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FIFA says winning battle against under-age transfers

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  • FIFA says winning battle against under-age transfers

    FIFA says winning battle against under-age transfers

    By Brian Homewood
    13:04 BST, Wed 29 Sep 2010

    BERNE, Sept 29 (Reuters) - FIFA believes it is winning the battle against the unauthorised transfer of adolescent players thanks to a new electronic registration system.

    African and South American countries have often complained about minors being poached by clubs from other regions.

    But soccer's world governing body says this will be greatly reduced by the Transfer Matching System (TMS) which comes into full effect for all international transfers on Friday.

    The TMS, in which international transfers will be registered electronically instead of on paper, is designed to give the game's authorities full control over the movement of players, something FIFA says has been open to all kinds of abuse.

    To complete a transfer, the buying and selling clubs must enter a number of details into the Internet-based system including the transfer fee, player's salary, agent or lawyer involved and length of contract.

    The money must be transferred from and to a bank account.

    In the case of players aged under 18, the movements of both professional and amateur players will be registered.

    "For a minor to be transferred, six to 12 documents have to be uploaded to prove a particular case, even for an amateur international transfer," said TMS general manager Mark Goddard.

    "The disclosure of an employment contract is required and it must be stated whether the player's parents are moving for football reasons or not."

    "The level of disclosure required to submit is so comprehensive, it's going to be very clear again whether the requirements are being met or not."

    In the past, South American clubs have complained that European teams have managed to poach players from their youth divisions by arranging a job for the boys' parents, then using that as a pretext that he is moving for family reasons.

    Goddard said TMS had practically ended the transfers of players under-18 within South America.

    FIFA began phasing in the TMS system one year ago and legal director Marco Villiger said that since then there had been 921 requests for the international transfer of minors of which 747 were accepted and 174 turned down.

    "This is a big step which proves the efficiency of the TMS system," he said.
    In the case of senior players, FIFA says the new system will put an end to disputes between clubs, rows over whether moves have been completed by transfer window deadlines and prevent third parties from owning players.

    "We believe that the system is revolutionary for FIFA and for professional football," said Villiger. "With the new system, FIFA has much more control over the transfers, we can enforce our regulations."

    Villiger said if the details entered separately by the two respective clubs involved in a transfer did not match, then FIFA would automatically be alerted.
    Third parties would not be able to sell players because only clubs would have access to the system, he added.

    Clubs would also have to designate the bank accounts in which money would be deposited and Villiger said all details would be checked.

    "It is doubly important we have a strict compliance system," he said. "Too have an electronic system is nice but someone has to check that the information entered into the system is correct and we have a team working on this."

    "This is definitely something which will keep us busy in the future."
    Last edited by Karl; October 28, 2010, 02:58 PM.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Chelsea sign 11-year-old forward

    Chelsea sign 11-year-old forward from Northampton Town's academy

    • German-born schoolboy spent two years at Northampton Town
    • Chelsea made down-payment of £10,000 for Michael Gyasi

    Michael Gyasi might well cross paths with John Terry at Chelsea's training ground in Cobham. Photograph: Matthew Childs/Action Images

    Chelsea have demonstrated their faith in the adage "If you're good enough, you're old enough" by signing an 11-year-old boy from the club who occupy the 90th rung on the professional game's 92-club ladder. For Michael Gyasi, a promising German-born striker who has spent a little over two years at Northampton Town's centre of excellence, it is the stuff of dreams.

    Gyasi first crossed Chelsea's radar a year ago, when he travelled south to play for Northampton Under-10s against their counterparts from the Chelsea academy. After a further appearance against them, Chelsea's recruitment staff asked whether Gyasi could come to train with them. He did so during the summer holidays and impressed to such a degree that the club set in motion moves to sign him.

    Chelsea must pay compensation to Northampton for their development of the schoolboy, and it is believed that a down-payment of not more than £10,000 has been negotiated. The football authorities prefer clubs to resolve such issues between themselves rather than resort to arbitration. Further payments would be due to Northampton if Gyasi becomes a scholar or turns professional.
    Northampton appeared delighted at the money coming to them, which they said would aid their youth development programme but, in broader terms, the deal seemed to illustrate just how competitive the market for players has become, even for ones who are so young.

    "I think this is a trend that is going to happen," Trevor Gould, the head of Northampton's centre of excellence, said. "When you are young, you learn most about football and Michael will now play against better teams and better players. I remember the game against Chelsea last year. I think Chelsea won something like 6-2 but I am sure that Michael got the two goals. He moved over from Germany with his parents about four years ago and, as a player, he is very quick, skilful and strong, although he is not very big for his age. He is a great finisher. Chelsea have got somebody special. If he does well, we will be well rewarded. Chelsea have been magnificent and fair."

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Davis 12 off to Valencia

      Jamaican Football Scholars Head Off to Valencia

      … Football Ambassadors Martin and Kaya To Continue Training in Spain

      Martin Davis and Kaya Beckford who travelled to Spain this year on a one week scholarship to the Valencia Football Club Summer camp have both impressed the Spanish coaches and have been called back to Spain to pursue their training. The summer scholarships were awarded to the boys following their outstanding performance at the Next Generation Valencia CF Easter Football Camp held in Jamaica earlier this year.

      Davis, 12, has been accepted to the Valencia CF Academy to work with the under 17 second team and begins his semester at the end of October. Beckford, on the other hand, will be joining the E1 Valencia Academy...

      Nicole Maraj-Pandohie
      Marketing Communications Consultant

      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

