apart.