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Just come back

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  • Just come back

    For the first time in a long time I did not know the players on the field - I got there early but the PA system was so low I don't know if they even announced the starting line up. Relatively good Jamaican turn out if we had played Guatemala or another side with a strong base in the area the stadium would have been about 2/3 full. The Swiss had less than 100 supporters there but they were more organized and lively in support of their team.

    The game was poor. Switzerland started out looking serious picking us apart easily but after the first 7 minutes or so they lost the plot. They didn't look as clean as most European teams do especially with the players they had. I never saw much in Senderos and he did nothing to change my mind tonight.

    THey scored in the 8th ant 13th minute and hit our post in the dying minutes of the first half. Jamaica played better in the 2nd half but still did not take a shot all game long except a F Taylor effort that went wide.

    Only names worth mentioning for Jamaica tonight was Fabian Taylor, Jermaine Taylor and a brilliant Richard Mccallum. Our keeper was the best player on the field - sure footed clearances, came and collected calmly even in fifty fifty situations and swept up behind his defenders well including a sequence where herescued us byknocking down a swiss forward who had broken away then feigned injury toescape yellow then racked up some frequent flyer miles to pull off a spectacular save on the ensuing free kick. We needed an organizer in the middle and some overlapping wingbacks.

    That skinny little JDF player, #17, looks weakand hungry but can kick the living daylights out of the ball he didn't do much when he came on butduringhalf time, he beat Whittaker with some hard grounders from outside the 18 it was the best display by a RBz outfield player all night.

    Joke of the night was adude whomissed the first twelve minutes of the game walking out saying the game was a draw him almost drop when im bredren dem tell him say no manSwitzerland did score two earlier we lose.
    SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!

  • #2
    RE: Just come back

    we werent able to take any shots because while the swiss didn't look too great offensively they were very organized defensively from midfield to defence. They didn't foul or block like italy or run all over the field they were just so well positioned that it was stifling they made it look easy and made us look stupid in the end.

    Bora countered in the 2nd by moving up our back line and that kept them at bay so we were playing a modern European game with both backlines pushed up to the center circle and no one giving much in between though we could have done better after we stifled themif we hadmore creative midfielders and more adventurous wingbacks - it wasn't good to look at but its good to see us having those tactics in our defensive arsenal - I don't see Bora picking up any 6 nils no matter what squad he uses.
    SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


    • #3
      RE: Just come back

      I don't see Bora picking up any 6 nils no matter what squad he uses.
      At least there is some hope. It always pains me when you see coaches who cannot instruct their team what to do to counter the onslaught of the opposing team in a game. I always used to cuss Rene Simoes about this (excuse me Jawge).

      A good coach is supposed to be able to access the other team and make the necessary tactical adjustments to change the game.

      I heard good things from Karl about McCallum. I am quite happy to hear that as we really need a keeper.(tup)
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        RE: Just come back

        McCallum was sure handed, sure footed, sure everything. He can fly to places that seem like no man has been before but Donovan can do that too so its the clearances under pressure and collecting jump balls cleanly that made the display so memorable...

        For ages any Jamaican keeper that made it into the national program was by default a spectacular shot blocker but McCallum seems to be becoming a total package.

        Bora will use him over Ricketts if he shows he can playsweeper better than Ricketts.
        SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


        • #5
          RE: Just come back

          The 6-0 will come in time. China could have given us that in the Lunar Cup. We were that bad.

          I thought the Swiss looked sharp. But let's agree that they weren't as good as most Euro teams, then how bad did we really look?!?

          We have hit a new rock bottom. Bora better get back on Highway 2000. There are 25 Freddys out there waiting to be discovered and groomed!



          • #6
            RE: Just come back

            Mosiah (3/22/2007)
            We have hit a new rock bottom.
            The only rock bottom we ever hit was when your "Black Man" Wendell Downsell took a full strength Jamaica side and got thrashed numerous times in England.


            • #7
              RE: Just come back

              <DIV>If only we could look half as good as that side that picked up 6 from England. At this stage, I would be a happy man.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV></DIV>

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                RE: Just come back

                Mosiah (3/23/2007)<DIV>If only we could look half as good as that side that picked up 6 from England. At this stage, I would be a happy man.</DIV><DIV>
                </DIV><DIV>So you're comparing a trial local 11 squad to our regular senior squad?</DIV>


                • #9
                  RE: Just come back

                  <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl6_lblFullMessage>"The 6-0 will come in time. China could have given us that in the Lunar Cup. We were that bad.

                  I thought the Swiss looked sharp. But let's agree that they weren't as good as most Euro teams, then how bad did we really look?!?

                  We have hit a new rock bottom. Bora better get back on Highway 2000. There are 25 Freddys out there waiting to be discovered and groomed!"

