Classic setup, ja overjoyed after excellent 1st round, us seething after mediocrity 1st round at best, perfect setup for yanks, they were higher ranked, coiled and ready as many were saying they were toast and ja was trash and ready, truth is we are better fighting us under the odds than being favored, I saw that comi
ng, classic Psycho setup. Us hungry, ja belly Well full and head big with media hype. One game, bad result, throw it out with bathwater. Tappa is the man, results especially from last cup quals are telling and gold cup games good especially vs hond.
ng, classic Psycho setup. Us hungry, ja belly Well full and head big with media hype. One game, bad result, throw it out with bathwater. Tappa is the man, results especially from last cup quals are telling and gold cup games good especially vs hond.