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Assasin this one dedicated to you

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  • Assasin this one dedicated to you

    It was said that Liverpool needed a British manager, but what they really needed was a brilliant manager. It takes a manager with a certain aura, the type that Guus Hiddink displayed when he took over at a flagging Chelsea and weaved some considerable magic to turn them around. That was needed at Liverpool very desperately. They also needed a manager who would not be condescendingly praised by Alex Ferguson. That is effectively the death knell, as it invariably means he does not see you as a threat. It was said that Benitez was too belligerent to other managers. Some may see that as a negative attribute, but many fans love to see blood-boiling passion in their manager. Rafa had it, Dalglish had it and Hodgson seems more prosaic.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    carl brown comes to mind.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      More importantly when Liverpool has reached this stage you know the gig is up..condescendingly praised by Alex Ferguson..and to stand by and defend Fergies assault on Torres shows he is out of his depth.

      I said christmas , let me change it to end of october early november...poor boy Roy !

      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


      • #4
        Return of the King ?


        How can he keep blaming Torres when there is absolutely no service to him. Any striker would suffer from those negative tactics, yet he keeps repeating in the press that Torres is suffering from low confidence, in itself a bad move as it will not help Torres at all.
        27 people liked this. Like Reply

        Shawkat Rahman 22 hours ago in reply to Ted123
        Exactly ! Telling the world press your best striker is out of confidence. Not defending him against SAF.....Not out of his element ...you tell me...This is not barnyard Zamora you are coaching...I would be totally unmotivated to play for him too....You play badly ..he gets the sack...it all makes sense to me...
        6 people liked this. Like Reply

        AnfieldLegend 1 day ago
        This article makes a few good points. The pops at Rafa is disgusting. It is sad to see writers like yourself wanting to blame previous managers and regimes to hide or deflect blame from the current crop of players and the manager.

        Rafa's journey will be remembered by all that was touched during his reign whether good or bad moments. It is a sad state that it had to end the way it did and with Rafa not getting the backing and having to work with limited funds.

        Yes, Roy as well, came into a similar situation. He knew what he was getting into before accepting the post. Rafa didnt. Rafa was promised money to buy the brightest stars and recieved money to by fallen stars. He then did well when being shrewd and had to take a chance on players like Masch, and Skrtel, and others. These are players that werent wanted by the big clubs hence he got them cheaply.

        Back to Roy... His tactics are pathetic at the moment. He is using the same holding tactics that he used at Fulham where he set out his teams to get a point and to maybe sneak a win. His lack of vision is beyond me. He brings on Ngog up front and hopes the ball will make its way to his two lost strikers. Torres is a GEM. It is Roys useless tactics that are making Torres look like a lost soul. He sets out a team exactly the same way in every game, playing through the middle and hopes for 90min that something will happen.
        Kelly was on the bench... He should have started instead of playing carra on the right. Carra is good as a center back but as a winger not anymore. He did not put any decent cross through out the 90min to worry Everton.
        Instead of bringing on Ngog, He should have given the team more width... He should have brought on Aurelio, and Babel to play on the wings after seeing that Everton bossed us in the middle. Playing with those two on the wings and Gerrard, Merreiles, and Jova in the middle would have created much more for Torres upfront in the closing minutes.
        Please sack this Visionless old man. He is past his date to manage LFC. He needs to go back to a small club and overachieve with finishing in 10th instead of wrecking LFC.
        23 people liked this. Like Reply

        McrRed 1 day ago
        "It is important to consider that Rafa probably was at the end of the line. He seemed to have lost the dressing room"

        Yes, he'd lost 2 or 3 influential members, but the rest of the squad was still with him...
        I think that's been a part of Hodgson's problem by cosying up to Carra & Gerrard at the expense of other squad members (Agger etc). Part of his problem because his tactical naivety and stubborness is the rest of it (plus Hodgson's inability to take responsibility onto his own shoulders...)

        "Many of his signings had not worked out"

        ???? Really?
        Masch? Torres? Agger? Skrtl? Hercules? (Nevr mind Alonso, Arbeloa et al) Hadn't worked out? Or were simply injured too often?

        "and there seemed to be a severe lack of enthusiasm at the club..."