                  <SPAN>Mosiah, why are you casting such doom and gloom so early into the campaign? Give the man a chance to sort out the team, nuh. The main objective of last night's or any other game in the near future is not about winning, but how we perform and if we are getting better each time. Two goals from a top European side ( especially after scoring so early in the match) is not a bad result. I would like to look at it as our team understanding and reacting to the coach's instructions to change their tactics. </SPAN>
                  Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


                  • #10
                    RE: Just come back

                    <DIV>Yuh read the Observer report? They were toying with us. It could easily have been more. With another ref, some of our cane-cutting tackles would have been red-carded, making it worse.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>I'm going to go out on a limb and loudly state my displeasure with what I'm seeing. It's one thing to choose a young side and fail, but Bora calls up some people who are downright questionable. In fact, some of the young ones are just not cutting it and their constant inclusion in the program makes one wonder if we are trying to give them enuff caps to get a farin contract. Yes, we do that. You are just going to have to trust me on that.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Okay, I'm probably impatient. Bora is probably trying to see how some of these players perform because he already knows that some otherscan handle the big stage. Well, WCQ's start next year. Let's weed out some of these players as quickly as we can.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>To be honest, I think I'm more upset with our NPL coaches. How can you take a look at the game last night and not want to drastically raise the level of your own players whom you pay every month? Bora should never have to work with some of these players.</DIV>

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      RE: Just come back

                      I thought that was what you were doing??!? Mah bad.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        RE: Just come back

                        Man dem fi chill, as the team is in transition. Armchair coaches, lets give Bora a chance as this is ongle the second match that the man has been in charge.
                        Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                        • #13
                          RE: Just come back

                          Bricktop (3/23/2007)

                          The only rock bottom we ever hit was when your "Black Man" Wendell Downsell took a full strength Jamaica side and got thrashed numerous times in England.
                          Wendell and Carl Brown, thoseclowns, should be banned from having any involvement with national teams at any level.
                          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                          • #14
                            RE: Just come back

                            I do not have the time to say much now...

                            Two goals from a top European side ( especially after scoring so early in the match) is not a bad result.
                            You say that because you never saw the match. We were as the Observer writer said - "taken to school"...and, I'll add "...and then some".

                            I would like to look at it as our team understanding and reacting to the coach's instructions to change their tactics.
                            I hope they were not playing as instructed by the coach, because if they were "dwaag nyam wi suppa".

                            Yup! Our man of the match was our 'keeper. He played like a champion footballer. Best display I have seen from any Reggae Boyz 'keeper since Warren Barrett's era and Aaron "Wild Boy" Lawrance in a match at Foxboro under CB.

                            Finally: The Swiss scored two quick goals and then cruised. ...yet, even as they cruised and one player became a 'brukie boo' they remained for the rest of the game in 'training mode'. The technical clinic they put on show was extremely pleasing. The tactical display excellent. The movement and pace excellent. The 'quickness'/reaction time made it appear we did not know the game. They did not pressure our defenders...but, closed down our players when we got into their defensive areas in a flash.

                            ...ofcourse our 'collection of individuals' ...what we had was no TEAM...contributed mightily by handing the ball to the Swiss perhaps, 90+% of the time after we got a touch. It was poor technical touches, poor decisions, miss passes, under hit passes, miss communication and it goes on and on excepting for our 'keeper who used the ball well 99+% of the time.

                            So it was a great match for the Swiss. They did most things consistently well. It was an awful match for us as we did most things consistently poorly.

                            Have to say it again our 'keeper was very good. He made two mistakes - he kicked a ball straight to the Swiss twice. One could have had an immediate goal scored against him. He escaped. Outside of that he was brilliant!

                            If that is this 'keeper's normal fare, at this stage he is faaaaaar better than Ricketts.

                            So Bora and Jamaica can be happy in that we have a good 'keeper. ...and, Bora and Jamaica saw extremely poor outfielders.

                            Taylor appears the best of the lot and one on whom we can 'hang some hope'. He worked hard, particularly in the 2nd half and started to move into good supporting positions during that half. Hey...that was why he got the chances on goal.

                            If I started to search under rocks for other good things - outside of the 'keeper's and Taylor's performances - I would have to say we showed some glimmer of comfort passing the ball around at the back - WHEN WE WERE NOT PRESSURED. When any defender was pressured...the Swiss could afford to rarely use pressure against our defenders whenour defendershad the ball...yup!...when our defenders were pressured when in possession they became flustered and either lost the ball or gave it a great big kick to...you guessed it...the Swiss!

                            There was also that long pass across field from the right at the back from which Taylor got his first shot on goal. That pass was brilliant. Taylor's movement was excellent. Pity he did not send his blazing left foot shot on goal. That sequence was good.

                            ...and, there was a passing sequence in the second half where we put 7 or 8 passes together...moving the ball from defense through midfield...switching play from the right of defense to left of midfield to right in the Swiss penalty area that broke down because our player was called offside...that was a beaut!

                            ...but, the game was played over 90 minutes and besides thosegood things mentioned...we stunk!

                            Conclusion we were awful! Plaintive cry - Why is it our players looked as if they did not know the game? Sensible?

                            <FONT size=
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              RE: Just come back

                              Mo I don't know if they are any other way to do this. He has to look at players against good competition. Its the same way you said Jerry was overlooked in the last campaign but you cant have your cake and eat it too. If he get a look at these players he can then move on and make a informed decision and not rely on Dunswell and Brown. I dont see anything wrong other than the fact you may know that some of these players is a waste of time.

