Originally posted by Peter R
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My fight is for fairness, regardless of color, race or team jersey. As Natty Bob said - "until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race - me say war".
Anyone who takes the time to apply critical thinking only has to ask themselves, "What if a black man were similarly accused and tried using the same tactics used to condemn Suarez?" Would we be happy? As in the example I used, what if Fuller called Park a "chiney man" and was accused of racial abuse? How many on here would protest? This case is almost an exact parallel.
And how many people have called the man racist - like Jangle - even though the FA and Evra both went to great lengths NOT to call him racist. Have they asked why the FA and Evra did so? After all, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, isn't it a duck?
The reason, for those who want to open their eyes is that by calling him a racist, Suarez would have had legal recourse under libel laws in the UK. They were smart enough to side-step this potential direction as they know they would have LOST in court as there was no more evidence than hearsay used to convict the man, i.e. the police did not find enough evidence to convict him in the first place, and no new evidence (which they would have been compelled to share with the police) was uncovered by their investigation.
Anyway - if Siccko run gone because of me, I am sorry - but I stand my ground and hope that I have a right to continue putting forth reasoned and sound discussion. Incidentally, did Siccko also stop reading the Gleaner after Orville Higgins wrote this piece on the affair? http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/2...cleisure4.html
And TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR - I don't agree withe everything Higgins said in this article, the least of which is that Suarez did not call Evra "a negro".
Again, I am trying to impress upon people the importance of fairness. Until we have systems that are fair for everyone, don't be surprised when those flawed tactics and systems are used against us. I will say that NO ONE on this board should be happy about the way in which the Suarez matter was handled by the FA.