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  • #16
    RE: oj

    <DIV>OJ, I responded to the very post. I doubt very much anyone would have deleted such a harmless post. </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>There is no truth that anybody is trying to protect the JFF. I need not say anymore about that.</DIV>



    • #17
      RE: oj

      so mosiah seriously now because deep down me know you have the best intention. But before I go further me make sure what they say is not true that you are down with the establishment and dont want to **** of Chris dehring dem suh you move the post. You think they should tell you cant wear competitive sponsorship gear. I dont think the design is the problem I think its how we allow people to be included. We can give people the idea that if you dont like it leave.. No I dont need to be a moderator. You just need to listem to me


      • #18
        RE: oj

        so mosiah seriously now because deep down me know you have the best intention. But before I go further me make sure what they say is not true that you are down with the establishment and dont want to **** of Chris dehring dem suh you move the post. You think they should tell you cant wear competitive sponsorship gear. I dont think the design is the problem I think its how we allow people to be included. We can give people the idea that if you dont like it leave.. No I dont need to be a moderator. You just need to listem to me


        • #19
          RE: oj

          <DIV>Ok. I am all ears. :notlist: </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>My apologies for blasting you this morning. I guess I'm kinda tired of people finding fault with the moderators if a tornado should move thru their town!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Regarding the post, did you post it originally in the football forum? Because when I responded to it it was already in the "other" forum.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Trust me, moderators do much less moving and deleting that is being rumoured out there. And my patience has just grown thin when I get accused of doing such a thing. Accuse me of siding with the JFF and all that, I can deal with that. But I really don't appreciate when a "bad situation" is made worse by people accusing us of doing things that just aren't true. </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>The forum will reflect the fortunes of the JFF and our football teams. Better unnu blame Boxhill fi dat, not the moderators. Or blame Burrell! </DIV>



          • #20
            RE: oj

            [quote]Karl (3/7/2007)
            OJ (3/7/2007)Look on any football board and the majority of posts are on matches...occurances in matches...post match comments...pre-match comments. Do we have matches?

            I am saying if the topics and attached posts do not resonate with visitors they will garner little answering posts. They will be 'dead'!
            You seperated the forums and start rule like a dictator pon di board that is what messed things up. On the old board football was the topic maybe 25% of the time and when nuttin football in naturewasn't going on we talked about other stuff and kept the board lively. You people f*cked the board up by splitting it up and instead of admitting your failure unnuh a mek up anancy story bout more hits (tdown)


            • #21
              RE: oj

              The underlying issue here(if the man dem take the time to dig deep enough and to think long enough) is that we need to start doing more and talking less.

              Nah blame no one but dammit in the 200th year of the end of the slave trade and with Ghana celebrating their 50th year of independence which was partially influenced by a Jamaican(Marcus Garvey) we are still here talking, talking, talking about the same ol same ol

              We have to grow up and lead by example because if we want something done we have to do it ourselves.

              The minute we start doing is the minute the forum will be alive again.

              My suggestion is that we

              1 find ways to start posting clips of inteviews via audio

              2 find ways of using youtube to promote our youngsters and stepping up to the plate

              3 Start using myspace to promote and brand the website, before the man dem delete my myspace link I was showing unnu that everyone is on there and its a great way(plus free) to drive traffic here.

              We have to move with the crowd and we are being left behind

              www.myspace.com/cdfreakmusic Mosiah told me that this doesn't constitute advertising so I can post my link

              Lets come up with a plan of action and start doing and see how this forum start jumping again

              Lets start with everyone putting forth ideas and then finding something to do and then go forth.

              Lets go Lille!!!! Tek it to dem Keita