        Can't argue with that one, Paul!! ;-)

        Good article but doesn't need the Rafa pops. We're just finding out how much we needed him and the full truth of what he had to endure under those two muppets will probably never be known...
        14 people liked this. Like Reply

        Jay Dee 1 day ago
        Excellent feature. Obviously calling for a managers head this early is an unusual thing to do ..especially for Liverpool fans. But this is blatantly a crazy situation we've found ourselves in! Hodgson is a good guy and may have the right intentions, but he lacks the passion, ambition and probably the ability to rescue this team! I believe King Kenny has those three attributes in abundance! Bring him back before Hodgson gets let loose with funds in January..
        13 people liked this. Like Reply

        RaveDave 1 day ago
        Roy has been nothing short of a disaster as our manager and should be sacked immediatly, i really hope that Liverpool have learned that should never bow to player power and sack a world class manager like Benitez and replace him with the likes of unproven manager like Roy Hodgson. I really hope that Carragher and Gerrard follow Roy out the door.
        11 people liked this. Like Reply

        Weedy196 1 day ago in reply to RaveDave
        WOW!!! Contrivesial!!!
        1 person liked this. Like Reply

        Lizapril55 1 day ago
        From his public digs at Torres and Agger and his blanket freezing of all the lads who played in the Northampton game does not lead me to think he is "an arm round the shoulders" manager.
        Purslow persuaded Torres to stay because he is such an important commercial asset to LFC.
        Kenny put his name forward in the summer because he could see there was no one available that was willing to do the job.
        11 people liked this. Like Reply

        Paul Fabrique 1 day ago
        Football management is like driving a car. It takes two seconds as a passenger to realise if someone cant drive. It takes longer to establish if they are good drivers or bad drivers.

        As we are second from bottom with only a lucky win in two months, its safe to say roy cant manage.
        10 people liked this. Like Reply

        RedEnko 1 day ago
        These are a few of his comments today putting aside the total dross after the derby "Hopefully they will win some games", "If we can get in a better position" regarding Nando "There's obviously a dip in confidence" notice not a we are obviuosly playing too deep to get any service to him and "At the moment there is a bit of anxiety, but you see that with all forwards when they go through a spell not scoring goals."

        The time is now, not after 10 games not after xmas but RIGHT NOW.
        10 people liked this. Like Reply

        George _LFC forever! 20 hours ago
        We Need King Kinny as soon as possible!
        at least he is the only British manager who appreciates talented players!
        It's really unfair to play such a great talented player like F Torres under such mediocre manager like Roy Hodgson! Roy is just like Moyes,G Taylor,H Reddnap, and all other British managers fond of big physically strong players.Time has changed and there is a big difference between Football and Rugby!!
        Please let us unite and make our voice heard " We want the KING back"
        Only Manchester United fans who want us to give Roy more time!!!
        5 people liked this. Like Reply

        Sohail 17 hours ago
        Quite frankly, I am sick a tired of hearing nonsense about it being too early to sack Hodgson. This is nothing but a precursor to the "too big / good to go down" argument and we all know how that one ended up for Notts Forest, Leeds United, etc... If something isn't done soon, then going the way of a Leeds United is a very, very real possibility.

        There is a reason King Kenny threw his name into the hat for the managers position. He could not have been more blunt with his thoughts on the managerial options being considered. Ofcourse, he has been proven to be spot on.

        We are as good as BOTTOM OF THE LEAGUE and we fully deserve to be there. I would attribute our performances overwhelmingly to the tactical inadequacy of our manager rather than capability or form of our players.

        Torres is outnumbered and isolated from the rest of the team, more so because his teammates are being made to defend too deep. Where is the support on the pitch or for that matter off it when other managers are taking pot shots at him?

        Merieles and Cole, in particular, are playing out of position, so we can blame them no more for their lack of impact that we can blame Reina for his lack of goals scored.

        Where was the ambition against the "formidable" Northampton or Utrect? We had attacking options on the bench that might as well have stayed home and got a few games of Pro Evo 2011 on the PS3 !

        Finally, if Hodgsons absurd and shocking press conferences are anything to go by, I can only imagine how frustrating his team talks must be.

        Rather than asking is it too early to sack the manager, I am getting worried that it is quickly becoming more a question of is it already too late????

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #5
          Back to the debate about Team ? Is Roy vision of team the same as Rafa ? So when we throw that term team out there , remember whose lenses we are looking through .

          ahem Karl .

          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


          • #6
            limited funds? are you serious?!!! arsenal spend limited funds .....

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

