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Stephenson moves motion for early elections

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  • Stephenson moves motion for early elections

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    Stephenson moves motion for early elections but he's...Not interested in JFF top job
    published: Tuesday | January 23, 2007
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    <B uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Howard Walker, Staff Reporter[/B]

    <B uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Stephenson [/B]

    <B uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0"><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Kingston</SPAN> and St. Andrew Football Association (KSAFA) president, Ambas-sador A.B. Stewart Stephenson, has filed a motion to hold the <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Jamaica</SPAN> Football Federation (JFF) Congress four months earlier, to July this year.[/B] <P uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">The election of president is due at this <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">congress</SPAN>. Stephenson says the move is designed to bring the election of a president in line with the World Cup programme. <P uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Despite pushing for the change, Stephenson says he is not interested in running for the presidency at this time.

    <B uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Not there as yet[/B] <P uKHI0="2" pGlpJ="0">"No sir," he told <B uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">The Gleaner [/B]yesterday. "The top post is way in November, I don't reach there yet. I have heard of two candidates running and the two seem to have their own camps. The rest of us committed to football will have to do what we have to do in the meantime." <P uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Sources close to the JFF admitted that Stephenson's move "is a subtle way of showing his hand but he won't make it." <P uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Stephenson pointed out that he considers the JFF presidency a full-time job and is not ready as yet. <P uKHI0="0" pGlpJ="0">Said Stephenson: "I'm not ready for that. When we get up there, who knows what number will be playing at that time. You might have all three candidates. It is an attractive proposition to some people, I consider it a <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink3 &#111;nmouseover=adlinkMouseOver(event,this,3); style="POSITION:


  • #2
    RE: Stephenson moves motion for early elections

    Stepenson a gwaan like bad man so from Khari sign big contract...

    I think he is right because any new administration deserves four years to put their world cup machinery in gear. As much as I dislike the mentality - getting to the world cup is what our administrations will be judged on, by most Jamaicans, soits tough for an administration to come in after close to two years of ill preparationby the previous administration and then just go qualify team so.
    SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!


    • #3
      RE: Stephenson moves motion for early elections

      Frankly I think it's darn good idea, the WC is the ultimate bench mark by which everthing is judged so why not cyncronise it with the World Cup.

      The only downside is if it's held during July then there is not enough time for a viable candidate to prepare for a run if the country doesn't do well and if if if the WC get's posponed then that will create problems with an election.


      • #4
        RE: Stephenson moves motion for early elections

        <SPAN id=_ctl1_ctlTopic_ctlPanelBar_ctlTopicsRepeater__c tl3_lblFullMessage>
        Frankly I think it's darn good idea, the WC is the ultimate bench mark by which everthing is judged so why not cyncronise it with the World Cup.

        <SPAN>You are so right...excepting...

        The only downside is if it's held during July then there is not enough time for a viable candidate to prepare for a run if the country doesn't do well
        Why? ...are you assuming that if the country does well in a World cup Finals there could not be any goood reason to remove/replace the president and some or all other officers?

        Trus mi if an officer deserves to remain, the delegates will give a vote of confidence by returning him/her...and if he/she deserves to be booted...di boot would be applied...

        ...and if if if the WC get's postponed then that will create problems with an election.
        ...the motion could be amended with an amended provision totake of this matter inserted.

        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

