Yuh lose yuh manners now? If you are confused and lost why don't you just ask me for answers? The Bible says "ask it shall be given unto you, seek and thou shalt find".
Now go use google to know that early childwood development is the foundation or cornerstone of most adults' behaviour. Now if a child was exposed from an early age to perform in front of a sizeable audience, it will help significantly in teenage and adult years. The church serves more than one funtion boss, please do your homework before you come to me. This is 2011 and I have a low tolerance this year for ignorance. Ok pops
As I said when the sociologists get the required info, the psychologist can evaluate then make recommendations to Tappa. See the problem with Jakan approach to the game is that we only look at the game from a tactical and technical standpoint alone. There is a lot more to performing at the highest level in football (especially if one is dealing with youth from an inner city environment). The above is not new Brasil has been doing it for over fifty years now. Playing teams such as the US the demand is there to concentrate and execute for ninety mins. You will fail if you have players with all kinds of mental cobwebs.
Now go use google to know that early childwood development is the foundation or cornerstone of most adults' behaviour. Now if a child was exposed from an early age to perform in front of a sizeable audience, it will help significantly in teenage and adult years. The church serves more than one funtion boss, please do your homework before you come to me. This is 2011 and I have a low tolerance this year for ignorance. Ok pops
As I said when the sociologists get the required info, the psychologist can evaluate then make recommendations to Tappa. See the problem with Jakan approach to the game is that we only look at the game from a tactical and technical standpoint alone. There is a lot more to performing at the highest level in football (especially if one is dealing with youth from an inner city environment). The above is not new Brasil has been doing it for over fifty years now. Playing teams such as the US the demand is there to concentrate and execute for ninety mins. You will fail if you have players with all kinds of mental cobwebs.