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Blatter expects corruption investigation ruling in July

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  • Blatter expects corruption investigation ruling in July

    Fifa president Sepp Blatter expects corruption investigation ruling in July

    Head of the governing body of world football believes that the ethics committee will give out a ruling concerning the investigation into the bribery allegations next month

    By Adithya Ananth

    26 Jun 2011 00:46:00

    Sepp Blatter
    Fifa president Sepp Blatter has revealed that he expects the investigation concerning corruption in the governing body of world football to be concluded next month.

    Additionally, the 75-year-old also maintained that there would be no action against ex- Concacaf head Jack Warner, who resigned from all football positions last Monday.

    Warner and AFC president Mohamed Bin Hammam - who was contesting against Blatter during the Fifa presidential elections, prior to being suspended - were accused to bribery and the former decided to step down from all football related activities, while the Qatari chose to fight the allegations.

    "The ethical committee is working on it and will come to a decision during the course of July," Blatter told reporters in Berlin before the women's World Cup.

    Concerning Warner, he added: "We know that he has resigned, so there will be no inquiry into him."
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Think the unthinkable

    Think the unthinkable

    By Raffique Shah

    Story Created: Jun 26, 2011 at 12:44 AM ECT
    Story Updated: Jun 26, 2011 at 12:44 AM ECT

    LAST December, after the FIFA voted on hosts for the 2018 and 2022 football World Cup, I wrote a column in which I suggested that Jack Warner might have exposed Trinidad and Tobago to negative fallouts in international relations because of the perception that he had reneged on promises made to the US and Great Britain.

    Several persons commented that what I suggested amounted to "tatah". Why would the US, our biggest trading partner, and Britain, with whom we have had historic ties, even consider their failed World Cup bids as cause for retaliatory action? In any event, why the hell should these two countries think they had some inherent right to host the biggest sporting event? Didn't the other countries that bid—Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Qatar and Korea—have equal rights in the eyes of the sporting world?

    I agreed with some of the points my critics raised. Indeed, I agreed with Warner when he pointed out that Britain, which hosted and won the Cup in 1966, should ask why no European country voted for it. And the US, which has hosted four of 24 Summer Olympics since 1896, as well as the 1994 World Cup, should also not believe that "might is right" in sports, as it appears to be in politics and war.

    My argument then was not whether these two powerful countries deserved to be hosts of the Cup, although, from the standpoints of crowd attendance and television coverage, both would be ahead of most other countries. My main point was that Warner had wined and dined and met with some of the most powerful people from these countries prior to the controversial vote on December 2. Among them were David Beckham, who visited Trinidad, and HRH Prince William and Prime Minister David Cameron, in Zurich on the eve of the vote.

    Earlier, in November 2009, Warner and Sepp Blatter had met with President Obama at the White House. In Zurich, Warner said that "the CONCACAF fraternity would vote together". And he alluded to the US being a member of that fraternity.

    So when the FIFA 22-man executive voted for Russia and Qatar to host the 2018 and 2022 finals, there was a perception that he had jilted two powerful and very influential suitors who had wooed him prior to the vote. The USA did not openly express its disappointment, but Britain did. I warned then that there could be repercussions for Warner if he had actually made commitments, and, by extension, for our country, if there was the feeling that someone who often acts as Prime Minister, did not honour his word.

    Much of what ensued—the allegations of bribery at the Hyatt, claims of attempted bribery made before a British Parliamentary Committee, summons to appear before the FIFA Ethics Committee, suspension and resignation—can be linked, directly or indirectly, to that controversial vote in Zurich. Then, Warner thought he was omnipotent. He savaged the British. And more recently, he made some very uncomplimentary remarks about America when he refused to appear before an investigative team headed by an ex-FBI officer.

    Now, he is learning the hard way that while the FIFA is a very powerful body, there are forces out there infinitely more powerful than the football overlords. This matter is far from finished. In fact, it has only just begun. Influential British politicians are pushing the now-cornered Blatter to pursue allegations of corruption against Warner even though he has resigned from the many positions he held. By snubbing the FBI investigator, he is adding to his perceived sins, at least in the eyes of the power brokers in Washington.

    As recently as last May, Jamaica's Energy and Mining Minister, James Robertson, had his US visa revoked by the State Department, based on allegations that he was involved in a murder-for-hire plot. Robertson stoutly denied the allegations, made by an asylum-seeker from St Thomas. He nevertheless resigned from Bruce Golding's Cabinet—to allow investigations into the charges to proceed unhindered.

