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US Soccer Federation Signs Bradley Through 2014 World Cup

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Zeppo View Post
    So you claim that the U.S. has gone backwards under Bradley, however we shouldn't look at the results he's achieved.

    OK, makes sense.
    I will tell you three 'games' I know off where what I tell happens - football, cricket and sprinting in T&F.

    You start making mistakes and it does not show up suddenly if you were 'top of your game' before.

    It happens over time. One day those who were not watching just come awake and realise the TEAM...the form is no longer there.

    Tell you one more likle ting Zeppo - It is easier for the teams or the players form to fall than to get to the top. So mark this page and talk to me as we go along during the time of Don Dadda Bradley.

    Sorry, Karl, but I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say in this paragraph. I honestly can't make heads or tails out of it.
    Forget it, boss!

    Anyway, your previous talk about the U.S. and Jamaica passing each other going in different directions is pure fantasy stuff. When your team fails to qualify for the Hex in the last two consecutive cycles a more realistic goal would be simply trying to catch up to be competitive with teams like Canada, El Salvador, T&T and Panama.
    To hope? To hope is fantasy?
    One day you will understand our belief that, man is man, is man!
    Yaaardman nuh fear nuh badi!

    Hey it was not too long ago that the USA! USA ..through your sprinters were saying - Jamaica beat us? NEVA!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #32
      Originally posted by Karl View Post
      I will tell you three 'games' I know off where what I tell happens - football, cricket and sprinting in T&F.

      You start making mistakes and it does not show up suddenly if you were 'top of your game' before.

      It happens over time. One day those who were not watching just come awake and realise the TEAM...the form is no longer there.
      Hmm. I could have sworn we were discussing soccer here.

      Anyway, this demonstrates that the U.S. has gone backwards under Bradley how, exactly.....??

      To hope? To hope is fantasy?
      One day you will understand our belief that, man is man, is man!
      Ah, so you weren't predicting that the U.S. and Jamaica will pass each other going in different directions -- it's just something you're hoping for!

      Never mind, then. Carry on!
      "Donovan was excellent. We knew he was a good player, but he really didn't do anything wrong in the whole game and made it difficult for us."
      - Xavi


      • #33
        in both cases they went farther than the US...so if you are impressed and happy with the US, ergo.....

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #34
          Originally posted by Zeppo View Post
          I have mixed feelings about this. It's generally not good to keep a coach for more than one WC cycle; statistically they do worse the second time around. I think it helps to get someone with new ideas in there. But at the same time you can't argue with the results that Bradley has gotten.

          As for Klinsmann, I'm not the least bit convinced. He has very little experience under his belt and what he has is, for me, not too terribly impressive. In Germany it is also generally understood that he is not a tactician -- he is more of a motivator and man-manager and leaves the tactics to his assistant.
          I agree with you about Klinsmann. I think he is a waste of time for the US. However I think rehiring Bradley is just as much a waste. He did well having the team punch above their weight during his 4 years. He deserves alot of credit. I was never a fan but cannot argue with his results at all. I think Sunil should have hired a Dominc Kinnear. I mean the guy year in and year out puts together very good teams together without the luxury of the "sexy" player. He would have been great fit. Get someone from MLS to rebuild again.

          Oh well what's done is done now our focus is to the "real" Gold Cup next year with a confederations cup place up for grabs. Probably not enough time to look at too many new players over the next year with those stakes. - T.K.
          No need to thank me forumites.

