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Let me see if this other cricket side will give...

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  • Let me see if this other cricket side will give...

    ...Italy any trouble....less than a 2-0 victory will no impress me.

  • #2
    1-1 at the half....was the first goal offside Karl? Was the penalty warranted? The Referees are not being consistent...sm sides get away with murder....seems its back to the old paradigm now though....support the big sides.


    • #3
      I thought the first goal was offside , but only AFTER I saw the replay... had the ball gone directly to the striker he would have been onside. I suspect the linesman checked the players' position on the freekick and saw no one off... then the man headed the ball on putting the forward off...and the linesman missed it.

      There was no foul on the penalty; the shirt tug didn't bring him down
      Peter R


      • #4
        Originally posted by Exile View Post
        1-1 at the half....was the first goal offside Karl? Was the penalty warranted? The Referees are not being consistent...sm sides get away with murder....seems its back to the old paradigm now though....support the big sides.
        Off-side? Looked that way...

        Penalty? We have seen some of these given and some not! He did have the man's shirt!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

