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New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

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  • New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

    <H2>February 13, 2007</H2><H3>Reggae Boy King breaks his silence</H3>

    By: Melton Williams

    Out of favour England-based Reggae Boy Marlon King broke his silence over the alleged report that he had women in his hotel room and other issues during the two-match England tour in May and June of last year.

    King spoke for the first time about the wide-spread report after he was slapped with a two-year ban a few days ago by the disciplinary committee of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) into misconduct charges during the England tour.

    The Reggae Boy was not present at the hearing citing that he had work
    commitments for his Premiership club Watford. However, he defended his
    position not to make himself available for the crucial hearing in Jamaica.
    <DIV id="a001119 <div id=" more?>

    He said: "The situation was blown out. It should not have reached this
    stage. It should not have gone public. It should have been dealt with in house.

    "At the last conversation I had with the president (Crenston Boxhill), he said he was going to phone me. He said the delegation was going to come to a decision whether they would let me play in the England game. The next things I heard was the story on SkySport news that I was excluded from the squad. "Going to Jamaica to explain my situation wasn't feasible at the time because as I said the whole situation was blown out of proportion. I just wanted it to be over and done with .... I thought I had already been punished.

    "Then statements were made about females in my hotel room when I had my fiancee. The president talked about girls in the hotel. All the players have girls in the hotel up to four oclock in the morning and nobody said anything."

    King, who was very upset about the decision to ban him, said he was being used as a scapegoat for Jamaica's poor showing on the tour of England.

    "At the end of the day I just think that the president was vexed because of several issues that I had spoken of. I came out and I speak the truth. I talked about the facilities ... I talked about leaving half an hour before game and getting into a match some 20 minutes before kick off when the hotel is 10 minutes around the corner.

    "I talked about few towels for 24 players. I talked about having a meeting at 2 o'clock in the night when we have training the next day. I stated the facts. I was been make a skapegoat and it is obvious. I have been keeping quiet all these time."

    On June 1, the JFF expelled King for disciplinary reasons prior to the
    team's historic match against England on June 3, which the Reggae Boyz lost 6-0 at Old Trafford.

    Team-mates Jason Euell and Jamal Campbell-Ryce received lighter punishments and were fined half their match fees after the JFF management and technical staff heard appeals by the three players.
    The JFF team had earlier expelled the three, who broke a team curfew.

    King further stated that "all this negativity is bringing down the Jamaica name. You don't ban players for two years just like that. I I never did anything wrong."

    King said that he was disappointed on how the JFF had handled the issue.

    He said: "A two year ban to say it was harsh would be an understatement. Not even people who take drugs or other serious cases .... are not banned for two years and to say that you had a disagreement with the president and got a two-year ban is very disappointed.

    "I selected Jamaica over Republic of Ireland .. but when thing like this happens it kind of put element of doubts in your head.

    "I don't thin

  • #2
    RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

    <DIV id="a001119 <div id=" more?>

    Asked if he will appeal the JFF's decision, King stated that "I will sit and speak to my agent and we will take it from there."
    I agree wid King. The JFF chose to use this case to make themselves look good. Tell me now, an incident like that happened 8 months ago. You take all that time to make a decision on the matter, then after 8 months you pop up with a 2 year ban. Ongle Mosiah and Sickko can see this as justified.

    I know if it were me (and yesI am a born and bred Jamaican), I would tell the current JFF admin to go . . . Mek mi stop yah!</DIV><P class=posted>
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

      Once again, the two-year ban was excessive and an over reaction. The issue should have been handled better by the JFF, without issuing press releases in the middle of the night and embarassing the JFF and players in England.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

        I have said my bit about the whole thing. I would appreciate if additional words aren't put into my mouth.



        • #5
          RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

          Treating Boyz like boys
          published: Wednesday | February 14, 2007
          <DIV class=KonaBody xEM5i="true">

          PETTY session is on, order in the court.

          The matter relates to Reggae Boy Marlon King.

          However, this court does not need to hear any argument from the defendant, so you're not invited to court. Worse yet, don't even think of a legal representative either, that is simply not allowed. This court is no easy court. You see, it even comprises a set of jurors who reeeeaaallllyyy take their time to deal with a matter; but then, when ready, don't hesitate to pass a two-year judgement for Kingly matters in cheetah-like fashion. That's not so in all circumstances. They just had to be very deliberate in this case. You see, it was so serious, they had to sleep on it. And for eight months at that.

          But, for those who did not remember, and that must be everybody, including the members of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) disciplinary committee, King was among the group of Reggae Boyz selected to play pre-World Cup friendlies against Ghana and England on May 29 and June 2 respectively, last year.

