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Bin Hammam claims FIFA wouldn't convict a European

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  • Bin Hammam claims FIFA wouldn't convict a European

    Bin Hammam claims FIFA wouldn't convict a European

    Wednesday, September 07, 2011

    LONDON, England (AP) — Mohamed bin Hammam claims FIFA would not have convicted him of bribery and imposed a life ban from football if he was European, making strong accusations of discrimination in a letter to world football's governing body.

    The Qatari former presidential election opponent of Sepp Blatter was judged in July to have arranged bribes for Caribbean voters earlier this year.

    FIFA's ethics committee is also investigating 16 Caribbean officials suspected of accepting $40,000 cash bribes from bin Hammam.

    But bin Hammam remains defiant as he mounts a full appeal, continuing to use the Asian Football Confederation presidency notepaper as he wrote to FIFA's deputy ethics committee chairman, Judge Petrus Damaseb, on Sunday.

    Bin Hammam accused Damaseb of Namibia of being a "pawn" of Blatter's in pursuing a case against him, while also attacking general secretary Jerome Valcke.

    "Were I a European, or were the Caribbean part of Europe, neither Blatter nor Valcke will dare lay a finger on us," bin Hammam wrote in a letter released yesterday on his official website. "Were we Europeans, you would have never been given the opportunity to chair this ethics committee panel and slaughter people left and right, as you have done."

    FIFA declined to comment on the accusations.

    Bin Hammam, who first joined FIFA's executive committee in 1996, is the most senior official found guilty of corruption in FIFA's 107-year history.
    The scandal broke when Chuck Blazer, the American representative on FIFA's top body, delivered a file of evidence of bin Hammam offering or paying bribes at a May 10-11 campaign stop in Trinidad.

    FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner dodged the panel's judgement by resigning from all of his football positions before answering charges about his part in the bribery plot.

    The FIFA panel that convicted bin Hammam was headed by Damaseb after ethics committee chairman Claudio Sulser stepped aside because he is Swiss like Blatter.

    "Have you ever asked yourself why you have been given the task to chair this committee when the FIFA ethics committee has a capable, qualified Swiss chairman?" bin Hammam wrote to Damaseb. "And this despite my legitimate rejection towards your membership in this panel. The answer is simply because Valcke would never have dared to dictate upon him (Sulser) what he must do or not do, while you were merely tasked to stamp any decisions that he will dictate upon you."

    Bin Hammam claimed that "nobody in this world will believe that Valcke and Blatter are qualified to fight any sort of corruption".

    "If they are serious about fighting corruption, they should have the courage to volunteer themselves as the first subjects of such investigations on the allegations raised against them since years until today," he added.
    And bin Hammam warned FIFA in the letter that he is "capable enough financially and otherwise to defend myself for years if it is necessary".

    Bin Hammam is yet to be replaced as head of Asian football. Under AFC statutes, which only allow the position of president to be vacant for one year, an extraordinary congress and election must be held if bin Hammam's appeals aren't resolved by May 29, 2012.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport...#ixzz1XHXog2um
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Well, Peter R? This guy refuses to go away as FIFA

    big wigs had hoped.

    Could it be that he is challenging the big wigs on 're-instate me or I shall take down all of you'?

    Peter R: You may get your wish and this guy may start to name events - where and under what guise corruption took place - and the how it was done

    Let us face facts FIFA acts god-like and money flies around under world radar.

    FIFA is one powerful organisation that even ignores and flouts the laws of nations.

    ...sounds like a mafia organisation?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      I may not disagree with him re FIFA not convicting a European. However, is argument is like saying that while he is guilty, he should not face the piper because if Europeans are guilty they wouldnt be made to face the piper. So he is like a real politician who is not saying he is not worthless.
      "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


      • #4
        isn't that what he is saying? his crime is that he challenged blatter. AFC and CONCACAF fot blatter in, jack wanted to play king maker again and sepp snuff dat out! he 's now a lame duck ... so....what does he care.

        a lot of his minions are likely to go with him when he leaves ... like valcke etc. to avoid any possible backlash

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Like saying I am wutliss but Gamma is at least a likkle wutliss too. While I am being kicked out for being wutliss, Gamma will never be kicked out, regardless of whether he is a tiny bit or a whole lot wutliss because Gamma run tings. Gamma's hubris is such that he says to the world that only Gamma can kick out Gamma and, by the way, there is nobody else capable of running things if Gamma were to kick out Gamma.
          "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


          • #6
            i like di sounda dat!!!

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

