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Kudos to Paul Reid and the Observer

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  • Kudos to Paul Reid and the Observer

    for giving the ,man his worth. At times I don't see eye to eye with the print of the paper but today they are spot on.

    Quote:"It's been a long time coming but I know a change gonna come, yes it will"

    Chase your dream - Young 'ballers' urged to make sacrifices
    BY PAUL A REID Observer West Writer
    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    <A href="mailto:?subject="Chase your dream - Young " ballers? urged to make sacrifices?&body="Link:" westernnews Chase-your-dream---Young--ballers--urged-to-make-sacrifices_8667422 http: www.jamaicaobserver.com | Jamaican News Online - JamaicaObserver.com?>

    MONTEGO BAY, St James — NATIONAL Technical Football Director Theodore Whitmore has urged young football players not to abandon their dreams and chase after quick fixes.

    Whitmore said too many young Jamaican sportsmen and women, even some with bright minds, are "impatient for success and unwilling to sacrifice for the dream."
    President of the St James Football Association Texchus Nembhard (left) accepts the sponsorship cheque for the Guardian Life Division 2 at Tuesday’s launch at Jarrett Park. Also in photo are from left-Boyd White of Guardian Life, National Football Technical Director Theodore Whitmore who was the guest speaker, Macklin Peterkin- treasurer of the St James FA, O’Neil Brooks Regional Manager of Guardian Life and Donovan Craigie also of Guardian Life. (Photo: Paul Reid)
    Karsten Walker (second right), manager of the Paradise FC team, accepts the winner’s cheque from Macklin Peterkin, treasurer of the St James FA, after his team was declared winners of the dress parade at Tuesday’s launch of the St James FA Guardian Life Division 2 at Jarrett Park. Also in photo at left is Donovan Craigie of Guardian life and at right Boyd White, also of Guardian life.

    President of the St James Football Association Texchus Nembhard (left) accepts the sponsorship cheque for the Guardian Life Division 2 at Tuesday’s launch at Jarrett Park. Also in photo are from left-Boyd White of Guardian Life, National Football Technical Director Theodore Whitmore who was the guest speaker, Macklin Peterkin- treasurer of the St James FA, O’Neil Brooks Regional Manager of Guardian Life and Donovan Craigie also of Guardian Life. (Photo: Paul Reid)

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    He was speaking at Tuesday's launch of the St James Football Association's Guardian Life Division Two league at Jarrett Park.
    Paradise FC and Little Putt were winners in the opening games over Peace View and Future Youths respectively as 22 teams will take part in the competition, which was sponsored to the tune of $750,000.
    Whitmore, the star of the Jamaican team at the 1998 FIFA World Cup, said while some have gone on to achieve and make their dreams a reality, "I dare say the majority have abandoned their dreams and aspirations at a very early age. Many have not even given those dreams a chance, an opportunity into reality."
    He suggested that "Some were not encouraged sufficiently by those with influence and responsibility... Some got sidetracked with secondary events. However... too many of our current generation are impatient for success and unwilling to sacrifice for the dream."
    He lamented that "So many of our young, even bright minds are making bad choices and poor life decisions... It is no wonder why so many are constantly searching for the fast lane."
    Whitmore lauded Guardian Life's involvement in the community saying they had given the parish "A most powerful tool... the sport of football; a sport through which the players learn discipline, confidence and leadership, and embrace tolerance, cooperation and respect."
    Whitmore, who came to prominence as a football player later in life and who did not play schoolboy football, used his own experiences to challenge the players saying, "I can testify that there is no greater achievement than that of succeeding in a disciplined, honest and self-sacrificed way. There is no greater joy, than to celebrate the labour of your own sweat, pain and perseverance.
    "I have had many setbacks in my personal and professional life. I have had many days when I find it difficult to conjure the courage to get out of bed. However, it has been my desire to make the best out of the talent and abilities that God has blessed me with that has kept me going."

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/weste...#ixzz1JVohIeuG

  • #2
    yuh mean kudos to tappa ..... nice try though .....

