How long were we aware that we were to play in this round? What were the preparation games U20 team played?
Was this written by Chris Rock or Eddie Murphy?
Then again, if this U20 team can beat teams like Waterhouse and Seba, what the hell does that say about our football?
Karl and him followers can gwaan fool demselves about abundance of talent ... Ras Shatta can gwaan believe the myth about 25 Freddy. How I see it our football in reverse.
To date, the Under-20s have been playing a series of local clubs as part of their preparations. They played Tafari Lions twice - winning 5-0 and drawing 1-1; they beat Seba 4-1, Waterhouse 3-1 and lost 1-0 and 3-2 to Reno and Village respectively.
Then again, if this U20 team can beat teams like Waterhouse and Seba, what the hell does that say about our football?
Karl and him followers can gwaan fool demselves about abundance of talent ... Ras Shatta can gwaan believe the myth about 25 Freddy. How I see it our football in reverse.