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Future JFF Leadership

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  • Future JFF Leadership

    We have all read and seen the result of JFF President Boxhill and his administration since he took office.

    There aresome who thinkBoxhill's performance is satisfactory.

    This poll is a simple (unscientific?) measure of confidence in the JFF admin.

    It is hoped that sincesome JFFassociatesread this site, this poll result will give them an idea of their current overall performance (as far as fans are concerned).

    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


  • #2
    RE: Future JFF Leadership

    HL (3/2/2007)We have all read and seen the result of JFF President Boxhill and his administration since he took office.

    There aresome who thinkBoxhill's performance is satisfactory.

    This poll is a simple (unscientific?) measure of confidence in the JFF admin.

    It is hoped that sincesome JFFassociatesread this site, this poll result will give them an idea of their current overall performance (as far as fans are concerned).


    The topic of the poll is VERY misleading.
    President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)


    • #3
      RE: Future JFF Leadership

      Misleading?!? It doesn't make any sense.



      • #4
        RE: Future JFF Leadership

        On my computer screen the topic displayed is - Do you think Boxhill should be...

        ...then, there are choices - "Yes", "Maybe", "No" and "Absolutely not".

        The above leaves meina quandry.Is the question to be interpreted to have a concluding word(s)/phrase(s)? - Should it have been either"removed" or "retained"?

        I think the pollshould be modifiedand the complete questionput in the bodyof the post along with the choices.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          RE: Future JFF Leadership

          Based on the options its clear what the queston is.

          HL stop waste yuh time, Jamaicans don't give up power like that, and supporters go to the extreme to defend a failing leader.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            RE: Future JFF Leadership

            Lazie (3/2/2007)Based on the options its clear what the queston is.

            HL stop waste yuh time, Jamaicans don't give up power like that, and supporters go to the extreme to defend a failing leader.
            <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl4_lblFullMessage>Lazie says:</SPAN>

            <SPAN>Do you think Boxhill should be...removed?

            ...then, there are choices -




            "Absolutely not"...

            ...and the following is the same...

            <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl4_lblFullMessage>Do you think Boxhill should be...retained?

            ...then, there are choices -




            "Absolutely not".

            ...but, then that is Lazie????

            I think I know what HL had in mind...?

            However, if I was certain and the readers could be absolutely sure what is beingvoted on...then I would vote. Any which way HL goes with his question...it raises intrigue. What really do a majority of those who would take the time to respond really think of Boxhill's reign at this point in time? </SPAN></SPAN>
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

