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My Three Cents

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  • My Three Cents

    Ok. You've all waited long enough for my expert analysis of tonight's game. I will keep you in suspense no more. Let me start by saying that we HAVE turned a corner, and Tappa, and his crew, must be complimented and encouraged. There were more positives to take from this game than negatives. I deliberately waited until after watching this match before I threw my hat into the "feel good ring". Here are some of my observations:
    1. The team has no PrimaDonnas. I see the players playing for each other and trusting each other. There is a sense of unity within the team.
    2. Finally, the team's tactics matches our strengths. God blessed Jamaicans with an abundance of speed and athletism. I always thought that Luton Shelton was the fastest (across ground ) on the team, but Demar Phillips, Eric Vernan and not to mention the real speed demon Dane Richards, are just as fast. Opposing defense will have some serious problems trying to handle our speed. The utilisation of the wings, is devasting.
    3. One of the biggest improvement within the team, is the level of discipline that the players are showing. They are disciplined in maintaining their shape; they are disciplined in attacking in numbers; they are disciplined in running back and pressuring the player on the ball in numbers; and most of all, they are disciplined in keeping their emotions in check. Most noticeably, is Eric Vernan, who has been on the end of several fouls in the two matches. In tonight's match, the Guatemalean keeper, cheekily swung his hand and struck Vernan in his face. The youngster kept his cool and walked away. The Jamaica of old would have been down to 10 men by now.
    4. The patient buildup, shows that we are advancing in our play. We are now playing a controlled, well-managed game like the big international teams. Guatemala is a half step up from Grenada. Honduras will offer us more of a challenge. However, since we have already qualified for the next round, Tappa will be resting our main players, so our team MAY not be as strong. He has to be careful not to lose the number one spot.
    5. Individually, a number of players are standing out - Eric Vernan, Dane Richards, Luton Shelton (has shown improvement and maturity), Demar Phillips (sweet left foot and he should be taking our freekicks), Morrison (steady and solid), Taylor (marshalling his defense well) and Keamar Daley (certainly one to groom).
    Our weaknesses:
    1. We lost some of our somposure tonight when we came under a little pressure. Our defense was resorting to the one-time clearances and thus, giving back the ball to the opponent.
    2. Donovan Ricketts was slinking back to his usual silliness because we were up.
    3. We need to move the ball faster against tougher opponents.
    4. Certain players need to work on their game: Austin (passing), Ryan Johnson (finishing), Omar Daley (selflessness), Donovan Ricketts (his concentration even when he is inactive for long periods)
    Overall, the team is on the right track. Bring on Honduras.
    Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015

  • #2
    Ricketts and the center-halves must cut out the needless long balls to the opponents.. especially the one-time kicks.. control the effing ball and look for a high percentage pass.. especially when they have the time !..

    WTF is wrong with B$%#@# Ricketts ??


    • #3
      I had the same sentiments but it seems that Tappa abd tech staff corrected iy going into the second half. This means Ja could have scored from the first half if steady passes were coming from the back to make the transition.


      • #4
        more like a dollar relatively speaking

        but sports is always about what have you done (for me) lately. let's hope this team can maintain the promise they show, firstly for the rest of the tournament and then over the next two and a half years... I intend to go to Brazil (life sparing and God willing) for 2014 and a Jamaican presence would make it that much sweeter. congrats to the boyz on the performances so far!
        Peter R


        • #5
          Good analysis Jangle. And a fairly good performance against the Guats by the Boyz.

          Truth be told, we had a very poor first half and - had it been a better opponent - we would've been down at half time. Thanks to Ricketts we held out for a nil-all half.

          Tappa and staff have their work cut out for them as we prepare to meet Honduras. The forward line have to work on their finishing; especially Luton Shelton.

          I thought Tappa would've substituted Dane Richards tonight because he was clearly tired from the 70th minute and could hardly track back at times. as a result he was caugt in the off-side position a couple times.

          Dada Daley belongs on that starting 11. I would take out Austin and play Dada as the starting midfielder.

          Navion Boyd is viable option on the frontline but Tappa has not used him so far. We may see him against Los Catrachos!
          "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


          • #6
            Nice analysis, but I have to disagree about Shelton; this was not one of his better games...too many poor choices when he had the ball...movement off the ball needs improvement too.


            • #7
              Good analysis boss! I saw the aimless big kicks out of defense and by Ricketts for the first half and thought, here we go again. They changed gears in the second half and played much better. Eric Vernan's discipline was quite impressive. I also thought Austin was not really helping the team, or if he was, I totally missed it. I would love to see Tappa make Keammar Daley a fixture in midfield or at least give him a longer run. You saw the intelligent thru pass he made to set up Demar Philliphs.

              The speed up fromt is mesmerizing for opposing defenses. I think we just need to have the midfield controling the game more and making the forwards do their thing and we would see even better results.

              Ryan Johnson is a big presense up front, but his finishing is woeful. He also does not seem blessed with the one-on-one skills like the other players. It would be good to have had a Cummings in the mix.

              Honduras will be a tougher game, but if we maintain the momentum and shape, we can do it. I think Tappa should go for the win in that match and not think about drawing.
              "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


              • #8
                Yeh Maudib. Our opponents can always sit back and wait for the sill long ball from our goal keeper and defenders. It has become their signature play. Our defenders and keeper contribute nothing to our attack.


                • #9
                  Austin and Morrison never contributed much in my opinion, and they probably should not be starters.