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Tappa has certainly grown into this position. I am impressed with his speech and its relevance to football. It was only a few years ago you would think he did no have it in him, but he has blossomed... I like that.
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        Full text of Tappa's speech


        Mr. Texchus Nembhard ~ President, St. James FA

        Other members of the St. James FA

        Other Members of the football family

        Distinguished representatives of Guardian Life

        Members of the media

        Ladies and Gentlemen

        A very pleasant afternoon to all

        There is a gem I learnt at a very early age that resonates to this day with me “the heights of great men reach and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while there companions slept, were up toiling through the night”.


        It would be reasonable to conclude that most of our young men of today had big dreams at a very early age. Some of gone on to achieve and make dreams into reality, but I dare say the majority have abandoned their dreams and aspirations at a very early age. Many have not even given those dreams a chance, an opportunity into reality. The question therefore is: why is this so? Why would aspiring young men go in opposite directions of their ambitions?

        There are numerous answers that we could posit. Some were not encourages sufficiently by those with influence and responsibility on these dreams. Some got side tracked with secondary events. However, I have found that too many of our current generation are impatient for success and unwilling to sacrifice for the dream.

        It is no wonder, ladies and gentlemen, that so many of our young, even bright minds, are making bad choices and poor life decisions. It is no wonder why so many are constantly searching for the fast lane.


        Guardian life, your sponsorship of this
        competition has given to this parish a most powerful tool….the sport of football; a sport through which the players learn discipline, confidence and leadership, and embrace tolerance, cooperation and respect. Your investment in this league is a clear indication of your commitment to the social recreation and development of the parish football. In addition it has given the team a wonderful opportunity to showcase their talents and improve the quality of the game.


        The get rich quick mentality and ‘I want it now attitude’.

        In my own experience, I can testify that there is no greater achievement than that of succeeding in a disciplined, honest and self sacrificed way. There is no greater joy, than to celebrate the labor of your own sweat, pain and perseverance.

        I have had many setbacks in my personal and professional life. I have had many days when I find it difficult to conjure the courage to get out of bed. However, it has been my desire to make the best out of the talent and abilities that God has blessed me with, that has kept me going.

        My ambition is to be the best coach I can be. To achieve this I recognize the need to be hungry for knowledge, learn quickly from mistakes, listen more to those around me, be courageous and bold with my decisions, accept responsibility for my failures and above all, remain confident and assured yet humble. There are two quotes that I would like to share with you”

        “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts’.


        “Build your weaknesses until they become your strengths”.

        I’m sharing some of my personal experiences with you young men present here today, to ask of you not to abandon your dreams. Not to give up on your ambitions. Not to search for the easy way out when doors appear to be close, but to find the strength of character and purpose to search and find another way to towards your goals.

        The national football programme is searching for players with strength of character and disciplined purpose. We need players that will not abandon the team in the heat of battle and players that are willing and prepared to work very hard towards personal and team goals. This will not always mean we will have the best players making up the team.


        To succeed on any mission in team sports, require the right chemistry.

        However, for the team to improve, to get better, the individuals on the team must constantly challenge themselves to get better and those on the outside must work double hard to displace. The moment there is complacency within the team, it is at that point that the decline in standards and performance begin to take root.

        Therefore, let me also use this opportunity to sound a warning to all the players in the current “Reggae Boyz” squad, do not take your feet off the gas. The team will continue to evolve. No one is safe. It’s your attitude, commitment and performance that will earn you your place.

        The national team has done well in recent times. However, we can and must do more. We must improve more. We must develop winning habits in Central America. We must work and improve to be consistent at the level of the top in our region. This is what the 2014 mission requires.

        Ladies and gentlemen, let’s join hands and heart as the country dreams and as a few young men take up the challenge to bring glory to Jamaica, their families and themselves.

        Let’s dream. More importantly, let’s work hard to achieve our dreams.

        Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for listening and have a wonderful afternoon.

        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          A who name Paul Reid?

          Mussi some eediat reporter who a look friend with Tappa
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #6
            Who is this Paul Reid fellow anyway?


            • #7
              No clue...maybe we need to find out
              Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
              Che Guevara.


              • #8
                Oh so before you weren't impressed with his speech because it was irrelevant (a wonder which speech that was)

                I'm just happy that he is called TD (seeing that he is working in a medieval society that's big on titles

                Over time, I slowly understood why CB was fighting tooth and nail to be called TD


                • #9
                  Yuh gwaan missa spinmister.
                  People grow when given the opportunity to do so. Tappa has shown this. Spin it how you want.
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran

