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and the truth shall set you

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  • #31
    Yuh hab tape mi did dedeh breddrin, tap e noise. ah Tappa run dah game deh membah mi tell yuh. Kah yuh a guess. Ask anybody weh di deh deh. Ah tree tings dem membah bout dat game, di penalty, Tappa general di miggle, Burton pressure an how him rob di defendah fi score. Jus as a correction ah did Burton an not simpson, yuh not eben seh Hall but Simpson seeit ah guess yuh ah guess out di ting.


    • #32
      Are you some kind of comedian? Are you saying you would rely on your memory of a game than what's been recorded?

      Okay I guess the coaches could use you rather than the DVD. Ah mean it just gets worse. pathetic.


      • #33
        Is one thing mi nuh guh roun an try fi impress people bout who mi coach, mi nuh know ah who yuh a try impress ah mussi yuhself. Man deh pan yah nuff biggah dan yuh inna ball ting an not one day mi nuh hear dem ah big up demself derefore yuh ah frighten friday. Yuh can ongle resort to name calling. Hear who a call smady pathetic, a bet if wi tek a census pan yah, yuh win dat deh pathetic race outah sight. Is a ignorant an fool resort to name calling inna any argument yuh know dat right.
        Last edited by myYout; March 5, 2011, 11:57 PM.


        • #34
          myYout, yu see de game dis mawnin between ManU and Pool? The fuss goal whe Suarez set up is whe yu a talk bout, individual skill and technique, which I know Jage kno we cyaan do widout, but yu also need de supporin cast ... if yuh check it a yute like Suarez is racking up "assists" too.

          One cannot take precedence over another necessarily; the individual skill MUST be encouraged, however that needs to be tempered with proper decision making skills as to when and where to utilise it; that is the hard part IMO. Players also need to recognize this is a TEAM sport (right Karl?) and play accordingly.
          Peter R


          • #35
            Yeah, I did sight it yes, one ting mi is ah fan of enterprise/individuality. As di ole cliche guh one man kyaan mek di team. Flair an individuality mus be incorporated inna team play dat ah concrete fi true. Team play is all good an I nah guh fight it, but if ah suh it did guh Brasil an dem playahs wouldah nevah bi suh rated todeh, but ah mus seh mi bias to creativity still; suh mi argument ah guh kina skew to dah side deh.


            • #36
              See this only proves my point. When pressed the colonial baggage comes out (mi know one betta coach, mi know one betta balla whey did play manning/dcup, yuh eva play ah stadium... yada yada) this comes from the slavery system that classifies the populace from an early age (not from town, if from town not from uptown, not being able to attend the "right" school et al).

              These mental "beat downs" manifests in fears and harbours feelings of inferiority. On a normal day the word pathetic should roll off your back (as water rolls off that of a duck) instead it served as a trigger. To make matters worse I was not referring to you as an individual but the whole situation.

              I know it's hard to cope from all those years of hearing these negative put downs (hence the thin skin). Just remember this; you are a part of this cosmic reality. You are child of the universe, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE.

              Now go in peace my brother.


              • #37
                correction:94 WC (won by Brasil averaging 500 passes)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by myYout View Post
                  \ Yuh can ongle resort to name calling. Hear who a call smady pathetic, a bet if wi tek a census pan yah, yuh win dat deh pathetic race outah sight. Is a ignorant an fool resort to name calling inna any argument yuh know dat right.

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #39
                    Ah yuh cool dung yah now, den nuh suh it fi guh. If wi ah argue bout ah ting yuh nah nuh right fi call mi nuh name Iyah an a dis; dat nah guh mek it, suh it seem like yuh did waan man fi get all Cudjoe pan yuh fi yuh understan di ting.


                    • #40
                      Boss if I was to pay attention to name calling around here; honestly I wouldnt know what to do with myself. Time and time, I've been mocked and ridiculed on this site only to emerge later riding on a steed with the clouds saying "I told you so"

                      If names and labels affect you, it will cause hurt for you in the long run (and is a glaring weakness). I can also understand though given Ja's society and its history. If you put on the armour of truth and self belief then no weapon (whether psychological, historical or social) can harm nor offend you.

                      I for one will throw out labels from time to time; hence your mettle should be on point. If you cave in and fall apart then it only shows that you have little mental fortitude.

                      I once prepared my team by going up to players (who had issues with comments from the opposition) in the middle of practice and whisper some racial deragotory stuff in their ear. The first time reaction was as expected when I smiled and explained, in time it just rolled off their backs. One such player is on full scholarship now BTW playing ball.

                      Read Ja's history and you may see why some are inclined to be content with division, name calling and constant social unrest (at the same time they will tell you they are the most intelligent Jakans)

                      May internal peace be with you always.


                      • #41
                        Is that the only card you have when you cannot defend an arguement , mental slavery ? You think that term is limited to africans ?

                        You dont have a clue about football, leaning on Brazil greatness isnt a bly for making silly statements.

                        Defend your arguements with facts and a damm good presentation.Come on man ,how long have you been on the site?
                        THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                        • #42
                          Boss have you ever seen me discounting individusl ability? What I'm saying is that it has to be used in the concept of TEAM (where did I get this?) Ja had the gifted Tappa yet theoir best game (with the FIFA pressure of qualifying) was against the US in 97 (RFK) playing as a team.

                          I rate romario, R9,Robinho, rivaldo,Dinho, Gaza, Totti, Klinsman ( all who are individually talented)et al but watch the way the play in the context of team. Now let's go to the tapes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzcwYYtbkow#t=2m34s

                          Walk good.


                          • #43
                            "riding a steed"?!! LOL!! well...when one is half man half horse....

                            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                            • #44
                              Yuh eva set ah ting call Calaban yet? oops mi figet yuh ah nuh country man


                              • #45
                                LOL!!! and in this one statement is encapsulated your entire essence. There are 2 cities in Jamaica, Montego Bay and Kingston. I am from neither.

                                calaban, "springe", fly beigey, catch african perch, janga an' tikki tikki....yute is deep rural clarendon me come from!

                                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

