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Marlon King

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  • Marlon King

    Karl, how do you com to the conclusion that management committed the initial error?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

  • #2
    RE: Marlon King

    Gamma (2/15/2007)Karl, how do you com to the conclusion that management committed the initial error?
    It was confirmed that there was never a curfew!

    ...that being the case, moving against King,Euell and Jamal Campbell-Ryce because a curfew was breached was...worse than just an error!

    That was management's first error!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      RE: Marlon King

      NO!!!! showing up drunk and in the wee hours of the morning with woman (women) was the first error with or without a curfew!

      claiming that it was in breach of a curfew started the snowball effect! the point is kingcould have been punished for that irrespective of there being a curfew...management just made tings worse for themselves by making up crap!

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        RE: Marlon King

        Gamma (2/15/2007)NO!!!! ...showing up drunk and in the wee hours of the morning with woman (women) was the first error with or without a curfew!

        claiming that it was in breach of a curfew started the snowball effect! the point is kingcould have been punished for that irrespective of there being a curfew...management just made tings worse for themselves by making up crap!
        But, the point is he did not show up drunk!

        You would like to make it seem that King 'showed up' at some meeting or to work. How you can claim someone going to their room in the middle of the night is 'showing up' is beyond me?

        It is not unusual - as I had to explain to 'mankine' - for playersto have 'fullnights' and perform brilliantly the next day.

        Whether or not King was under a few would not have been known if theJFF boys did not 'show up'. They 'showed up' not King. ...and, in my book those JFF boys had no reason to show up...and, their lying says so!

        No ambush by the JFF boys, King would have been working his ass off for Jamaica the next day as he has always worked his ass off for us.


        ...and, for the life me I cannot understand why the JFF leaders, Mosiah and yourself seem to think that having two women on one's arms is a breach of some JFF regulation or any other regulations? :w00t:
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          RE: Marlon King

          Karl (2/15/2007)</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>But, the point is he did not show up drunk! </DIV>
          Den Karl, why yuh never tell us from long time dat yuh did dideh? Arite now. You have been right alll along!




          • #6
            RE: Marlon King

            didn't i read a post by karl earlier excusing king of anything he might have said while under the influence

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              RE: Marlon King

              [b]Karl (2/15/2007)[/b...and, for the life me I cannot understand why the JFF leaders, Mosiah and yourself seem to think that having two women on one's arms is a breach of some JFF regulation or any other regulations? :w00t:
              Yuh nuh see a some MAAMA MAN and BOWCAT a run JFF :hehe::hehe::hehe::hehe::hehetdown)


              • #8
                RE: Marlon King

                Gamma (2/15/2007)didn't read a post by karl earlier excusing king of anything he might have said while under the influence
                You are right!

                You did not read any such post!

                Just to give you a refresh - by the way *we have space for you here in Shady Pines! - We were discussing who made the first mistake. You were saying King by 'turning up' drunk and having women on his arm.

                Let's forget the having women on his arm part

                ...I said in my previous post Mr. King did not 'turn up'...so seeing he never 'turned up' drunk or otherwise...that couldnot be construed as having made a mistake.

                *You cannot imagine how wide I am smiling at getting the opening to offer you residence at Shady Pines. I need the company!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  RE: Marlon King

                  I think the initial error was to have the code to the locks to their rooms changed. Why is it that management could not have dealt with the situation the next day. If I were in King's position and I came in to find I cannot get into my room, I would be bringle too and I am sure so would you, Mosiah and Sickko as well.

                  The JFF made the initial error my not establishing the policies relating to players in the camp. They then tried to cover their tracks by saying certain policies were in place and were broken by the players.

                  Even suspending the man for insubordination, did they make their position on this known before players came to camp?

                  Gamma, yuh ah di lawyer, not me. I am sure you could punch a lot of holes into the JFF's case if you really wanted to.
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                  • #10
                    RE: Marlon King

                    no need to, it's right there....jff messed up big and often...they could have taken the moral high ground but they tried to sweeten the pot! why? there was no need!

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      RE: Marlon King

                      Mosiah (2/15/2007) <DIV>
                      Karl (2/15/2007)</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>But, the point is he did not show up drunk! </DIV>
                      Den Karl, why yuh never tell us from long time dat yuh did dideh? Arite now. You have been right alll along!

                      In the first place was King asked to 'show up'?

                      No! You say? Right? Right!!!

                      So how the hell could he show up?!

                      The truth is the JFF brass showed up unasked. ...and, the JFF Brass tried to show - tried? - ...because they have not showed. - they had sound reason to show up.

                      ...and, what is the sound reason the JFFbrass spoke of...yes, spoke of...lied... - "King broke the curfew"!

                      Mosiah: You are in 'old Shady Pines' today!

                      Massa Mosiah: There was no curfew! Therefore King should have been walking into his room with his damsel on his arm without even one degeh-degeh JFFadministrator showing up.

                      ...but, the JFF administrators compound their error by a) locking the man out of his room; b) confronting the man;c) on more than one occasion lying about it; d) punishing the man for breaking a nonexistent curfew not once...but, as Gamma, said 4 times!

                      the question I keep asking myself is, why was King., Euell and Campbell-Ryceunder JFF surveillance?

                      You tell me why the JFF boys had to be spying on King, Euell and Campbell-Ryce?

                      ...or, where the JFF brass walking around all night checking rooms?

                      ...if so, why did they believe they had to do so?

                      If they did not keep checking all rooms...again, whyKing, Euell and Campbell-Ryce had tabs kept on them?

                      Mosiah, you do know that there was a rumour that everything was being done to keep costs down? The word was it was hoped more money would fall into the right hands?

                      How much was saved by docking Euell and Campbell-Ryce half their fees plus on King's room and other expenses including his match-fees?
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        RE: Marlon King

                        <DIV>Ok, Karl. There was no curfew. It would have been alrite for King to show up 30 minutes before the match. Drunk too! Afterall, there is no written rule against that!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>There! Case closed!</DIV>

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          RE: Marlon King

                          Mosiah (2/15/2007)<DIV>Ok, Karl. There was no curfew. It would have been alrite for King to show up 30 minutes before the match. Drunk too! Afterall, there is no written rule against that!</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>There! Case closed!</DIV>
                          Reason better than that Mosiah. King showed up in the wee hrs of the morning,no one is denying that fact.Its the "locking out" of his room, that is the key point here...

                          I could understand them dealing with members of the under-17 and under-20 teams in this fashion..but to lock aprofessional player / grown man out of his room is childish at best
                          President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)


                          • #14
                            RE: Marlon King

                            Reggae-Fan (2/15/2007)

                            I could understand them dealing with members of the under-17 and under-20 teams in this fashion..but to lock aprofessional player / grown man out of his room is childish at best
                            </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>And for that childish act, King is no longer responsible for his actions?</DIV>

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER

