Oh yes, Allan Aarons was a dynamite dreadlock baller. But so too were a few others from Mo'Bay. I remember a forward from the early Wadadah days by the name of Ruddy Brown who was a terror on the frontline.
Another dread too went by the name of Tall P.He was originally from Clarendon but played all his national league ball at Wagawaga before migrating.
Then there was the general called Allan Latty!
Sadly, those were the days when we had a terrible selection process and thus, man like Tall P and Ruddy Brown did not get to parade their skills in the national colours.
That said, I would be remiss if I did not mention the great Milverton Brooks (Boys Town, Arnett & Ligunea).
Over at Humble Lion in Clarendon was a likkle short dread who was called Big Head. Talk about skillful and passing ability, wow!
Also at Real Mona was a brown skin dreadlocks they use to call Little Skill. I think he also played for Real Morant one year. Major talent!
I want to mention Hugh "Binghy" Blair (PMU and Waterhouse) but I think he started to wear locks at the very end of his playing days. Nevertheless he was a very good midfielder.
CORRECTION: Yesterday I mentioned Marcin of Martinique. The name is actually Patrick Percin and those who have seen him play will agree with me that he is a very talented player; drealocks nonetheless!
Another dread too went by the name of Tall P.He was originally from Clarendon but played all his national league ball at Wagawaga before migrating.
Then there was the general called Allan Latty!
Sadly, those were the days when we had a terrible selection process and thus, man like Tall P and Ruddy Brown did not get to parade their skills in the national colours.
That said, I would be remiss if I did not mention the great Milverton Brooks (Boys Town, Arnett & Ligunea).
Over at Humble Lion in Clarendon was a likkle short dread who was called Big Head. Talk about skillful and passing ability, wow!
Also at Real Mona was a brown skin dreadlocks they use to call Little Skill. I think he also played for Real Morant one year. Major talent!
I want to mention Hugh "Binghy" Blair (PMU and Waterhouse) but I think he started to wear locks at the very end of his playing days. Nevertheless he was a very good midfielder.
CORRECTION: Yesterday I mentioned Marcin of Martinique. The name is actually Patrick Percin and those who have seen him play will agree with me that he is a very talented player; drealocks nonetheless!