X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...
When he ran that 19.26, his previous best had been 19.78 (but, as many people had overlooked/forgotten, he had run that 19.78 coming off one of the ugliest curve runs of all time. So, as I was very vocal about when that happened: I was EXPECTING him to run a 19-mid-low type of time as soon as he learned run even just a MEDIOCRE curve, let alone a good curve, rather than coming off the curve in last place due to jerkily nearly-tripping over his own feet while navigating the curve like a total novice the way he did in that 19.78 run of his).
And then, that's exactly what ended up happening the very next season, in that he improved his curve from being beyond-terrible the way it had been in his 19.78 run to being medium-good when he did his 19.26 run (meaning 18.99 was actually not out of the question if he ever learned how to run a REALLY great, smooth curve for once, and got himself a nice tailwind).
And now on to this season: he shows up looking MONSTROUSLY huge, almost too buff/stocky in terms of how much weight he is pulling. So now, although this massive power has improved his 100m ability even further, it seems that he doesn't have quite as absurd of a level of speed endurance on the second half of his straightaways in his 200m runs (which had been his biggest asset and the real reason that he was able to produce the performances he had in the 200 in the previous season), however, his raw speed and his curve-running ability has improved even further between last season and now. So, he's gone from having a terrible curve but AMAZING alien-good speed-endurance down the second half of the straightaway of the 200 to having extreme raw speed, a GOOD curve, but no longer has quite as much in the tank in the final 50 meters of his 200m runs, so it's a bit of a tradeoff. Overall I think it makes him capable of more CONSISTENTLY going 19-mid or 19-mid-low, but reduces a bit of what his potential maximum CEILING was back when he had that scary second-half speed endurance, where it was like if he accidentally ran a decent curve, 18.99 seemed like it was theoretically in danger back when he had that crazy speed endurance.
The way I see it, he has now learned how to run the curve decently, so, if he can just fine-tune his body to being just a TINY bit less over-bulky next season and improve his speed endurance back to where it was in 2010/2011, he won't JUST have 19.19 in the crosshairs, but rather he may have a real shot at the 19 second barrier too! So that's what I'm really looking forward to the most, is if his coach will get on top of the speed endurance issue and get him back to running those crazy last 50m's in his 200m runs but with now having a good curve to match with it to produce something mindblowing overall.
nicest person ever