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Apologies to Onandi Lowe

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  • Apologies to Onandi Lowe

    Sir Lowe I am asking you to please forgive me for not believing you and sticking up for you when you needed me most.

    Sir my sight was impaired and I didn't see the abuse that you were taking from the opposition and how it affected you.

    I should have been more forceful in my defense of you sir but I was blinded by "second-class" mentality.

    Today after watching the Chelsea vs Aston Villa game my appreciation for you and my amazement at your mental fortitude increased ten fold.

    I saw the best striker in the EPL and consumate professional Drogba get a yellow card for dissent

    I saw England International Ashley Cole also get a yellow card for dissent.

    I saw Makalele not only get a yellow card for dissent but made a reckless two foot tackle in frustration(around min 70 if unnu a watch the replay) that could have gotten him a red card.

    Now after watching the game closely I see where any ticky tacky foul on the "others" get called while Drogba and them would have to be mugged to get the call.

    Sir I saw how it threw these professional players off their game and even Essien almost lost his cool.

    Now I must say that I consider myself a Guru and a thinker and it pains me to humble myself and admit that I could see this in the world cup but not in the EPL or in your case.

    You see sir I was suffering from "second-class mentality"

    Mr Lowe many times I used to cuss you when you would get up and argue with the ref and I faied to stand in your defense but sir I must say that I was wrong and I feel stupid to not have seen it as my vision was impaired.

    Lowe you were the forerunner to all this and you carried yourself with dignity and class.

    Even when you were set-up I almost believed it and it shows how a nation divided is easily picked apart.

    Yardman you were right about the refs giving players like Fuller and Claude "easy" card as they want them to stay in their place.

    Yours respectfully
    Ras Shatta

  • #2
    RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

    Shatta, yuh fall off the bed recently and lick yuh head, or yuh jus' smokin some bad weed in that pipe of yours.

    Lowe is indiscipline and that is why he did not get further than he did in the game. Do not try to equate him with any of those illustrious players because they may make a one off mistake. You are obviously searching for a figure to worship. . .You gave up on the Pearl so now it is Onandi. Yuh pathetic fi true.
    "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


    • #3
      RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

      Saw this letter, and convinced it was written by Anancy. Lowe is where he is as a result of his own undoing. It would be a miracle if he gets another opportunity to restart his professional career.

      When it comes to football the man is a cancer to any professional football outfit.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

        Shatta? Shatta?!?!

        Okay, mi nah try dis. Give me a call so we can talk about this.



        • #5
          RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

          Was Lowe nutured and if so by whom?

          Was Lowe appreciated and defended when he was in the right?

          Nothing wrong with saying a player is indisciplined but thats not the point here, we are not talking about Lowe's career or his bout of indiscipline and in fact we are getting off the subject so lets get back on point shall we?

          Follow again please as I hate repeating myself as I am not talking to kids.

          What I am saying is that in games where Lowe was being mugged we owed it to the big man to stand up in his defense regardless of his past transgressions.

          Remember what we are talking about here is a REGGAEBOYZ player(why do I have to talk down to the man dem to get unnu to understand) who plays for Jamaica so when we call on the ref to treat Lowe fairly regardless of what we think of him that shouldnt' be a problem as thats something we should do for all our players?

          Thats part of seeking that competitive advantage and regardless of what we think of Lowe we need to be intelligent enough to separate the two.

          Is that so difficult to do or do I need to go even Lowe-r so that the man dem can get my point?

          I know the above isn't nice but thats what happens when people dont' take the time to read carefully, don't let it happen again!



          • #6
            RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

            Shatta Cleve (1/3/2007)

            What I am saying is that in games where Lowe was being mugged we owed it to the big man to stand up in his defense regardless of his past transgressions.
            Who didn't side with Lowe when he was being mugged? Why wouldn't we?! But just because he was being mugged doesn't mean that whatever happens after that is justified and should be supported. Or does it?

            How do you excuse his reaction to Simoes in that memorable Mexico match when Lowe practically told his coach, go to hell! (or whatever the Jamaican equivalent)? Was he being mugged by Simoes as well?

            It's called personal responsibility, Shatta. Personal accountability. Some of us have to take it up sometimes!

            At what point do you say to Saddam, yes they tried to assassinate you, but you should not have gassed whole villages so-so-suh!



            • #7
              RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

              (Clap)(Clap)(Clap) to Shatta's original post...(Clap)(Clap)(Clap) as phil jackson said about kobe... sometimes it became a habit to blame kobe even when he was not a transgressor... i think the same applies to nandi...

              that said, it doesnt mean he didnt have his faults and could have exercised more personal discipline, but we had witnessed improvements prior to his unfortunate drug arrest... that was a person screaming for help and encouragement and hardly got any until he succumbed to his ailments...

              mosiah, as an allegedly intelligent man, i am expecting you to know this... disappointed that u are pretending to be ignorant of the true cause of nandi's failings...
              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


              • #8
                RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                Baddaz (1/3/2007)mosiah, as an allegedly intelligent man, i am expecting you to know this... disappointed that u are pretending to be ignorant of the true cause of nandi's failings...
                "The true cause of Nandi's failings" - sounds like a 19th century novel.

                Yes, i may indeed be ignorant of this. Can you enlighten?

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                  why are we discussing nandi? Shatta look like him bored...


