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To walk, or not to walk off pitch?

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  • #31
    Who are you and what are you have done with Peter R? Do the Liverputtians know what's going on behind them back?


    • #32
      So players should wait till UEFA/FIFA decide to deal with it in their own time.
      If Holland walked of the pitch, the various bodies, authorities, governments would move quicker than Bolt to address any possibility of similar occurances happening. When it comes to money, image, media, interests being damaged and a ruined tournament., JB would find it has a remarkable way of concentrating minds.


      • #33
        I like my brethren Paul M have never condoned racism... unuh know dat... the infamous incident involving a Liverpool player who was banned for 8 matches was not RACIST IMO...(unuh kn dat tuh and I would not want to accuse nor be accused falsely of such... anyway, at the risk of stirring up a smouldeing fire... the behaviour by many fans in Europe with the chanting and the banana skins, the Nazi salutes etc. is clearly racist and directed at BLACK players... and UEFA is pussyfooting around this ongoing issue...IT MUST STOP!
        Peter R


        • #34
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          That is a little better. My biggest problem is to leave it up to the players individually. I would rather to see a team sit down on the pitch and let action be taken but for a player to walk off because he thinks he is been abused is just totally wrong. He walk away from the support of his teammates, knowing them them football organization here, it maybe deemed racism or not. What do you do when a player walk off and say he is abused and it is decided otherwise?

          Do you further punish him/her? People are acccused and it is not necessarily true and if the example is set others will follow. The fact is I have no problem with the game played in Eastern Europe because you have to turn the light on them at some stage and like England, Italy, Spain and others hopefully it will get a little better. Punish all of the Holigans but not the game.
          But that's the point Saas...the hooligans are not punished. If they were doing that then fine, but UEFA and FIFA are full of it - you and me both know it. If a team were to have the cojones to walk off entirely in protest, they could potentially sue FIFA (Gamma can confirm) under labour laws that FIFA failed to protect them from racism in the workplace, which is an obligation on their part. At the very least, it would be a statement of worldwide proportion...and that would be a good thing. Ef the FIFA/UEFA b.s. - they are the bigots that really should be banned.
          "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

          X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


          • #35
            Put it this way, a player walking off the field is terrible for the game and wouldn't achieve much. A team walking off would be better but a sit in would be much better. Paul to be frank you can't say they have done nothing, there is a lot more to be done and I see playing this competition in Ukraine/Poland as a forward step. You can't run from it but confront it.

            An individual play walking off is an excuse for me and what if the offense was deemed not racial. An instance is Zidane incident, many of us thought it was racial at first but turn out not to be. You can't make the individual player decide what action to take, that is the death of the game.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Assasin View Post
              Put it this way, a player walking off the field is terrible for the game and wouldn't achieve much. A team walking off would be better but a sit in would be much better. Paul to be frank you can't say they have done nothing, there is a lot more to be done and I see playing this competition in Ukraine/Poland as a forward step. You can't run from it but confront it.

              An individual play walking off is an excuse for me and what if the offense was deemed not racial. An instance is Zidane incident, many of us thought it was racial at first but turn out not to be. You can't make the individual player decide what action to take, that is the death of the game.
              The individual can do whatever he wants, he just has to live with the consequences. If you were playing with a white guy in a black country and he decided to walk off due to racial insults, would you walk off with him? The point is that the only way the players will walk off together - or have a sit in, would be if it were premeditated. If that's the case, great, but if not, then let each individual do as he may. Game or no game, we all have to live with ourselves at the end of the day. I would never prevent a man from taking that step for abuse if he thought the officials were doing nothing about it.
              "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

              X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


              • #37
                even if is Evra or Rio
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

