The BBC headlines state that the USA loses its bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The real headline should be that England lost its bid to host the 2018 World Cup. The English media, no doubt, had a stupidly righteous position of exposing FIFA corruption, to the dertiment of the England bid. They should have done their expose after the decision instead of before the decision.
No announcement yet.
The most incredible deflection and spin!
the other thing that made me chuckle was when they said russia would likely lose the bid because putin wasn't going!!!dem know WHO is putin?!!! ~kiss teet'~ i presume the british prime minister was there...was he?
Well, last night Larry King tried to handcuff Putin with a series of questions and comments. Larry was basically repeating Wikileaks and said that Russia was being run by intelligence sources and had no real democracy. He also said that Putin was president, is prime minister and is about to swap positions to be president again. He said those types of things dont happen in a real democracy. Putin was sharp but diplomatic. Putin basically said that within the last 50 years two US presidents were selected by a minority of voters and that is not real democracy. He said that in Russia's democracy that has never happened.
Putin was head of KGB and became president of Russia. George H.W. Bush was head of CIA and became president of US."Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"
larry betta watch himself...dem nuh REALLY know and understand WHO is putin ... putin is a BAD man.
if osama hear seh putin afta him...him surrender one time! chuss mi!