    Here, calls for Warner to step down from his ministerial post while the scandal rages, even intensifies, have met with resistance from him. He has vowed to stay on as Minister of Works. Most of his Cabinet colleagues are backing him. In the UNC, of which he is chairman, support for him staying on as "the hardest working minister" is almost unanimous. Against this groundswell, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is hardly likely to take decisive action. She would maintain the status quo and hope that the many controversies that now dog Warner would blow away.

    They will not. Warner was not exonerated from allegations of corruption as both he and his attorney, Om Lalla, claim. FIFA dropped the charges after he resigned, which, not coincidentally, came after he received the damning report of FIFA's Ethics Committee. In other words, as Trinis would say, "Take in front before in front take you."

    What all those who are rallying behind Warner fail to heed is that the long arms of London and Washington are also vengeful tentacles. I shall not be surprised if the State Department revokes Warner's visa. Many might ask: so what? After all, Warner has seen too much of America, and most of the rest of the world anyway, as he frequently boasts.

    That point is valid only to those who seek "frequent flyer miles". This man has acted as Prime Minister, and may well do so again. Imagine, people, headlines screaming: Trinidad PM arrested in US! Unthinkable?

    Think again. var idcomments_acct = "d56da3b488cbbeb0de6e538a112da404";var idcomments_post_id = "trinidadexpress/124553019";var idcomments_post_url= "http://www.trinidadexpress.com/commentaries/Think_the_unthinkable-124553019.html";

    If Warner has the audacity to land in the U.S., look for him to be dealt with like the IMF's DSK. He would wish that his U.S. Visa was revoked.

    jettsamm 92p · 13 hours ago

    Raffique, perfect article. We thinking with the same brain. Jack US Visa will get pull, I too foresee.

    1 reply · active 3 hours ago

    DDJOS 85p · 3 hours ago

    Excellent..... Right on the button..

    RetiredCitizen 68p · 9 hours ago

    Excellent article....there are many whose US visas would get pull in the process as well......

    OK_Man 2p · 8 hours ago

    Jack is not breaking new ground. Is he not following in the august footsteps of Dr Williams who had problems with the US?

    atrinitoo 62p · 6 hours ago

    Mr. Shah, on the point. Guilt an innocence is very tentative. Noreiga was guilty of drug trafficking - for the wrong side. When he was facilitating the other sides trafficking he was innocent of everything. This is why the International Criminal Court would never be allowed to work - diverse interest.

    As for Jack, every country have wined and dined him. This is accepted in relationship building. I do not see why the US and the UK should believe that they are the only ones wining and dining for influence. What they wanted is someone to lean on everyone else to ensure that they got their way - their despot. But if it went down to a vote Jack is only one vote in many. Then they would want him to bully everyone else into following the masters. And if you don't as Jack did, they will get you.

    End of story.

    JMDnld 77p · 6 hours ago

    Shah's Deception:
    This man has acted as Prime Minister, and may well do so again. Imagine, people, headlines screaming: Trinidad PM arrested in US! Unthinkable? Think again.

    You think again:
    Jack could only act as PM of T&T while he is in T&T. If he is arrested in the US, he would be considered a MP and a Minister. Also, if he travels out of the country, someone else handles his Ministry.

    humanoidTT 94p · 6 hours ago

    There is one inaccuracy in your article. Jack Warner, while PM or acting PM, has a host of diplomatic immunities and will never be arrested in a foreign country for anything short of a crime against humanity. (genocide, war crimes etc).

    RamKillerMan 86p · 5 hours ago

    Mr. Warner has business ventures in the USA.. Someone stated he had about 7 companies there.. Most likely he also has a green card.. He can be arrested despite his 'diplomatic status'.

    TobagoGeorge 76p · 1 hour ago

    I have to get in here again, but you guys are making too big a stretch, far fetched. Listen to what Shah said, Warner looses his US visa for been accused of offering a bribe in a FIFA vote scandal. Are you aware of the busness entanglements Warner has in the Unitesd states? Does these accusations resemble a murder for hire plot? I must ask, was the USA going against the consensus of Concacaf when it seeked to get the GAmes staged in the USA. Remember FIFA is the governing body of a global busness and the course of busness is to not just stage games, but to expand the quality of games and services globally, so each region will feel its impact equally. Of what use was a world cup in the USA to FIFA. The press will follow them any where and they will make money any how..

    Source: http://www.trinidadexpress.com/commentaries/Think_the_unthinkable-124553019.html

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Jack and Jill

      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