                  • #10
                    RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                    OJ I outlined why I am discussing Nandi in my post.

                    It is my opinion that we need to be more vocal in defense of our players when they are being unfairly treated by the ref.

                    I noted how the USA coach defended Claudio Reyna when he got into it with Prendergast.

                    Looking at the past world cup and the EPL I see a trend in the tactics being utilised to stop the Africans and I fully expect those tactics to be used in the upcoming qualifiers.

                    Our Administration have never been known for the foresight and vision so I am giving them a heads up so that they don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

                    OJ is there something wrong with that? If so please point it out so I can correct it.

                    As a man involved in football I respect your opinion so I await your response.

                    Any attempt to go around my point will be met with a sharp rebuke so I wouldn't advise anyone to try it.



                    • #11
                      RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                      Dont know what you know about lowe and from where you know him. Even Lowe ardent Dunoon Tech teamates and bredin will say you can take Nandi out of Fort but cant tek the fort out of him. From school days when he would kickoff the pot after he was not allowed to eat becasue he did not train. He would say nuh man caant eat then. Dont try to defend what you dont know. Yes some of lowe transgression is maginified because he is an easy player to wind up. step on is foot , punch him in his belly off the ball and you can gurantee he is going to get you even if the ref is looking. Now let me say this Van perse of arsenal , is a player who when wind up react like a hothead and i am sure you have heard Wegner coaxing him to be more mature at times and dont get caught up. When Rene left the brazilians in charge and not CB what did Lowe do. When he was ask to play central defender in Mexico what did he do. When he wanted out of HView what did he do. When he played for the montreal impact what did he do.. Man if you dont know just ASK and stop painting your picture and feel like a suh it go. Lowe is a great striker and one of the most technically complete player from the region but at times he has brain cramps.


                      • #12
                        RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                        Is Rooney a hothead?

                        Again it seems as if no one reads around here so I will leave this alone because its not worth my time. In due course we will see where this ends up like the book "To Kill a mockingbird"

                        The point is that regardless of how we feel about a player as long as he has on a reggaeboyz jersey and is being unfairly singled out for harsh treatment we need to defend him and if we feel like he is easily wind up and wrong then drop him. Again let me repeat that if we feel like he is a detriment to the team drop him from the team.

                        If he plays for us and an isn't getting calls that should go his way we need to speak out on that and if Latin refs aren't giving us a fair shot then we need to speak up and be vocal because today for Nandi tomorrow for our girls in the Gold Cup with penalties not being called.

                        IF people feel like dem can take step and liberty with you then there is no telling how far they will go but I guess me not knowing Nandi means I can't be logical in my thinking.



                        • #13
                          RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                          ok. this makes sense

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                            When you communicate and everyone miss what you are trying to say, then it is a case of the readers can't read and comprehend? You ever consider that it might be a problem of the writer?
                            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                            • #15
                              RE: Apologies to Onandi Lowe

                              Lowe and his breds , lol what about C.Davis and the JFF (im dun rich already) or M.K and the JFF (expletives to the JFF president) none of them I condone because they could have all taken the high road.Keep it in context comments made to the head of a professional entity or around said enviroment and a kid kicking up rumpus.Ask his same breds who they would want to be on the field in a do or die game , the game that says its us against the world.

                              Is it uncommon for youths to rebel against coaches in Jamaica? I have seen , witnessed and heard many a transgression , that would make kicking food off a pot look like a joke , which to me is!

                              Lowe vs club which player hasnt rebelled against club ? which? some are treated with kid gloves some arent , it will be interested to note that Lowe has always got what he wished for or he walked, and it hasnt affected his playing carrear one bit on the contrary.When MLS put a 1 million dollar bountyon his head before being traded to R &D what did he do , he sat !, I dont expect any change in his behaviour if he makes any demand for his percieved professional benefit.

                              You all want to hold Rene and the MEX fiasco over his head? the same T.D that accepted full responsibility for the loss andbanished Lowe, welcomed himback with open arms in less than 6 months and took him to WC 98 .The same man was called upon when the gang of 5 (UB40)wenton a rum rage a certain starlight of the jamaican media was involved ,it is said he plays football like cricket always has the touch and run rate rate but no or few goals.

                              When Clovis asked why do you play Lowe , his answer was simple (he scores goals) incidentally he wasnt a discipline problem to clovis , and his only transgression against Rene was the Mex issue.So what is this beef with Lowe?

                              To me its dead, nothing but a bitter media and fan base that doesnt understand what he brings to the table.

                              Lets face it strikers like Lowe arent respected in Jamaica, number one the refs dont protect them , number 2 his game is power not flare .I remember well up to this day some here will argue that Lowe plays like a cluts (clumsy).They dont rate his touch and run rate , glad you did , but most here dont get it.To9 get the most out of Lowe you need a midfielder thatsimply sprays passes and wingers that square the ball in the air.Leave him up front by himself he will put the teamon his shoulders and carry it all by himself.Which he did in 2002.

                              Jamaica doesnt like , respect , value or care for power strikers.Impotents like Fuller will alawys get a bly.

                              To me the argument is done , i await patiently to see what Bora does with Lowe , he has seen him play for the psat X years as our adversary for MEX, USA C.Rica and Honduras.
                              THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                              "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                              "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

