on loan..maybe
Now I love my team as you all know and I am a big Beckham fan but this one is interesting.
Becks was a Spurs fan as a youth and he could have signed with them so I know his heart will be there but do we really need him ?
If he comes he could never start over Lennon but at the same time he has tons of Champs League expierence and knows AC Milan so there could be an advantage.
I love how he plays now in that he doesn't try to do too much with the ball and wants to get off that behind the defense pass right away but his defending is kinda lacking some grit.
Ofcourse he is still one of the best free kickers in the world still so at the end of the day I think it could be worth to have him in the squad.
Oh yea, the extra revenue he could generate for the club would help to.
Now I love my team as you all know and I am a big Beckham fan but this one is interesting.
Becks was a Spurs fan as a youth and he could have signed with them so I know his heart will be there but do we really need him ?
If he comes he could never start over Lennon but at the same time he has tons of Champs League expierence and knows AC Milan so there could be an advantage.
I love how he plays now in that he doesn't try to do too much with the ball and wants to get off that behind the defense pass right away but his defending is kinda lacking some grit.
Ofcourse he is still one of the best free kickers in the world still so at the end of the day I think it could be worth to have him in the squad.
Oh yea, the extra revenue he could generate for the club would help to.