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2nd half Jamaica v USA up now on Fox Soccer

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  • 2nd half Jamaica v USA up now on Fox Soccer

    I hope we are calmer and can watch dispassionately.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    1st goal...Jamaica actually came out with goood shape and good movement. One mix-up allowed the US to be gifted the ball.

    Austin and Dane Richards on diffirent pages. The ball eventually is worked wide on the flank/wing (crossed and cleared) ...hit back in and is deflected in.

    No outcoaching evident! Fact is Jamaica had reinforced its defense by adjustin gto a back 4. ...where closing down faster all over the pitch.

    Goal 49th minute.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Jamaica was actually doing quite well on containment of the US and attack on search for equalizer....then 67minute RED CARD for Jermaine Taylor.

      Previous to the RED CARD Whitmore had also made another adjustment - JeVaughn Watson on for Delmar Philips.

      Whatever Tappa told the players and whatever adjustments were made were working.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        Where did the thoughts come from that adjustments were not made...???
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          I did watch the game again last night and I maintain my opinion. We differ and that's fine. You keep talking about giving away the ball too much..do you think this is entirely the players fault? USA tactics was to crowd the middle and cut out the passing lane. What was done to combat this? What's the Coach's job? I didn't know that is job stops when the player takes the field. If we are playing out of shape, lossing the ball alot, etc...Isn't it the coach's job to try to do something about that? It could be pulling the midfield deeper, looking to the flanks, having guys touch the sidelines etc...widen the widith of the field to get the pass. BAsically, the tactics employed in training wasn't working and the Coach on the sidline is the the one seeing the big picture and required to get the players to adjust. The players were on the field confused because tactics employed wasn't working. How should they maintain the ball when it's hard to find someone to pass to? Morrison and Austin was nonexistent. There was no controlling of the midfield like previous games. We lost the game way before the goal in the second half. We should have made a change at halftime before the goal was scored. It was always gonna be an uphill task to come back after going down a goal. Again, we were outcoached and Tappa will learn from the expeience. Adjustments were required at the appropriate time and this didn't happen


          • #6
            Plush, you have to understand that when it comes to Karl, you just have to decide to let him be. Tappa can do no wrong for him, either as a player or now that he is a coach. He will find some way to spin it to take any blame from Tappa. That is just how it is.
            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


            • #7
              Seriously Tilla how can you blame Tappa?

              What if Burton had missed that open goal in RFK 97? Whre would we be today? Ja knaows exactly where they stand and it's now time to work harder and improve.


              • #8
                Seriously Tilla how can you blame Tappa?
                Typically, this is what happens when teams lose matches Jawgie. Coaches get blamed, not the players.

                Seriously though, I would not expect you to see it differently where Tappa is concerned. The argument is made that we were being outplayed, or to put it mildly, the US was having the upper hand and had us on the defensive. We did not make the adjustments to counter the US tactics and therefore we continued to soak up the pressure.

                If you keep something under pressure constantly at some point it will give. We went into the dressing room at halftime without any goals scored on us. You would have felt that you would see a different approach by the Boyz at the beginning of the 2nd half, but it was not to be.

                What if Burton had missed that open goal in RFK 97? Whre would we be today?
                Cannot see the relevance of this question. While you are at it, you could try figuring out what is the referee had not mistakenly awarded the USA a penalty kick in that same match. Cannot see where you are going with this though. Knowing you over the years, you have a tendency to bring in some type of tangential argument where you just take off on a tangent without the other party being able to determine the relevance. Let us focus on the match played on June 19th, 2011, not one played October, 1997.
                "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                • #9
                  ...and therein is the repeat that adjustments were not made.

                  That is simple not fact! It is as fact - false!

                  The easiest adjustment for all how watched the game to see...was on re-start the back 4 introduced and back 3 abandoned.

                  Next was the obvious effort at pressuring the USA and moving immediately on attack.

                  Christ guys and ladies - the first goal against us came by an unfortunate deflection in the 49 minute. - 4 minutes after the re-start.

                  ...and then another adjustment was made - Out D. Philips in JeVaughn Watson. Fresh legs?...effort to stabilize midfield? ...seeing Philips was not attacking as he had in the previous matches - effort at bolstering attack?

                  ...and all that you keep repeating no adjustment made?
                  Are those unrelenting claims, Fair? ...or Fact?

                  Then not long after 67th minute --- 18 minutes after the goal - Taylor gets an unfortunate RED CARD. ...again adjustments made - still attacking! ...back to back 3! ...and the adjustments continued - Keammar Daley introduced to further bolster attacking options.

                  ...and you still keep claim no adjustments made

                  ...and even that how do any of us know instructions actually given to individual player or to TEAM? ...are we dead sure no additional or alternatively supporting adjustment instructions delivered?

                  I give up!
                  Nary another word on this matter of adjustments from me.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    I guess you were watching a different game. Must be the one for 1997. Phillips stayed on the pitch. It was Vernon who was withdrawn. The three subs were for Vernon, Shelton and Morrison. And you still not getting it but I will leave it as I agree with Tilla. The flection goal was bound to happen. USA was getting chance after chance before that goal..it was a matter of time before they scored. We weren't unlucky to have that deflected goal scored on us..We were lucky not to have more scored on us before that


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Plush View Post
                      I guess you were watching a different game. Must be the one for 1997. Phillips stayed on the pitch. It was Vernon who was withdrawn. The three subs were for Vernon, Shelton and Morrison. And you still not getting it but I will leave it as I agree with Tilla. The flection goal was bound to happen. USA was getting chance after chance before that goal..it was a matter of time before they scored. We weren't unlucky to have that deflected goal scored on us..We were lucky not to have more scored on us before that
                      I made a mistake Vernon out.

                      ...but you have again said something that makes your argument weak - We went in at 0 - 0..after the USA had many chances.

                      It was during the half-time interval that the first obvious changes were made. ...and then the goal was scored...and then more changes made...and then another goal was scored.

                      So Tappa made the changes and we still lost. You can disagree with the changes as, you have...but you cannnot...scrap that...you should not be saying or suggesting that he made no changes. ...he did not react to what was occuring on the field.
                      Last edited by Karl; June 22, 2011, 04:09 PM.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Tilla you obviously missed my point.

                        The "Burton miss" was to point out that at certain level our strikers have to be clinical. If burton had missed Ja would have lost one nil. The 98 team didn't pass as much but they were mentally tougher and held more composure.

                        It's hard to blame Tappa when he has to make a selection based on high school football.

                        If Ja had youth academies and a strong Pro league, I would aqccept your arguments.

                        In the Game of football we Jakqans tend to discount the little things (which turns out to be of major importance). Converting half chances, players reaction in front of an open goal.

                        This team will get stronger but Tappa has to go to England if he wants to beat the US and Mexico (Rboyz is already shoing the signs)in open play with ball possesion.

                        BTW: Tappa would have enjoyed himself playing midfield for this 2011 team. He would have scored or assisted in a goal.


                        • #13
                          Thought Austin had a good game. ...was very much involved ...made a few errors but overall B mark.
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

