Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
After the many billions they have spent on "soccer" over several's about time they emerge from relative futility
Sometimes the uncommon commonsense can level the field. As far as I am concerned 'proper' use of our resources would have us at the very TOP OF THE WORLD!
Where we currently are in the football hierarchy is testament to our lack of use of commonsense.
I shall say it again - The school system provides great resources in physical plants and human capital that have been terribly underutilized.
The JFF and the clubs have the resources to have all our NPL coaches visit top of the world clubs and national setups to fast-forward development of TEAM orientated players. That nonsense 'popping' ability being stifled if the young players are encouraged to play TEAM is bulls!
'Bout ability to express self would be stifled to teaching goalscoring? ...forwards should be good headers of the ball? ...getting to the ball first? ...'give and thou shall receive'? ...need to work for TEAM without ceasing during entire match? ...encouraging logical thinking/the why and wherefores that go into making 'best decisions'? ...
Yes they are truly trying hard to step up the quality of play, discipline and execution especially. I see this especially in their youth programs, but the weakness I see in their program in the quest to get to a world cup final is that their youth program is so structured, that literally they are just wasting their best talent very early and we have seen in Jamaican athletics that many athletes develop at unusual points along the way the 13-14 jump, the 15-16 and finally the post 17 jump. Players change tremendously based on A number of factors, maturity, physical development etc. USA is developing a cadre of youth players that are pretty much upper middle class youth whose parents have the resources (money and time) to keep them going in the ridiculously regimented select system which is wasting a ton of talent with each new iteration and each new season.
End result will probably be a team full of Donavons and Bradley's which is pretty good but the dempseys will probably get left on the drawing board in the current system.
Fully agree, the pool is diverse and deep buy they are pulling not just white middle class more like white upper middle class, that is where I see the weakness in what they are I always said when emmit smith and deon sanders types start naturally playing ball early and coming up through the system then we will see something unusual, right now they are separating the wheat from the chaff by money and time of the parents. Not a good formula, they are also trying to isolate football players so they commit to the sport early and lock down that commitment, in that case they are shutting out the best talent. Mr Marin long time no talk, how you doing?
I am just hoping that is not the case, as all I am hearing is that Daley is the lynchpin of the thing, I though even you have been making that case, ok I exaggerate on that point. I just would be very disappointed,crushed even to see this kid start when I don't even think he has earned his way into the squad based on performance.
I am just hoping that is not the case, as all I am hearing is that Daley is the lynchpin of the thing, I though even you have been making that case, ok I exaggerate on that point. I just would be very disappointed,crushed even to see this kid start when I don't even think he has earned his way into the squad based on performance.
Yes I know he did not accumulate enuff points to even get called under your Numerical Matrix Selection System... hopefully Tappa has an app to fix that..LOL
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Waste is waste, no matter where it come from. What i am seeing is a bunch of potential players here that dont make it up the ladder due to cost and time of commitment, but so it goes they have enough advantages already, i just see that disadvantage as they key to holding them back to reaching the goals that they aspire to, sort of an inbred cannibalistic system.
USA is developing a cadre of youth players that are pretty much upper middle class youth whose parents have the resources (money and time) to keep them going in the ridiculously regimented select system which is wasting a ton of talent with each new iteration and each new season.
This is total nonsense.
"Donovan was excellent. We knew he was a good player, but he really didn't do anything wrong in the whole game and made it difficult for us." - Xavi
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
them make the Scottish team look like a piece of Cake.
USA looked good.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Haha, you are missing the boat Zeppo, look closely and stop drinking the cool aid. All the select players I have seen are mostly middle, upper middle kids and when I say middle I am actually thinking even higher than hat you may be thinking of middle, household income 80k and up dominates select ball.
Don 1, so you would start the youth when you know he is not battle tested, you giving up space and speed in the middle on the hope that he creates a one in 100 pass once every five games.
What most don't don't fully realize is 3/4's of the battle is shutting space down on defense and creating space on offense, actually let me say 90 percent, as touching the ball and being creative with the ball is important when you have the ball but most of the game for all players combined is about opening and closing space, that is his weak point, you can't go to battle when that is such a weak point, as te opposing manager i would seek to destroy and annihilate that weak point, yuh dont think these guys know who they playing against, this guy at this point cant even psyche himself up to make the starting 11 of a 3rd div side, Why call him, why start him, just don't mek sense to me, but as you say is Tappa side and he ultimately will get the glory or the infamy. Btw I am a Tappa supporter from the get go but not on this point.