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From Jagga over so.

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  • From Jagga over so.

    In a brief chat with Theodore Whitmore this morning, I asked him what he thought of the game with Costa Rica. A very polite Whitmore said “It is the results that matters most. The team has some improving to do but overall they played together well”. He thought that the second half was the better half and that by following instructions the team was able to disrupt the short passing of Costa Rica and open them up for Jamaica to score.

    Whitmore also said he has a good group of players he is currently working with. They are not only talented but are loyal, committed and very hardworking. He is very pleased that there is no arguing between team members and that no one player has an attitude. With the respect for each other they are working better together.

    He said that the team is currently lacking a true leader, like a Peter Cargill or Anthony Corbett. Someone that can inspire, motivate and keep them together when they are on the field. He believes that finding that player will make a big difference to the team.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.