Yes, that was a good Summer. Alesandro Altobelli, Cabrini, Paulo Rossi then there were Socrates, Falcoa, Junior et al on show. I went into a state of depression for the rest of the World Cup after Brazil lost to Italy.
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran
PBS, of all networks, showed the 1982 World Cup in the USA up to the finals which were shown on ABC.
Toby Charles, who did Bundesliga broadcasts on a PBS show called "Soccer Made In Germany" and Bundesliga play-by-play later for FOX, was the host. I consider him my instructor for Soccer 101. He had a dry sense of humor that was absolutely hilarious.
He hosted the PBS World Cup show from New York. If you recall, Northern Ireland had a great run in the World Cup, and Toby was quick to say, "There's an Irish pub next to my hotel, and the owner said as long as Northern Ireland is alive in the World Cup, I drink for free!
His floor director, a woman, had a crush on a Northern Ireland player named Billy Hamilton. When he scored a goal, he said, "Cindy, are you watching?"
On the last show, Cindy brought her dog, a Cairn Terrier, and put him on the air with Toby. The dog ********ed all over Toby.
Di bes ball play an bes balla dem inna any cup. Dem bwoy yah weh jus play cup wah day, need fi watch di 82 ballah dem. Dere is no ballah from dis yah worl cup bettah dan Serginiho inna fi mi book, dem all saff bad bad.
Nothern Island had Norman Whiteside and Alan Brazil would kill nuff people wid ball
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.