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  • #16
    Yuh lose yuh manners now? If you are confused and lost why don't you just ask me for answers? The Bible says "ask it shall be given unto you, seek and thou shalt find".

    Now go use google to know that early childwood development is the foundation or cornerstone of most adults' behaviour. Now if a child was exposed from an early age to perform in front of a sizeable audience, it will help significantly in teenage and adult years. The church serves more than one funtion boss, please do your homework before you come to me. This is 2011 and I have a low tolerance this year for ignorance. Ok pops

    As I said when the sociologists get the required info, the psychologist can evaluate then make recommendations to Tappa. See the problem with Jakan approach to the game is that we only look at the game from a tactical and technical standpoint alone. There is a lot more to performing at the highest level in football (especially if one is dealing with youth from an inner city environment). The above is not new Brasil has been doing it for over fifty years now. Playing teams such as the US the demand is there to concentrate and execute for ninety mins. You will fail if you have players with all kinds of mental cobwebs.


    • #17
      US game was the real qualification a joke dis or wha, ah know US a fi yuh God but deh statement jus downright fool fool. Wi qualify an now di work begin fi fine chune di team. But now wi ah mek up numbah, yuh know how much team wouldah like fi guh ah any big ting guh mek up numbah suh dem ballah dem get notice. Bwoy ah tell yuh mek mi shake mi head more time


      • #18
        Thank you. So ah chue wi nuh ready yet? When di team fine chune ah go worries an prablem inna di place. Don't?

        Question: What if it was only first and second to qualify? Hey or even third? Okay forget that. Dem side deh (US) ah eediat team, dem cyaan play football. Wait till wi get wi real dcup balla dem plus dem yute whey deh abroad. Ah death. Matter of fact nuh side nah go able fi hold wi when wi reach mexico. Nuh true?


        • #19
          Yuh evah didi hear mi seh nutten bout ready. All teams ah guh fine chune fi di cup, right or wrong. Wi qualify an is all dome an glloom kah wi lose a semi-final game, if/supposition bear no argument at all yah suh. Mi nuh call nuh team idiat neighdah, why yuh ah put words inna mi mouth. Ongle unnuh fi question di team but nobody fi defen dem kah when dat happen, team wi ah bes ting and nobady kyaan touch wi, an all kina unsubstantiated argument, now si di idiat ting deh. Di team qualify an tings still need fi work pan, all coaches will tell yuh dat. But nuh yuh ah seh wi nuh ready an wi ah guh mek up numbah, how yuh arrive deh suh.
          Last edited by myYout; February 28, 2011, 11:18 AM.


          • #20
            My apologies , Farmah, but seriously if as you state it isnt bad but good , in fact touted as the best why go another route?

            It just nuh mek senses, given our history with Brazil, coaches and government links , subsidised free of cost knowledge and facilities , what in the world can we gain from the USA, the belief that the USA has a close proximity thus our cost would be less is nonsense, America gives nothing away for free!

            The arguement that they have qualified for every FIfa tournament is shot down when you put it up against Brazil which has won it the most , so the question is what enviroment does Brazil qualify from to win it the most ? and what enviroment does America qualify from and cannot win it or make a final seeing that it has qualified the most ?

            Which enviroment do you want to place Jamaica in.

            Again Sir my apologies.
            Last edited by Sir X; February 28, 2011, 11:54 AM.

            "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

            "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


            • #21
              Easy X everything cool bredrin.
              "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


              • #22
                Farmah, nuh watch nutten think big and deal with the big picture. Now on the vids I posted what did you notice? The Ja team stood around whilst the ball was cleared. Now I would lecture my sunday morning team on the art of outnumering the opponent in attack and defence. If you are trained for counter attack , the minute you see the transition (as with the Brasil Vid; they didn't even wait) your team is supposed to be moving out of the defensive third inorder to outnumner the opponent at the other end. If the ball goes back and the ooponet gets it then offside! Look where our defender was standing when the goal was scored, he should have been gone from there a long time ago (Granted the corner was poorly taken too).

                As Prof. Simoes said Ja approach to the game is one of cricket (where one sits around and wait for something to happen). This is why we must also understand the US psyche towards sports (which is one of basketball and ammerican football) I would say the ruggedness and hard tackling comes from the grid iron mindset. The ability to move and match up on a tactical basis comes from basketball.

                Bruce Arena once made a comment about Ja to the US MNT. He said "they are not footballers they are cricketers". Ja has to get into the mind frame of footballers to really play.I think it's best when Ja listen to constructive criticism. They way we play is just a bunch of cricketers dressed up in football gears. There is a science to the game and it must be taught to the players early!


                • #23
                  Do our coaches sit players down to watch tapes etc??

                  Mandatory viewing should be for example, the goal Luiz scored for Chelsea today... excellent technique; most of those U17 and older players we saw on your highlight video would have sent that ball over the bar as was seen in the said videos.
                  Peter R


                  • #24
                    I can recall when I was coaching my sunday morning team and I went to a coaches' meeting. I commented that I had the team watch video a "big coach" blunty told me that's theory. I was about to follow up and say isn't some theory necessary but I just ended the coversation. The only time I returned was when some coach from MLS or Europe came to give a talk. Dem man deh nuh haff nuh time fi theory is practical ball dem deal wid

                    Ja needs to learn how to attack without the ball. I think this is where the US surpasses Ja because of its the two other major sports (american football and basketball) demands that you attack without the ball. If drilled and instilled Ja's young players will get it though.


                    • #25
                      "passe et suis"...- pass and follow : was always good advice. While most appropriate for basketball, the idea as you say is for maximum movement.

                      In football we hear about the running off the ball which is just as if not more important than running with it.
                      Peter R


                      • #26
                        Need to drill it in psyche of our players.Individual skill is useless if these basics aren't mastered.


                        • #27
                          I concur!!!
                          "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


                          • #28
                            Yuhseet! This is why some Jakans wonder how come we can do so much individually with the balla nd yet the US beats us. 1. They move whilst we stand around and watch 2. They simply pass the ball around looking for space. 3. They are drilled in the basics of shooting and heading. Top all three oof with a serious conditioning program and they run this region.

                            Why was the US shocked in 97 (at RFK) because Ja played the bsaics that time. Constant movement and passing (they had just returned from Brasil; including UB-40s) Nuff said


                            • #29
                              97 wi nevah play nuh basics, Ah Tappa run dat game deh trait, wid Burton ah pressure di backline like a terror. Individualism gi wi ah chance inna dat game, di ongle point wi get ah Worl Cup Individiualism again. Ah doan know why wi always tink fi beat dung individualism an flairn ah di key to wi problem in contrast ah how wi incorporate di two ah di solution to di problem.


                              • #30
                                Boss why do you like to talk a lot of crap? Who plays the basics as Brasil? I have the tape of that Game. Tappa was more active in GC98 (when his nose was broken by Jr. Biano). The game was ateam game. Burton pressure backline? Hello that's his job. Who should have done it, Pepe and Bibi or Tatty?

                                I don't know which game you watched because the commentators were impressed by Simpson's work rate. Ja always had a pass because of simpson (fustrated the hell out of Sampson). If Ja d played the individual game they would have lost.

                                Read how many passes on average Brail used to win the 98 WC (a la Prof. Simoes) You just don't know the game of football. Look at the way Brasil plays and see that the basics is what they have totally mastered, indidulism comes in only to create space or goals.