          On May 29, Ghana battered the Boyz 4-1, the same Boyz who had been walloped 5-0 by Australia in a practice match which actually took place on October 9, 2005, at the same place in Britain.

          More fire. Five-love from 'little' Australia, now 4-1 from World Cup debutants Ghana. Not even the forgotten April 6 1-1 draw against the United States could soothe the effects from Ghana. More pressure.

          The night after the Ghana beating, King and two other British-based 'ballers, Jamal Campbell-Ryce and Jason Euell went out. Who dares do such a thing right after such a spanking?

          Key codes changed

          So the bosses ordered the hotel staff to change the key code on the hotel rooms of the Boyz, rather, boys, as they must have been looked on.

          So when the Boyz returned, probably after what may have been a good attempt to drink away their sorrows, nothing but more sorrow as they were locked out of their rooms.

          Raging time. Get mad, make up nuff noise and carry on bad, then launch a tirade against the JFF president!

          After all, no one laid down rules that the Boyz, pardon, boys, had curfew hours, so what says this madness of locking out big men?

          Even Juergen Klinsmann gave his Germany team days off after they advanced past the first round with conditions to return to camp by a set time.

          This though is not Klinsmann and his Germany team. There are some similarities though, all men, paid to play football, are regarded as professionals.

          The big difference though, lies in the latter noun which for too long and too often seems to apply only in the case of the footballers and not the way it is administered.

          How could there not be a rule communicated to players who are then punished for breaking that silent rule?

          Well, it happened!


          Hence the madness and immediate punishment on tour for the three players. Euell and Campbell-Ryce appealed and had their punishment reduced to a fine and played the England game. King was unrepentant, didn't seek to be a part of the team thereafter and was fined.

          Genuine to the bone, he commented publicly on the incident in a forthright manner and even went as far as disclosing that he was owed by the JFF, to prove his commitment.

          Jamaica went on to pick up 6-0 from England on June 2.

          The Jamaica-based Boyz returned home as soon it was time for their local premier league and the English-based Boyz remained and are also now well into their league.

          Business as usual, it seemed, until the jurors awoke from their slumber, suddenly realising the King matter was never dealt with.

          So it's time for anot

          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


          • #6
            RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

            Mosiah (2/13/2007)I have said my bit about the whole thing. I would appreciate if additional words aren't put into my mouth.
            There is a word used to describe people like u...it begins with H. Go Figure

            Lock a grown man out of his room for "mising curfew". And then turn around and ban the man for 2 years because he took offence. And even lied to the media that the man made "disrespecing" remarks about Jamaica and its people.

            What a joke.
            President of the FACCAC - Fans Againts Clueless Crenston and Cronies (cronies include Mosiah and Sicko)


            • #7
              RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

              I said it then...and, I am saying it now!

              The JFF administrators made serious mistakes - on the treatment of the men who represent the nation.

              There was a trumped up charge. The JFF administrators lied about the curfew and there is no reason tobelieve that they have notplied additional lies to the charges they presented to their own Disciplinary Committee.

              King should not have been banned from our TEAM. King should not be serving a two year ban at this time!

              ...I said, it then...and, I say it now anyone who locked me out of my room would have had a piece of my mind. Hey, any man...or, woman for that matter, worth his ...or her salt would stand and be counted.

              The Boxhill administration for all the good it has done...seems determined to have itself voted out of office! ...as I think it shall...and, I think it should.

              Apparently nothing has been learned from seeing the then arrogant Burrell booted.
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban

                I think it was HL who wrote: 'and the idiot shall be idiot still'.

                Boxhill and his silly group need to go immediately.

                The very very sad thing is that Scikko, Mosiahas well as other non-forward thinking individuals in the voting JFF administration will re-elect this head idiot called Boxhill.

                Marlon King is exposed to professionalism everyday. Professionalism is something the JFF admin. is <U>stil</U>l trying to achieve.


                • #9
                  RE: New Marlon King Interview Response to 2-year ban


                  "Then statements were made about females in my hotel room when I had my fiancee. The president talked about girls in the hotel. All the players have girls in the hotel up to four oclock in the morning and nobody said anything."

                  "At the end of the day I just think that the president was vexed because of several issues that I had spoken of. I came out and I speak the truth. I talked about the facilities ...

                  I talked about leaving half an hour before game and getting into a match some 20 minutes before kick off when the hotel is 10 minutes around the corner.

                  "I talked about few towels for 24 players.

                  I talked about having a meeting at 2 o'clock in the night when we have training the next day.

                  The original punishment was for a curfew and that was never in place. It was stated that they were going to deduct money for curfew that was set at 11'clock at night. We have already left by 9 or 10 o'clock," said King.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

